All Classes
Class | Description |
AbsoluteLayout |
A layout manager that lays out child controls in absolute positions.
AbstractBorderPainter |
Abstract implementation of BorderPainter providing implementation of helper
AbstractButtonPainter | |
AbstractColorManager | |
AbstractColorManager | |
AbstractColorManager | |
AbstractCombo |
Abstract class for combo widgets composed of a
Text , a
Button and a popup associated to the button. |
AbstractDataProvider |
This gives the most common implementation of the
interface. |
AbstractEffect |
Abstract implementation for an effect.
AbstractEffect |
Abstract implementation for IEffect.
AbstractEventEditor | |
AbstractFormatter |
Base class of formatters.
AbstractGalleryGroupRenderer |
Base class used to implement a custom gallery group renderer.
AbstractGalleryItemRenderer |
Base class used to implement a custom gallery item renderer.
AbstractGanttEvent | |
AbstractGridGroupRenderer |
Abstract class which provides low-level support for a grid-based group.
AbstractGridRowLayout | |
AbstractGroupStrategy |
AbstractGroupStrategy is a convenient starting point for all
AbstractInternalWidget |
AbstractIterator |
An abstract PrintIterator class which maintains references to the device and
gc arguments passed to
Print.iterator(Device, GC) . |
AbstractLanguageManager | |
AbstractLanguageManager | |
AbstractLinearMarkedFigure |
Abstract linear marked figure.
AbstractMarkedWidgetFigure |
Base figure for a widget based on
AbstractMarkedWidgetModel . |
AbstractMovement |
Abstract implementation of IMovement.
AbstractMovement |
Abstract implementation of IMovement.
AbstractNativeHeader |
Class AbstractHeader.
AbstractPage |
Base implementation of an abstract page, eg something that owns an swt
AbstractPageControllerComposite |
Classes which implement this interface are SWT
Composite which must
observe changed of a pagination controller to react and update the UI
according the change of the pagination controller. |
AbstractPageControllerSelectionListener<T extends PageableController> |
Abstract class
SelectionListener implementation for Widget
which needs update pagination controller. |
AbstractPaginationWidget<W extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget> |
Abstract class SWT
Composite which host a SWT Widget linked
to a pagination controller to display data with pagination. |
AbstractPaintManager | |
AbstractPictureControl<T extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control> |
Picture Control gives you the capability to display an image picture in a SWT
Label and change it with "Modify" Link.
AbstractPiece |
An abstract PrintPiece class.
AbstractPTWidget |
This abstract class contains all common methods for widgets that are part of
a property table
AbstractRenderer |
AbstractRenderer |
AbstractRenderer |
AbstractRoundRampedFigure |
Abstract figure with a round ramp and a round scale.
AbstractScale |
The abstract scale has the common properties for linear(straight) scale and
round scale.
AbstractScale.LabelSide |
ticks label's position relative to tick marks
AbstractScaledWidgetFigure |
Base figure for a widget based on
AbstractScaledWidgetModel . |
AbstractSelectableRow |
An abstract row class making it easy to implement a table where the whole
row is selected at once.
AbstractSettings | |
AbstractSettings | |
AbstractSettings | |
AbstractSortableHeader |
Class AbstractSortableHeader.
AbstractSortColumnSelectionListener |
Abstract class to sort a widget (table tree etc...) column by using the
attached pagination controller of the SWT parent (table tree...).
AbstractToolItemRenderer |
Base implementation for rendering ToolItems in the header
AbstractUndoRedoCommand |
Parent class of all Undo/Redo commands.
Activator |
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
AdaptedDataVisualizer |
A basic implementation of the DataVisualizer interface.
AddAnnotationCommand |
The undoable command to add an annotation.
AddAnnotationDialog |
The dialog for adding annotation.
AdvancedPath |
AdvancedPath, a Path object that contains extra paths
AdvancedTooltip | |
AdvancedTooltipDialog | |
AlignIterator | |
AlignmentStyle |
Alignment style information that is extracted out of the style attribute of span, ul and ol tags.
AlignPrint |
A wrapper print that aligns its target vertically and/or horizontally.
AlphaEffect |
Set the alpha value of a Shell
AlphaLabel |
A label whose background could be set with alpha.
AnalogClockPainter | |
AnalogTimePicker | |
AnimationRunner |
An animation runner which can run only one effect at the same time.
AnimationRunner |
An animation runner which can run only one effect at the same time.
Annotation |
Annotation Figure.
Annotation.CursorLineStyle | |
AnnotationConfigPage |
This will help to create the necessary widgets to configure an annotation's
AnnotationMemento |
The memento to save the properties of an annotation
ArrayTreeContentProvider | |
AsyncImage |
An async image that loads itself in the background on an image-fetcher
Axis |
The axis figure.
AxisConfigPage |
This will help to create the necessary widgets to configure an axis's
AxisMemento |
The memento to save the properties of an axis.
AxisPanOrZoomCommand |
The undo command for panning or zooming one axis.
BackgroundIterator | |
BackgroundPiece | |
BackgroundPrint |
A decorator that paints a background color behind it's target.
BadgedLabel |
Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that
displays a string or image.
BarChartExample |
Bar Chart Example
BaseCombo |
The AbstractCombo is an abstract class which provides the basic functionality
for a button with a DROP_DOWN, or "popup", shell component.
BaseFocusControlListener<T extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control> |
Abstract class that contains code for the FocusLost, FocusGained and
ControlResized events
BaseLED |
Abstract class for LED and Double dots LED.
BasePointStyleProvider | |
BasicGridLookPainter |
A abstract GridLookPainter which simplifies implementation of custom
BeanComparator |
Implementation of
Comparator to compare POJO. |
BeanUtils |
Utilities to retrieves values of POJO with the property name.
BigDecimalFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
BigDecimal values in a FormattedText . |
BigIntegerFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
BigInteger values in a FormattedText . |
BigIterator | |
BigPiece | |
BigPrint |
A wrapper for prints whose minimum size is too large to fit on one page.
BlackNavigationPageGraphicsConfigurator |
Navigation page configurator to configure navigation page with black theme.
BlueNavigationPageGraphicsConfigurator |
Navigation page configurator to configure navigation page with blue theme.
BlurredPanel |
Instances of this class are controls located on the top of a shell.
Body | |
BoldPaintInstruction | |
BooleanStyleProvider |
Example StyleProvider for boolean elements...
Border |
Interface for drawing borders, used by BorderPaint and GridPrint for drawing
borders a child print and grid cells, respectively.
BorderIterator | |
BorderPainter |
Interface for calculating and drawing borders in a BorderPrint.
BorderPiece | |
BorderPrint |
A decorator that draws a border around the target print.
BounceOut |
Bounces at the end like a falling ball on the floor.
BounceOut | |
BranchRenderer |
Renders the tree branch hierarchy for a
GridColumn |
Breadcrumb |
Instances of this class support the layout of selectable bar items displayed
in a bread crumb.
BreadcrumbItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
represents an item of a breadcrumb.
