Additional Scenario Configuration

This page aims to give you a brief overview of additional simulators and visualizers that can be used with Eclipse MOSAIC. For this the Steglitz scenario from “Create a new Scenario”-Tutorial is being used. For more detailed explanations of the configurations have a look at the overview.
If you already played with the Barnim-tutorial, you probably noticed that it contains far more folders in the scenario structure compared to the Steglitz example. Those additional directories contain configurations for various simulators.

└─ Barnim
   ├─ application
   ├─ cell
   ├─ environment
   ├─ mapping
   ├─ ns3
   ├─ output
   ├─ sns
   ├─ sumo
   └─ scenario_config.json .................. General configuration of the simulation scenario

Let the cars loose

As a starting point we’ll look at the scenario that we created using this command: --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm --generate-routes
--route-begin-latlon 52.4551693,13.3193474 --route-end-latlon 52.4643101,13.3206834 --max-number-of-routes 3

We’ll end up with a folder looking like this:

└─ steglitz
   ├─ application
   |  └─ steglitz.db
   ├─ mapping
   |  └─ mapping_config.json
   ├─ sumo
   |  ├─
   |  └─ steglitz.sumocfg
   └─ scenario_config.json .................. General configuration of the simulation scenario

If you have a look in the mapping_config.json, you can see that the scenario-convert script automatically assigns cars to the three routes created. You can use this file as a blueprint for your own scenario, have a look here to get more details on possible adaptions.
Below is a short video of the scenario displayed in the SUMO-GUI. We marked the three different routes the cars follow.

Communication Simulators (cell, ns3, omnetpp, sns)

We won’t implement any functionality for the steglitz example here but rather have a look at the Barnim-tutorial. In the scenario_config.json of the Barnim scenario you can see where the communication simulators are activated:

"federates": {
    "cell": false,
    "omnetpp": false,
    "ns3": false,
    "sns": true

Our tutorials and additional examples demonstrate use cases for communication usages and you should have a look at them if you are uncertain where to start. Furthermore we recommend copying the configuration-files for the simulator you are going to use from the Barnim scenario. It contains the most complete configurations and is well maintained.
If you are an expert with one of the external network simulators ( ns3, OMNeT++) the Barnim scenario will also give you an overview on how to configure those.

Other Simulators

In order to employ other simulators for the scenario, make sure to have it enabled in the scenario_config.json.

Environment Simulator

The Environment Simulator can be used to emit events to vehicles inside predefined borders. In the Barnim scenario the Environment Simulator is used to simulate an icy area, which is then noticed by the sensors of equipped vehicles.
Every defined event requires a type, a defined geographical area (e.g. circular, rectangular), the strength and a time frame. Have a look at the environment_config.json to see how this can be configured.

Battery Simulator

The Battery Simulator allows to simulate discharging and recuperation of electric vehicles, and in connection with the Charging Station Simulator also re-charging. It offers a lot of customization, as you can dynamically load your own battery, vehicle and environment models. Have a look a the battery_config.json, taken from the Barnim scenario.

Charging Station Simulator

The Charging Station Simulator extends the modeling possibilities of the Battery Simulator for re-charging. Since Charging Stations are also application units in the Application Simulator, most of the configuration and modeling is provided by mapping a possible application to the charging station. Accordingly, the charging_config.json covers, with the charging station range, merely one parameter.


There are various options to generate output results of your simulations (see the Visualization chapter).

The first step is to create a file called output_config.xml in a new directory called output. If you used the scenario-convert tool the file should be generated automatically.

└─ steglitz
   ├─ application
   |  └─ steglitz.db
   ├─ mapping
   |  └─ mapping_config.json
   ├─ output
   |  └─ output_config.xml
   ├─ sumo
   |  ├─
   |  └─ steglitz.sumocfg
   └─ scenario_config.json .................. General configuration of the simulation scenario

Example configuration for output generation can be taken from the example scenarios from the tutorials section.

Finally, make sure the visualization federate is activated in the scenario_config.json.