Scenario-Convert Tool

scenario-convert does not belong do the open-source part of Eclipse MOSAIC and must be obtained separately.

Yet, you can use scenario-convert for free to generate scenarios which are executable with Eclipse MOSAIC. Get it here.

Download scenario-convert from DCAITI mirror
  1. Download the bundle from the mirror above.
  2. Extract the package to an arbitrary path. It is recommended to extract the package in the very same directory as MOSAIC (<mosaic-root>).
  3. Use the call scenario-convert.bat/sh on the command line to execute the tool.

Usage of scenario-convert

The Create a new Scenario Tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the scenario-convert tool.

The following listing shows an overview for the usage of scenario-convert:

usage: scenario-convert [OPERATION] [OPTIONS]

1. Import an osm file and write data into database
   > scenario-convert --osm2db -i <OSMFILE> [-d <DATABASE>]
2. Export database content to SUMO-readable files
   > scenario-convert --db2sumo -d <DATABASE> [-s <SUMOPREFIX>]
3. Import a SUMO routefile into a database
   > scenario-convert --sumo2db -d <DATABASE> -i <ROUTEFILE>.rou.xml
4. Combine steps 1 and 2
   > scenario-convert --osm2sumo -d <DATABASE> -i <OSMFILE> [-s <SUMOPREFIX>]
5. Export db content to GeoJson files (e.g., for visualization)
   > scenario-convert --db2geojson -d <DATABASE>
6. Import an srtm file and write elevation data to nodes of an existing database
   > scenario-convert --srtm2db -i <SRTMFILE> -d <DATABASE>
7. Create a complete MOSAIC scenario from an osm file
   > scenario-convert --osm2mosaic -i <OSMFILE>
8. Create a scenario database from a SUMO net file
   > scenario-convert --sumo2db -i <NETFILE>.net.xml --import-zone 33n
9. Calculate a route from node 123 to node 456
   > scenario-convert --generate-routes -d <DATABASE> --route-begin-node-id 123 --route-end-node-id 456

The following arguments are available:
 -h,--help                                 Prints this help screen.

 -c,--config-file <PATH>                   Optional, refers to a configuration file which contains all parameters in
                                           JSON format.
    --osm2db                               Converts a OpenStreetMap file to a new scenario database.
    --sumo2db                              Imports a SUMO Network/Routefile. Be aware, that creating a scenario based on
                                           a Network file is not fully compatible with MOSAIC.
    --srtm2db                              Imports an SRTM file and writes elevation data to nodes.
    --db2sumo                              Exports the network to SUMO node and edge files.
    --db2geojson                           Exports the database into GeoJSON format.
    --db2mosaic                            Creates directory structure for a MOSAIC scenario based on the database
    --osm2sumo                             Combination of osm2db and db2sumo.
    --osm2mosaic                           Combination of osm2db and db2mosaic.
    --update                               Updates the database to the current scheme.

 -d,--database <PATH>                      The path to the database.
                                           For import: File to import to. If not given, a new file is created.
                                           For export: File to load from.
                                           For update operations: file to update.
 -i,--input <PATH>                         Defines an input file to use in an import. File type depends on the import
                                           operation (OSM File/Database file/SUMO net file/SUMO rou file).
 -s,--sumo-prefix <STRING>                 Prefix for the generated sumo files  (uses database name when not defined).
 -f,--force                                Force overwrite of existing files instead of incrementing file names.
 -m,--mapping-file <PATH>                  Uses the given mapping configuration to export existing vehicleTypes and
                                           vehicles data to *.rou.xml.
    --import-lat <DOUBLE>                  Center latitude of imported region to project coordinates.
    --import-lon <DOUBLE>                  Center longitude of imported region to project coordinates.
    --import-zone <STRING>                 UTM zone of location for projecting coords in default format (e.g. 32u).

 -g,--generate-routes                      Generates route(s) from one point to another. The begin and end for the route
                                           must be known (see below options). All generated routes will be added to the
    --clear-routes                         Clear route(s) from the database before adding new ones during route
                                           generation (only with --generate-routes).
    --route-begin-lat <DOUBLE>             Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lon as well.
    --route-begin-lon <DOUBLE>             Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lat as well.
    --route-begin-latlon <DOUBLE,DOUBLE>   [latitude],[longitude] of the starting point.
    --route-begin-node-id <STRING>         OSM node id of the starting point (use instead of lat/lon).
    --route-end-lat <DOUBLE>               Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lon as well.
    --route-end-lon <DOUBLE>               Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lat as well.
    --route-end-latlon <DOUBLE,DOUBLE>     [latitude],[longitude] of the ending point.
    --route-end-node-id <STRING>           OSM node id of the ending point (use instead of lat/lon).
    --route-matrix <STRING,STRING,...>     Calculates all possible routes starting and ending at the given nodes, given
                                           as comma-separated list (e.g. 12345,87123,89123)
    --max-number-of-routes <INTEGER>       Defines the maximum number of routes to be calculated, including the best route and alternatives (default=1 - only best route).

    --import-buildings                     Activates import of building information (only with osm2xxx).
    --skip-osm-filter                      Skips automatic filtering of the OSM file (only with osm2xxx).
    --skip-turn-restrictions               Ignore all defined turn restrictions on OSM import.
    --split-connections                    Connections are built for each adjacent node during OSM Import instead of
                                           having geometry nodes. This results in much larger networks.
    --skip-graph-cleanup                   Turns off the removal of unconnected parts from the main traffic network
                                           graph . Since several components of MOSAIC require one main graph without
                                           disconnected ways and nodes, this option should be used only if the cleanup
                                           procedure is faulty.
    --skip-netconvert                      Skips starting sumo netconvert for creating netfile (only with xxx2sumo).
    --skip-traffic-lights-export           Skips exporting traffic light information for nodes (only with xxx2sumo).
    --osm-speeds-file <PATH>               Define a property file which contains speed information which are used to set
                                           the speed for OSM ways without a max speed tag (only with osm2xxx).
    --osm-speeds-overwrite                 If set to true , the maxspeed tags of ways are ignored and replaced by either
                                           default values , or by speed information defined via the --osm-speeds-file
                                           option (only with osm2xxx).

Configuration-files for scenario-convert

Scenario-convert offers a way to safe your conversion-parameters in a JSON configuration file using the option -c or --config-file.
The following listing shows how to save the options used in the example above:

  "operatingMode": "osm2mosaic",
  "inputFile": "steglitz.osm",
  "executeOsmosis": true,
  "generateRoutes": true,
  "routeBeginLatLon": "52.457616,13.318392",
  "routeEndLatLon": "52.454774,13.333554",
  "numberOfRoutes": 3


Below you can find a properties file which can be used during the import of OSM data in order to define speeds for ways, which do not have a maxspeeds-tag defined. For this purpose use the option --osm-speeds-file <FILE>. In the speed properties file, for each way type a speed value can be defined, according to the OSM highway key.

# the unit the speed values are defined in [kmh, ms]
speed.unit = kmh

# the default speed for all way types which are not defined here
speed.default = 30
# autobahn
highway.motorway = 130
highway.motorway_link = 70

# bundesstrasse (germany)
highway.trunk = 70
highway.trunk_link = 65

# linking bigger town
highway.primary = 65
highway.primary_link = 60

# linking towns + villages
highway.secondary = 60
highway.secondary_link = 50

#streets without middle line separation
highway.tertiary = 50
highway.tertiary_link = 40
highway.residential = 30

#special roads
highway.living_street = 5
highway.service = 20

# unclassified roads
highway.unclassified = 30
highway.road = 20

# forest tracks
highway.track 15