BreakIterator | |
BreakPrint |
A print which inserts a page break (or a column break, if inside a
Bulb |
A bulb figure, which could be used for knob, LED etc.
ButtonListenerAdapter | |
ButtonsTester | |
ByteArrayOutputStream |
This class implements an output stream in which the data is
written into a byte array.
ByteArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for byte[].
Calculator |
Instances of this class are calculator.
CalculatorButtonsBehaviourEngine | |
CalculatorButtonsComposite |
This composite contains all buttons
CalculatorCombo |
The CalculatorCombo class represents a selectable user interface object that
combines a text field and a calculator buttons panel and issues notification
when an the value is modified.
CalculatorEngine |
This is the calculator engine
CalendarableItem |
This class represents an event that can be displayed on a calendar.
CalendarableItemEvent |
Instances of this class are sent as a result of
events such insertion, deletion, or disposal of
CalendarableItem objects.
CalendarableItemEventHandler |
Abstract class CalendarableItemEventHandler.
CalendarableModel |
Represents the model behind the calendar control.
CalendarableSelectionChangeListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods
that deal with the events that are generated when selection
occurs in a control.
CalendarCombo |
CalendarCombo - SWT Widget - 2005-2008.
CalendarComboTester | |
CalendarComposite | |
CalendarDateParseException | |
CalendarListenerAdapter | |
Carousel |
Instances of this class represent a "Carousel".
CComboFocusControlListener |
Focus/Control listener for a CCombo widget
CDatePanel | |
CDateTime |
The CDateTime provides both textual and graphical means selecting a
As with other combo type widgets, there are three basic styles: Text only (default) Graphical only (CDT.SIMPLE) Combo - a text selector with a drop-down graphical selector (CDT.DROP_DOWN) |
CDateTimeBuilder |
Contains factory methods for the
CDateTime widget. |
CDateTimeCellEditor | |
CDateTimeElement | |
CDateTimeElementProvider | |
CDateTimeObservableValue |
An implementation of the DataBindings IObservableValue interface for the
Nebula CDateTime control.
CDateTimePainter | |
CDateTimePropertyHandler | |
CDateTimeSelectionProvider | |
CDateTimeValueProperty | |
This class provides access to the the public constants provided by the
CDateTime widget.
CDT.Key | |
CDT.PickerPart | |
CDT.PickerType | |
CellBackgroundProvider |
Instances of this interface provide background colors to be drawn behind
cells in a grid.
CellEditDescriptor |
description object to define which control, which swtStyle, which inputField and which inputType
CellSelection |
CenterLayout | |
CheckBoxGroup |
Instances of this class provide an etched border with a title and a checkbox.
CheckBoxRenderer |
A checkbox renderer.
CheckEditingSupport |
ChevronsToggleRenderer |
A dual chevron toggle strategy that shows two chevrons facing upwards when
expanded (thus clueing the user to click the chevrons to collapse) and two
chevrons facing downwards when collapsed.
Chips |
Instances of this class represent a "chips".
ChoiceItem |
Instances of this class are choice items used by the choice widget
ChoiceWidget |
Instance of this class are composite that represents a choice like in Windows
Vista and Seven.
CircleAnnotation |
Variation of annotation that is represented as a circle with a diameter of
eight pixels.
CircularBuffer<T> |
A particular circular buffer.
CircularBufferDataProvider |
Provides data to a trace.
CircularBufferDataProvider.PlotMode | |
CircularBufferDataProvider.UpdateMode | |
ClippedCircularBufferDataProvider |
CircularBufferDataProvider with a limited window on the trace data
for computing data ranges. |
ClosedInputStream |
Closed input stream.
CloseEvent |
Instances of this class are sent as a result of
widgets being closed.
CloseListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods
that deal with the events that are generated when a Chips widget is closed.
ClusteredCommand |
One command to handle many sub-commands, such as a multi-drag/drop etc.
CollapsibleButtons |
CollapsibleButtonsWidget - SWT/JFace Widget - 2005-2007.
CollectionsUtil | |
CollectionsUtil.CastOption | |
ColorCache | |
ColorCache | |
ColorCache | |
ColorMap |
Color Map data type.
ColorMap.PredefinedColorMap | |
ColorMapRamp |
The color map figure which can be used as the ramp of intensity graph.
ColorMapRampExample |
A live updated Intensity Graph example
ColorThemeGrayBlue | |
ColorThemeHighContrastBlack | |
ColorThemeSilver | |
ColorThemeWindowsBlue | |
ColorTuple |
A color Tuple which include a double value and rgb value.
ColumnBrowserWidget |
Instances of this class provide a data browser similar to the ones used in
Mac OS X.
ColumnControlListener | |
ColumnData |
Provides for xml packing/unpacking of columns
ColumnDateFilter | |
ColumnFilterData |
Storage for column filters
ColumnFilterDataUI |
UI for the display of column filter data
ColumnFilterDialog | |
ColumnItem |
Instances of this object are items manipulated by the ColumnBrowser widget.
ColumnIterator | |
ColumnMultiEditAction | |
ColumnPrint |
A wrapper Print which splits its child print into multiple columns.
ComboFocusControlListener |
Focus/Control listener for a Combo widget
CompositeEntry |
An entry in a CompositePiece.
CompositePiece |
A composite PrintPiece for displaying child PrintPieces.
CompositeTable |
Class CompositeTable. n. (1) An SWT virtual table control that extends
Composite. (2) An SWT virtual table control that is composed of many
Composites, each representing a header or a row, one below the other.
CompositeTableLayout |
(non-API) An abstract superclass for all layout managers in the
CompositeTable package.
CompoundGanttChartPrinter |
This class is used to print multiple GanttCharts at once.
CompoundViewPortHandler | |
CompoundZoomHandler | |
ComprehensiveExample |
A Comprehensive Example
Constants | |
CrossAnnotation |
Variation of annotation that is represented as a cross with an arm length of
five pixels.
CrossFadeEffect |
Cross fade images in a target object.
CrossFadeEffect.IImageObject | |
CSSEngineHelper | |
CSSEngineHelper | |
CSSEngineHelper | |
CSSEngineHelper | |
CSSShelfRenderer |
Renderer which consults the CSS stylesheet to retrieve colors
CTreeCombo | |
CTreeComboColumn |
Instances of this class represent a column in a ctreecombo widget.
CTreeComboItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object
that represents a hierarchy of tree items in a ctreecombo widget.
CTreeComboViewer |
A concrete viewer based either on an SWT
CTreeCombo control. |
CTreeComboViewerRow |
CTreeComboViewerRow represents items in a CTreeCombo widget.
CubicRotationTransition |
A cubic rotation effect.
CursorCache | |
CursorCache | |
CursorFigure | |
CursorLayer | |
CursorMover | |
CursorTimingsLayer | |
CustomButton | |
CustomCombo |
The CustomCombo class represents a selectable user interface object that combines
a text field and a list and issues notification when an item is selected from
the list.
CustomizationDataSelectionDialog |
Provides dialog for saving table customizations.
CustomizeData |
Single customization object storing name, id, sort, filter and column filter
CustomizeDataImages | |
CustomizeDataLabelProvider |
Generic Label Provider showing Descriptive Name as text
CustomizeManager |
This manages the default table column definitions versus the user modified column data, sorter and filters.
DarkPanel |
Instances of this class are controls located on the top of a shell.
DataVisualizer |
Manages the visual data of the
GridItem s. |
DateChooser |
Calendar widget.
DateChooserCombo |
DateChooserCombo widget.
DateChooserComboCellEditor |
A cell editor that manages a date field, using a DateChooserCombo.
DateChooserComboObservableValue | |
DateChooserObservableValue | |
DateChooserTheme |
Theme for
DateChooser widgets. |
DateFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Date values in a
FormattedText , restricting the edit and display to the time part. |
DateHelper | |
DateHelper | |
DatePicker | |
DateRange |
Represents one Date Range
DateRangeType | |
DateSelectionDialog | |
DateTimeFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Date values in a
FormattedText . |
DateUtil | |
DAxesFactory |
IAxesFactory that produces Diamond Light Source alternative DAxis |
DAxis |
The Diamond Light Source implementation of the axis figure.
Day |
An SWT custom control representing a single day in a month-mode calendar.
DayEditor |
A DayEditor is an SWT control that can display events on a time line that can
span one or more days.
DayEditorCalendarableItemControl |
Represents a graphical item inside a multi-day event editor.
DayEditorSelection |
Class DayEditorSelection.
DebugIterator | |
DebugPiece | |
DebugPrint | Deprecated.
Reminder to remove references to DebugPrint when you're done
debugging a print job.
Decorator<T,U> |
This abstract base class represents a decorator and handles reference counting.
DecoratorColor<T> |
Decorator for colors
DecoratorColorConstant<T> |
Decorator that returns a constant color
DecoratorColorGradient<T> |
A decorator that uses a color gradient
DecoratorInteger<T> |
Decorator for line widths
DecoratorIntegerConstant<T> |
A decorator that returns a constant integer
DecoratorListener |
A decorator listener.
DecoratorString<T> |
Decorator for labels
DecoratorStringToString<T> |
A decorator that calls toString() on the element wrapped by a tile.
DefaultAxesFactory |
IAxesFactory just produces standard Axis |
DefaultBottomLeftRenderer |
The renderer for the empty top left area when both column and row headers are
DefaultButtonPainter | |
DefaultCellBackgroundProvider |
Default implementation of the CellBackgroundProvider interface.
DefaultCellRenderer |
The renderer for a cell in Grid.
DefaultColorManager | |
DefaultColorManager | |
DefaultColorManager | |
DefaultColumnFooterRenderer |
The column footer renderer.
DefaultColumnGroupHeaderRenderer |
The column group header renderer in Grid.
DefaultColumnHeaderRenderer |
The column header renderer.
DefaultDropPointRenderer |
A renderer which displays the drop point location affordance when dragging columns.
DefaultEmptyCellRenderer |
The empty cell renderer.
DefaultEmptyColumnFooterRenderer |
A renderer for the last empty column header.
DefaultEmptyColumnHeaderRenderer |
A renderer for the last empty column header.
DefaultEmptyRowHeaderRenderer |
The empty row header renderer.
DefaultEntityReplacer |
Default implementation of
EntityReplacer that knows about the most common HTML entities. |
DefaultEventFactory | |
DefaultFocusRenderer |
The focus item renderer - renders over the completely drawn table.
DefaultFormatterFactory |
Factory for the default formatters.
DefaultGalleryGroupRenderer |
Default group renderer used by the Gallery widget.
DefaultGalleryItemRenderer |
Default item renderer used by the Gallery widget.
DefaultGridLook |
A GridLook which draws a border around grid cells, with configurable
background colors for body, header, and footer cells.
DefaultGridLookPainter | |
DefaultGridMargins | |
DefaultInsertMarkRenderer |
A renderer which paints the insert mark feedback during drag & drop.
DefaultLanguageManager | |
DefaultLanguageManager | |
DefaultMouseHandler |
Implements default interactive behavior, with support for panning and
DefaultPageNumberFormat |
The default PageNumberFormat used by PageNumberPrints.
DefaultPaintManager | |
DefaultRowHeaderRenderer |
The row header renderer.
DefaultSettings | |
DefaultSettings | |
DefaultSettings | |
DefaultSortProcessor |
Default implementation of sort.
DefaultTableComboRenderer |
Default table combo renderer
DefaultTimelineContentProvider |
Default content provider for timeline viewer.
DefaultTimelineLabelProvider | |
DefaultTimelineStyleProvider | |
DefaultTopLeftRenderer |
The renderer for the empty top left area when both column and row headers are visible.
DefaultWidgetIntrospector |
The default widget introspector, which will filter out the non widget properties from
Figure . |
DefaultXViewerControlFactory |
Possible controls in the DefaultXViewerControlFactory(07.10.2010):
- org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text - org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo - org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DateTime if you need other controls create your own class implementing the XViewerControlFactory |
DeleteAdapter |
This adapter class provides default implementations for the
methods described by the
IDeleteHandler interface. |
DetailAreaListener |
This listener has 3 tasks:
move x offset of detail area (mouse drag)
create cursor (mouse click in empty area)
select event (mouse click on event)
DetailFigure | |
Dialog |
Instances of this class are dialog box This component was inspired by the
Oxbow Project ( by Eugene Ryzhikov
Dialog.CenterOption | |
Dialog.OpalDialogType |
Types of opal dialog
DialogArea |
This abstract class if the mother of MessageArea and FooterArea classes
DialogWithEntry | |
DiscreteTimePicker | |
DivideByZeroException | |
DLConfiguration |
Configuration class for the DualList widget
DLItem |
Instances of this class represents items manipulated by this DualList widget
DotsLed |
Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that
displays a double-dots character like it was displayed on a LED screen.
DoubleArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for double[].
DoubleFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Double values in a
FormattedText . |
DoubleInputText |
A SWT text which only allow double input.
DoubleStyleProvider | |
DualList |
Instances of this class are controls that allow the user to select multiple
DuckType |
DuckType.Wrapper |
Interface DuckType#Wrapper.
ElapsedTime | |
ElapsedTime.Units | |
ElasticOut |
Behave like an elastic at the end.
ElasticOut | |
EmptyBorder | |
EmptyIterator | |
EmptyPiece |
A blank PrintPiece of a predetermined size
EmptyPrint |
A Print which displays nothing but takes up space.
EmptyTablePlaceholder |
Class EmptyTablePlaceholder.
EnabledIfEquals |
This enabler is used to enable a widget if a property is equal to a given
EnabledIfNotEquals |
This enabler is used to enable a widget if a property is not equal to a given
EnabledIfTrue |
This enabler is used to enable a widget if a boolean property is true
Enabler |
This is the abstract class of all Enablers.
EntityReplacer |
Implementations of this interface are intended to transform an
EntityReference to a
String representation. |
EnumStringMultiSelectionDialog | |
EnumStringMultiSelectionDialog.Selection | |
EnumStringSingleSelectionDialog | |
EventContentProvider |
A strategy pattern object that can refresh all of the event controls
for a given day.
EventCountProvider |
A strategy pattern object that returns the number of events to display for a
specific time period.
EventDeleteCommand |
Represents one GanttEvent delete action that can be undone/redone.
EventFigure | |
EventLayoutComputer |
Represents a model of how the events are laid out in a particular day
EventMoveCommand |
Represents one GanttEvent DND action that can be undone/redone.
EventResizeCommand |
Represents one resize event in the chart that can be done/redone.
EventTooltip | |
ExpandToggleRenderer | |
ExpoOut |
Moves fast at first then slow down until it reaches the max value.
ExpoOut |
Implementation of an exponential movement.
ExtendedViewerColumn |
XViewerColumns with a description map(key is the inputObject.class)
EyeButton | |
FadeTransition |
Applies a fade effect.
FileStoreCustomizations | |
FileToolbox | |
FileUtil | |
Filter<T> |
Interface for filters.
FilterData |
Provides storage of filter
FilterDataUI |
Provides UI for display of current filter
FilteredTreeComposite |
A simple control that provides a text widget and a tree viewer.
FixedSizeQueue<T> |
Instance of this class are queues that have a fixed size.
When the queue is full, the elements are shifted and the first element is lost. |
FlatButton |
Instances of this class represent a flat button.
FlatCalendarCombo | |
FlatTreeContentProvider |
Adaptor that converts an
IStructuredContentProvider into an
ITreeContentProvider that places the nested contents inside a single
root node. |
FloatArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for float[].
FloatFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Float values in a
FormattedText . |
FloatingText |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the
user to enter and modify text with a label floating above the input area.
FocusControlListenerFactory |
This is a factory of focus/control listeners
FontAwesome |
Utility class used to load the Font Awesome font.
FontMetricsProvider |
Implementations of this interface typically perform modifications to a
Font and therefore
need to be able to supply the FontMetrics of the font after the modifications are done. |
Footer | |
FooterArea |
Instances of this class are message areas
FormattedText |
Formatted text viewer.
FormattedTextCellEditor |
A CellEditor based on a FormattedText.
FormattedTextObservableValue | |
FormGroupStrategy |
FormGroupStrategy makes a PGroup mimic the look and feel of an Eclipse Form
FormPageableTable |
Implementation of the paginated SWT Forms Table
PageableTable . |
FormPageableTree |
Implementation of the paginated SWT Forms Tree
PageableTree . |
FormPictureControl |
AbstractPictureControl implementation with Forms Hyperlink . |
Frame<T> |
Abstract base class for frames rendered by the widget
FrameDynamic<T> |
This class implements a dynamic frame that implements a transition between two static frames
FrameStatic<T> |
This class implements a static frame
FrameTransitionFunction |
A class that models a Cubic-Bezier curve.
Gallery |
SWT Widget that displays an image gallery
see This widget requires jdk-1.8+ |
GalleryDragSourceEffect |
Visual effect for drag and drop operators on GalleryItem.
GalleryGroupResizeEffect |
Animation used internally on collapse / expand events.
GalleryItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
represents an item in a gallery.
GalleryTreeViewer |
A concrete viewer based on a Nebula
Gallery control. |
GalleryViewerRow |
ViewerRow adapter for the Nebula Gallery widget.
GanttChart |
GanttChart - SWT Widget - 2005-2011.
GanttChartPrinter |
This class is used to print a GanttChart.
GanttChartPrintJob |
Runnable to print one ore more GanttCharts.
GanttCheckpoint |
Convenience class for creating a checkpoint instead of using the constructors on GanttEvent.
GanttComposite |
The GanttComposite is the workhorse of the GANTT chart.
GanttConnection |
This class represents one connection between two events in one direction.
GanttControlParent |
The GanttControlParent is a class that will lay out a Tree or Table so that it matches up with a chart.
GanttDateTip |
Shows any text right above an event (or any location really, but that's the idea) and does not dispose the shell
until told to do so.
GanttEvent |
One GanttEvent represents one "active" object in the GANTT chart.
GanttEventListenerAdapter | |
GanttFlags |
Valid styles outside of this class are as follows:
GanttGroup |
A GanttGroup is a group of GanttEvents that will all draw on the same horizontal "line" or "row" in the GanttChart (next to each other instead of vertically arranged).
GanttHeaderSpacedLayout | |
GanttImage |
Convenience class for creating an image in the chart instead of using the constructors in GanttEvent.
GanttMap | |
GanttPhase |
This class represents one GanttPhase in the chart.
GanttScope |
A convenience class for creating a GanttScope instead of using the specific constructors on the GanttEvent.
GanttSection |
A GanttSection is a "box" section of the chart.
GanttSpecialDateRange |
This class allows you to color a certain date range in a special background color, as well as set things such as if
events should be allowed to be moved onto this range or not.
GanttTester | |
GanttToolTip | |
GanttUndoRedoManager |
Deals with Undo/Redo events in the chart.
GapBorder |
A border which leaves a gap around the target Print.
GapBorderPainter | |
GaugeExample |
A live updated Gauge Example.
GaugeFigure |
The figure of gauge
GenericBeanInfo |
Mostly this is used as a placeholder for the descriptors.
GeoMap |
GeoMap display tiles from openstreetmap as is.
GeoMapBrowser | |
GeoMapHelper |
License is EPL (Eclipse Public License)
GeoMapHelperListener |
Interface for tapping into internal details of an InternalGeoMap
GeoMapListener |
Interface for listening to changes to the state of the GeoMap UI
GeoMapPositioned |
Interface for managing position and zoom level
GeoMapUtil | |
GeoMapViewer |
A JFace viewer for the GeoMap widget, that shows the geo-location of the
input elements.
GoogleIconDescriptor |
ImageDescriptor that downloads the image data from Typically used by a LabelProvider with an
ImageRegistry to provide map icons.
GoogleIconDescriptor.Options |
Options for the GoogleIconDescriptor
GoogleMapsSearchServer |
A SearchServer using Google maps
GoogleMapsSearchServer.SearchResult |
The SearchResult returned from the GoogleMapsSearchServer
GoogleTileServer |
This class encapsulates a tileserver, which has the concept of a baseurl and
a maximum zoon level.
Gradient |
A gradient
GradientGrayscale |
Implements a grayscale gradient
GradientHeatscale |
Returns a heat gradient
GraphConfigPage |
This will help to create the necessary widgets to configure an annotation's
GraphDemo |
This program simply draw the widget figure on a shell.
GraphicsUtil |
The utility class contains functions that all related with graphics.
GraphicsUtil |
Utility function for graphics operations.
GraphicUtils | |
GrayableButton |
A button with gray image when disabled.
GreenNavigationPageGraphicsConfigurator |
Navigation page configurator to configure navigation page with green theme.
Grid |
The grid in the plot area.
Grid |
The Grid widget is a spreadsheet/table component that offers features not
currently found in the base SWT Table.
Grid.GridVisibleRange |
Object holding the visible range
GridCell |
Instances of this interface represent a single cell in a GridPrint.
GridCellImpl |
Instances of this class represent a single cell in a GridPrint.
GridCellIterator | |
GridCellRenderer |
GridCellSpanManager | |
GridColumn |
Describes the properties of a column in a GridPrint.
GridColumn |
GridColumnGroup |
GridColumnLabelProvider |
A label provider that provides hooks for extra functionality in the
Grid . |
GridColumnLayout | |
GridDragSourceEffect |
This class provides default implementations to display a source image
when a drag is initiated from a
Grid . |
GridDropTargetEffect |
This class provides a default drag under effect (eg. select, insert, scroll and expand)
when a drag occurs over a
Grid . |
GridEditor |
GridElement | |
GridElementProvider | |
GridFooterRenderer |
GridHeaderEditor |
Manager for a Control that appears below the grid column header.
GridHeaderRenderer |
GridItem |
GridItemDataVisualizer |
This implementation of
DataVisualizer is the default for Grid when no
custom implementation has been provided. |
GridIterator |
Iterator for Grid
GridLayer | |
GridLook |
A pluggable "look" for a GridPrint.
GridLookPainter |
Interface for drawing a GridLook.
GridLookPainterPiece | |
GridMargins |
An interface for informing a GridPrint what cell margins to use for the
GridPrint |
A Print which arranges child prints into a grid.
GridPropertyHandler | |
GridRowLayout |
Class GridRowLayout.
GridSelectionType |
Selection type for the grid object
GridTableViewer |
A concrete viewer based on an Grid control.
GridToolTip |
An in-place tooltip.
GridTreeViewer |
A concrete viewer based on an Grid control.
GridUtils |
Some tools for Grid.
GridViewerColumn |
The concrete implementation of the ColumnViewer for the grid.
GridViewerEditor |
GridViewerRow |
GridViewerRow is the concrete implementation of the part that represents
items in a Grid.
GridVisibleRangeSupport |
This support class adds the possibility to get informed when the visual range
in the grid is modified.
GridVisibleRangeSupport.RangeChangedEvent |
Event informing about the change
GridVisibleRangeSupport.VisibleRangeChangedListener |
Listener notified when the visible range changes
GroupToggleRenderer |
The renderer for the expand/collapse toggle on a column group header.
Grow | |
GrowEffect |
Resizes a control while keeping it centered.
Header | |
Header |
Instances of this class provide a header, which is composed of a text, a
description and an image.
HeaderControl |
A simple custom-drawn swt control that renders a header (eg some type of
prominent label.
HeaderLayout | |
HeapManager |
Instances of this class are controls that display the memory used, the whole
memory, and contains a button to perform a GC
Holiday |
One Holiday Object represents one Holiday/Spare/Special Day in the GANTT chart.
This object can take an additional tooltip which pops up when hovering the mouse over a holiday. The Tooltip is only displayed when the tooltip is not null and ISettings.showHolidayToolTips()
is configured to return true. |
HorizontalScrollbarHandler | |
HorizontalSpinner |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the
user to enter and modify numeric values.
HtmlDialog | |
HTMLStyledTextParser |
Instances of this class are used to convert pseudo-HTML content of a styled
text into style ranges
HtmlUtil | |
HtmlUtil.CellItem | |
IAltLeftClickProvider | |
IAnnotationLabelProvider |
Interface used to get the information text of a label
IAnnotationListener |
A listener on an annotation when annotation position was changed.
IAxesFactory | |
IAxisListener |
A listener on the axis when axis was revalidated.
IButtonListener | |
IButtonPainter | |
ICalendarableItemControl | |
ICalendarListener |
This interface is the recipient of events that happen on the CalendarCombo, mainly date selection events.
IColorManager | |
IColorManager | |
IColorManager |
Interface holding all color methods, such as line colors, background fills, etc.
ICompositeRendererFactory |
Composite renderer factory. |
IControlPainter | |
ICursorListener |
Listener to be notified when cursors are created/deleted in the UI via mouse actions.
IDataProvider |
Interface for the data provider of trace.
IDataProviderListener |
A listener on data provider data change.
IDateParseExceptionListener | |
IDeleteHandler |
Interface IDeleteHandler.
IEffect |
All animation effects must implement this interface.
IEffect | |
IEventEditor |
Interface IEventEditor.
IEventFactory | |
IEventMenuItemFactory |
Interface for a factory that creates menu items in the context menu of a
GanttEvent in the GanttChart.
IExtendedViewerColumn | |
IFillBackgroundColors |
Interface representing all methods that use colored fills.
IGanttChartItem |
This interface represents one displayable item in the chart.
IGanttEventListener |
This interface is used by adding your implementation of it via
GanttChart.addGanttEventListener(IGanttEventListener) to listen to events that happen in the chart. |
IInsertHandler |
Interface IInsertHandler.
IInternalWidget |
ILanguageManager |
Interface that contains methods for returning all string-values used within the chart so that they can be customized to fit different languages easily.
ILanguageSettings | |
ImageCache | |
ImageCache | |
ImageCapture |
Image Capture
ImageContainer | |
ImageFilterExtension |
Enumeration of image filter.
ImageIterator | |
ImagePiece | |
ImagePrint |
A Print for displaying images.
ImageSelector | |
ImageTransitionable |
Transitionable marker interface to identify
transitionable objects that uses images for transitions directly,
without obtaining them from the controls. |
IManualStringValueChangeListener |
Definition of listeners that react on string value change.
IManualValueChangeListener |
Definition of listeners that react on manual value change events.
IMenuItemFactory |
Interface for a factory that creates menu items in the context menu of the GanttChart.
IMenuListener | |
IMetaData |
Store additional data and information associated with an object.
IMonthCalendarContentProvider | |
IMovement |
Interface for movement implementations.
IMovement |
Interface for movement implementations.
ImplementationLoader |
Implementation loader for RAP/RCP single sourcing.
IMultiColumnEditProvider | |
INavigationPageGraphicsConfigurator |
This interface is used to configure an instance of
NavigationPageGraphics to customize color, background color and
border color of the navigation page. |
INewMappingListener<M> |
Listener for the creation of new mapping in a
TreeMapper . |
InfoPage | |
IntArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for int[].
IntegerFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Integer values in a
FormattedText . |
IntensityGraphExample |
A live updated Intensity Graph example
IntensityGraphFigure |
An intensity graph figure.
IntensityGraphFigure.ColorDepth |
Color depth of the image data in RGB1 mode, since SWT only support 8 bit color depth,
it has to convert all data to [0,255].
IntensityGraphFigure.ICroppedDataSizeListener | |
IntensityGraphFigure.IPixelInfoProvider | |
IntensityGraphFigure.IProfileDataChangeLisenter | |
IntensityGraphFigure.IROIInfoProvider |
Provides info to be displayed on ROI label.
IntensityGraphFigure.IROIListener |
ROI listener which will be notified whenever ROI moved.
InternalCompositeTable |
(non-API) Class InternalCompositeTable.
InternalGeoMap |
License is EPL (Eclipse Public License)
InternalGeoMapListener |
Interface for tapping into internal details of an InternalGeoMap
Introspectable |
An introspectable object can give its bean information.
IOperationsManagerListener |
The listener on a operations manager.
IOUtils |
General IO stream manipulation utilities.
IPAddressFormatter | |
IPageChangedListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the
events that are generated when page selection, sort changed, total changed
occurs in a page controller
PageableController . |
IPageContentProvider |
IPageLoader load paginated list, the method
IPageLoader.loadPage(PageableController) returns a pagination
structure (like PageResult , Spring Data Page etc...). |
IPageLoader<T> |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods which load paginated
list by using information about pagination (sort, page index etc) coming from
PageableController . |
IPageLoaderHandler<T extends PageableController> |
Handler used to do something before/after page loading process.
IPaintManager | |
IPinPointProvider |
Interface for telling a GeoMapViewer the position of the tip of an icon, e.g.
IPointStyleProvider |
Evaluates a sample and provides corresponding style information.
IPrimaryArrayWrapper |
A wrapper that wraps primary data types array.
IRenderer |
IRowContentProvider |
Interface IRowContentProvider.
IRowFocusListener |
Interface IRowFocusListener.
ISample |
A sample interface which could return the data for a point on XY-Graph.
IScaleProvider |
Provides a scale for drawing tick marks.
IScrollBarProxy |
Used by Grid to externalize the scrollbars from the table itself.
ISectionDetailContentReplacer | |
ISectionDetailMoreClickListener |
This interface is used to implement a listener that gets informed when the plus
icon in a section detail area is clicked to show more detail information.
ISelectableRegionControl |
A duck interface for controls that can select a specific range according to SWT
range selection semantics.
ISemanticTreeMapperSupport<M,L,R> |
This interface is the binding between the business object that holds the mapping,
and the targeted bounds of the mapping.
ISettings | |
ISettings | |
ISettings |
This interface lets you define various settings for the GanttChart.
ISettings2 |
This interface is an extension of ISettings which lets you define various settings for the GanttChart.
IShelfViewerFactory |
Interface for creating sub-viewers within PShelf viewer.
IStyledFigure | |
ItalicPaintInstruction | |
ITextFormatter |
Interface defining all the text formatters.
ITicksProvider |
This interface if used to enable different method for generating tick marks
ITimelineContentProvider |
Content provider for
TimelineViewer . |
ITimelineLabelProvider | |
ITimelineStyleProvider | |
IToolTipContentReplacer | |
IToolTipProvider |
Interface for providing the tool tip of an element shown by the GeoMapViewer
ITraceConfigPage |
Interface used to implements a custom Trace config page
ITraceListener |
A listener on the trace when it is revalidated.
IUndoableCommand | |
IUndoRedoCommand | |
IUndoRedoListener | |
IViewPortHandler | |
IViewPortHandler2 | |
IXViewerCustomizations |
Methods to implement if this XViewer allows the user to save local/shared customizations
IXViewerFactory | |
IXViewerLabelProvider | |
IXViewerPreComputedColumn |
Columns that implement this interface will be given a chance to compute their values in the background before the
XViewer is loaded.
IXViewerValueColumn | |
IXYGraph | |
IZoomHandler | |
JavaCallbackListener |
Interface for creating a listener that is called on Java callback execution triggered via custom toolbar
KnobExample |
A live updated Gauge Example.
KnobFigure |
The figure of knob
LabelImageProvider |
A default implementation of a LabelProvider that uses a GoogleIconDescriptor
to create a bubble image with the text returned by getText.
LaneFigure | |
LargeNumberOfTracesAnnotationsAxes |
Demonstrate/test large number of traces/annotation/axes in plot
LargeNumberUtils | |
Launcher |
Instances of this class are a launcher composed of buttons.
LauncherItem |
Instances of this class are POJO to store information handled by the Launcher
LauncherLabel |
Instance of this class are a button with text, image and a nice animation
LayerEntry |
Instances implementing this interface are representing an entry in a
LayerEntryImpl |
Instances in this class represent an entry in a LayerPrint.
LayerEntryIterator | |
LayerEntryIteratorImpl | |
LayerIterator | |
LayerPrint |
A Print which displays its child Prints on top each other.
LazyItemsSelectionListener |
SelectionListener implementation used to load data with lazy mode :
when an item (TableItem, TreeItem, etc) is selected and must load next page. |
Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that
displays a character like it was displayed on a LED screen.
LEDCharacter |
Enum with definition of the segments to be highlighted.
LEDLine | |
LEDSeparator |
Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that
displays a separator (minus sign) like it was displayed on a LED screen.
LeftRightBorder | |
Legend |
The legend to indicate the style and size of the trace line and point.
LinearInOut |
Moves at a constant speed.
LinearInOut |
Implementation of a linear movement.
LinearScale |
Linear(straight) scale has the tick labels and tick marks on a straight line.
LinearScale.Orientation |
scale direction
LinearScaledMarker |
A linear scale related marker, whose orientation, range, mark position etc.
LinearScaleTickLabels |
Linear Scale tick labels.
LinearScaleTickLabels2 |
Linear Scale tick labels used for the new implementation of
Axis :
DAxis . |
LinearScaleTickMarks |
Linear scale tick marks.
LinearScaleTickMarks2 |
Linear scale tick marks 2.
LinearScaleTicks |
Default scale tick mark algorithm
LinearScaleTicks2 |
Class to represent a major tick for axes with scientific notation.
LineBorder |
A border that draws a rectangle around a print.
LineBorderPainter | |
LineBreakIterator | |
LineBreakPrint |
A class for adding line breaks corresponding to a particular font size.
LineIterator | |
LineIterator |
An Iterator over the lines in a
Reader . |
LinePainter | |
LinePiece | |
LinePrint |
A Print for drawing horizontal and vertical lines.
LinkFigure | |
ListDialogSortable | |
ListDialogSortableFiltered | |
ListInstruction |
PaintInstruction that is similar to a ParagraphInstruction and additionally adds
setting up list rendering states. |
ListItemRenderer |
Alternate item renderer for the Gallery widget using a list style.
Located |
Interface to provide a location for an object, as a PointD with longitude,
latitude coordinates.
Located.Static |
A base implementation for read-only locations
LocationProvider |
Interface to provide a location for a given element, as a PointD with
longitude, latitude coordinates.
Log10 |
Helper for log10-related computations.
LoginDialog |
Instances of this class are Login Dialog box, which is composed of
LoginDialogVerifier |
This interface describes a verifier for the LoginDialogWidget
LongArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for long[].
LongFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Long values in a
FormattedText . |
MapFigure |
An ImageFigure that creates the image from tiles fetched using a GeoMapHelper
Margins |
Instances of this class represent the page margins to follow when processing
a print job.
MaskFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
String values in a
FormattedText . |
MatchFilter | |
MessageArea |
Instances of this class are message areas
Messages |
Convenience methods for retrieving locale-specific messages.
Messages |
Externalized Strings
Messages | |
MeterExample |
A live updated Gauge Example.
MeterFigure |
The figure of Express Meter
MeterFigure.Needle | |
MeterIntrospector |
The introspector for widget inherited from
AbstractScaledWidgetFigure . |
MinMaxToggleRenderer |
This toggle strategy mimics the buttons found in SWT's CTabFolder (i.e. the
same buttons found in the Eclipse's views and editors) which in turn are
mimicing the minimize/maximize buttons found on Shells.
ModelObject | |
MonthCalendar |
An IEventEditor implementing a month calendar.
MonthCalendarableItemControl | |
MonthCalendarSelectedDay |
Represents the currrently-selected day in the month calendar.
MonthCalendarViewer | |
MonthPick | |
MoveControl | |
MoveControlEffect |
Moves a control.
MoveScrollBar | |
MoveScrollBarEffect |
Scrolls a control.
MovingAnnotationCommand |
The command of moving an annotation on the graph.
MovingAnnotationLabelCommand |
The command moving an annotation label.
MultiChoice<T> |
The MultiChoice class represents a selectable user interface object that
combines a read-only text-field and a set of checkboxes.
MultiChoiceDefaultLabelProvider |
Default MultiChoiceLabelProvider that uses the toString() method to determine the content of a given element
MultiChoiceLabelProvider |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that determine what to show in a MultiChoice control.
MultiChoiceSelectionListener<T> |
Classes which extend this abstract class provide methods that deal with the
events that are generated when selection occurs in a MultiChoice control.
MultipleWidgetsExample |
A live updated Gauge Example.
NavigationPageComboRenderer |
This SWT
Composite display a SWT Combo linked to the current
page of the pagination controller. |
NavigationPageComboRendererFactory | |
NavigationPageGraphics |
This canvas draw navigation page with
GC like this : |
NavigationPageGraphicsItem |
Navigation page item (ex Previous, Next, page links etc).
NavigationPageScaleRenderer |
This SWT
Composite display a SWT Scale linked to the current
page of the pagination controller. |
NavigationPageScaleRendererFactory |
Renderer factory to create instance of
NavigationPageScaleRenderer . |
NebulaSlider |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface
objects that represent a range of positive, numeric values.
NewEvent |
Encapsulates information about new events that have been added to the calendar.
NewLineInstruction |
PaintInstruction to move to the next line for rendering. |
NoBreakIterator | |
NoBreakPrint |
A print wrapper which prevents its target from being broken into multiple
pieces when printed.
NoGroupRenderer |
Alternate group renderer for the Gallery widget.
NoRepeatsPointsList |
Class used to manage large amount of points in 1D plots
Notifier |
This class provides a notifier window, which is a window that appears in the
bottom of the screen and slides.
NotifierColors |
This class is a simple POJO that holds colors used by the Notifier widget
NotifierColorsFactory |
This class creates the colors associated to a given theme
NotifierColorsFactory.NotifierTheme | |
NullPrintPiece | |
NullScrollBarProxy |
A null-op scrollbar proxy.
NumberFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Number values in a
FormattedText . |
OpalItem |
Instances of this object are items manipulated by the widgets of the Opal Project.
OperationsManager |
The operation manager will help to manage the undoable and redoable
Oscilloscope |
Animated widget that tries to mimic an Oscilloscope.
Oscilloscope | Deprecated.
Oscilloscope |
OscilloscopeDispatcher |
This class keeps the oscilloscope animation running and is used to set
various attributes of the scope.
OscilloscopeDispatcher | Deprecated. |
OscilloscopeElement | |
OscilloscopeElementProvider | |
OscilloscopePropertyHandler | |
OscilloscopeStackAdapter |
Listener for an empty stack.
OscilloscopeStackAdapter |
Listener for an empty stack.
OsmSearchServer |
A SearchServer using Open Street Map
OsmSearchServer.SearchResult |
The SearchResult returned from the OsmSearchServer
OsmTileServer |
This class encapsulates a tileserver, which has the concept of a baseurl and
a maximum zoom level.
OverlayUtil | |
OverlayUtil.ImageInfo | |
OverlayUtil.Location | |
OverviewCursorFigure | |
OverviewCursorLayer | |
OverviewEventFigure | |
OverviewEventLayer | |
OverviewFigure | |
OverviewSelectionFigure | |
OverviewSelectionLayer | |
OverviewSelectionMover | |
OverviewSelector | |
Page | |
PageableController |
The pagination controller is used to store information about pagination :
the current page index: index of the selected page.
the page size: number items to display per page.
the total elements: the total elements of the paginated list.
the current sort information: the property name and direction of the
PageableTable |
Abstract class SWT
Composite which host a SWT Table linked to
a pagination controller to display data with pagination. |
PageableTree |
Abstract class SWT
Composite which host a SWT Tree linked to
a pagination controller to display data with pagination. |
PageChangedAdapter |
This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described
by the
IPageChangedListener interface. |
PageContainer |
Composite subclass that shows just one of its child pages at
a time. |
PageDecoration |
An interface for creating page decorations.
PageEnumeration |
An enumeration of pages for given print job on the given printer device.
PageIterator | |
PageListHelper |
Helper to create implementation of
PageResult from a Java
List . |
PageLoaderList |
Implementation of
IPageLoader with java List . |
PageLoaderStrategyHelper |
This class help you to configure a
PageableController to manage
paginated list data in a Viewer . |
PageNumber |
Instances of this class represent a page index in the output of a PagePrint.
PageNumberFormat |
Interface for formatting a PageNumber instance into a printable string.
PageNumberIterator | |
PageNumberPageDecoration |
A PageDecoration which displays the page number.
PageNumberPiece | |
PageNumberPrint |
Displays the page number and page count within the context of a
PagePrint . |
PagePrint |
A decorator Print which displays page headers and footers around a document
body, with page numbering capabilities.
PageResult<T> |
Page result used to store pagination result information :
the total elements
the paginated list
PageResultContentProvider |
Implementation of
IPageContentProvider to retrieves pagination
information (total elements and paginated list) from the pagination structure
PageResult . |
PageResultLoaderList<T> |
Implementation of
IPageLoader with java List . |
PageSizeComboRenderer |
This SWT
Composite display a SWT Combo which is populate with
several page list that it can be select to change the page size of the linked
pagination controller. |
PageSizeComboRendererFactory |
Renderer factory to create instance of
PageSizeComboRenderer . |
PaginationHelper |
Pagination Utilities.
PaintInstruction |
Functional interface to perform a paint operation on a
GC . |
Pair<X,Y> | |
PaletteShelfRenderer |
PaperClips |
This class contains static constants and methods for preparing and printing
PaperClipsUtil |
Convenience methods specific to PaperClips
ParagraphInstruction |
PaintInstruction that is used to set up a new paragraph. |
ParallelEffect |
A wrapper for running effects in parallel.
PasswordRevealer |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface
objects that allow the user to enter and modify passwords.
PatternFilter |
A filter used in conjunction with
FilteredTree . |
PercentFormatter |
Formatter for percent values.
PGroup |
Instances of this class provide a decorated border as well as an optional toggle to expand and
collapse the control.
PGroupToolItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
represents a button in a
PGroup . |
PictureControl |
AbstractPictureControl implementation with SWT Link . |
PlotArea |
The plot area figure.
Plotter | |
PointD |
Holds x and y coordinates of type double.
PointsUtil |
This class can be used to manimuplate points.
PolarPoint |
A polar point in a standard polar coordinates system.
Preferences |
Access to preference settings.
PreferenceWindow |
This class is a preference window
Interface for printable elements.
PrintIterator |
Splits a Print into multiple PrintPieces, according to the space available on
the graphics device.
PrintJob |
Instances of this class represent a prepared print job.
PrintPiece |
A piece of a Print, which is capable of drawing itself on a graphics device.
PrintPieceCanvas |
A canvas for displaying Print objects.
PrintPreview |
A WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) print preview panel.
PrintSizeStrategy |
The static instance members of this class aid in the calculation of prints
and help abstract out the minimum/preferred size concepts to simplify
PrintUtils |
Helper class for computations regarding printing of GanttCharts.
PrintViewer |
A JFace-style
Print viewer which displays a Print in a scrollable
pane. |
ProgressBarExample |
A live updated Gauge Example.
ProgressBarFigure |
A progress bar figure
ProgressCircle |
Instances of this class represents a progress circle (also known as donuts), which represents a ratio.
PromptSupport |
This utility class allows the user to add a prompt to a text or combo
component (see
This class is inspired by work of Peter Weishapl |
PromptSupport.FocusBehavior | |
PropertyTable |
Instances of this class are property sheets
PShelf |
PShelfElement | |
PShelfElementProvider | |
PShelfItem |
PShelfPropertyHandler | |
PShelfViewer | |
PTBaseTextEditor |
This abstract class represents all text-based editors (float editor, integer
editor, password editor, String editor, URL editor)
PTCheckboxEditor |
This editor is a check box for boolean values
PTChooserEditor |
This abstract class represents a chooser.
PTColorEditor |
A color editor
PTComboEditor |
This editor is for combo values.
PTDateEditor |
This editor allows the user to enter dates
PTDimensionEditor |
Editor for
Dimension values |
PTDirectoryEditor |
This editor allows user to select a directory
PTEditor |
This abstract class represents a Property Table Editor.
PTFileEditor |
This editor allows user to select a file
PTFloatEditor |
This editor is used to edit float values
PTFontEditor |
This editor is a font editor
PTInsetsEditor |
Editor for
Insets values |
PTIntegerEditor |
This editor is used to edit integer values
PTPasswordEditor |
This editor is used to edit passwords
PTProperty |
Instances of this class are property stored in a PropertyTableWidget
PTPropertyChangeListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the
events that are generated when value of the property is changed
PTRectangleEditor |
Editor for
Rectangle property |
PTSpinnerEditor |
This editor is a spinner
PTStringEditor |
This editor is used to edit string values
PTURLEditor |
This editor is used to edit URL values
PTWidget |
Classes which implement this interface are widgets that may compose a
PropertyTable (Table for Flat List, TableTree for Category)
PTWidgetFactory |
This class is a factory that builds the widget that is part of a property
PTWidgetTable |
Instances of this class are table that are displayed in a PropertyTable when
the type of view is "Flat List"
PTWidgetTree |
Instances of this class are table that are displayed in a PropertyTable when
the type of view is "Category"
PTWindowEditor |
This abstract class contains common code for editors that open a window :
dimension editor, insets editor, rectangle editor
PWButton |
Instances of this class are buttons
PWCheckbox |
Instances of this class are checkboxes
PWChooser |
Abstract class for chooser widgets
PWColorChooser |
Instances of this class are used to select a color
PWCombo |
Instances of this class are Combo
PWContainer |
Abstract class for "Containers" (row, group and tab)
PWDirectoryChooser |
Instances of this class are used to select a directory
PWFileChooser |
Instances of this class are used to select a file
PWFloatText |
Instances of this class are text box to type floats
PWFontChooser |
Instances of this class are used to select a font
PWGroup |
Instances of this class are groups
PWIntegerText |
Instances of this class are text box to type Integers
PWLabel |
Instances of this class are labels, that could contain some HTML tags (B,I,U)
PWPasswordText |
Instances of this class are text box to type password
PWRadio |
Instances of this class are a group of radio buttons
PWRow |
Instances of this class are rows
PWRowGroup |
Abstract class for both row and groups
PWScale |
Instances of this class are scales
PWSeparator |
Instances of this class are separators
PWSpinner |
Instances of this class are spinners
PWStringText |
Instances of this class are text box to type Strings
PWTab |
Instance of this class are tabs
PWTabContainer |
Instances of this class are a container that allows the user to select a tab
PWText |
This is the abstract class for all text widgets (except textarea)
PWTextarea |
Instances of this class are text areas
Instances of this class are text box used to type URL
PWWidget |
This class is the root class for all widgets that take part of a preference
QuartIn |
Moves slowly at first then accelerates until it reaches the max value.
QuartInOut |
Moves slowly first then accelerate and finally slow down until it reaches the
max value.
QuartOut |
Moves fast at first then slow down until it reaches the max value.
RadioGroup |
SWT Widget that presents a group of radio buttons.
RadioGroupFormToolkit |
Convenience class for creating RadioGroups in Eclipse forms.
RadioGroupViewer |
A concrete viewer based on a Nebula
RadioGroup control. |
RadioItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
represents an radio button in a radio group.
Range |
A value range of 'start' ...
RangeSlider |
Instances of this class provide a slider with two thumbs to control lower and
upper integer values.
ReadOnlyStyledText |
Instances of this class are StyledText that are read-only, that means that we
use it only as a renderer
RectangleGroupStrategy |
RectangleGroupStrategy is a very flexible painting strategy that displays a
(rounded) rectangle around the PGroup's body.
RedmondShelfRenderer |
ReflectedMethod |
ReflectedProperty |
Encapsulates a single JavaBeans-style property
ReflectionUtils | |
RelaxedDuckType |
RemoveAnnotationCommand |
The undoable command to remove an annotation.
RemoveAnnotationDialog |
The dialog for removing annotation.
RendererHelper |
Utility methods for Gallery item and group renderers
RepeatFiringBehavior | |
ResetFontPaintInstruction | |
ResetParagraphInstruction |
PaintInstruction to reset settings that were applied for a paragraph. |
ResetSpanStylePaintInstruction |
PaintInstruction to reset style information that were set via span tag. |
ResizableGridRowLayout |
ResizableGridRowLayout works with HeaderLayout to implement column resizing
semantics for CompositeTable UIs.
Resize | |
ResizeEffect |
Changes width and height of a control.
ResizeListener |
Reacts to a resize with a delay.
ResourceHelper | |
ResourceManager | |
ResourcePool |
Manages a pool of graphics resources for a graphics device (fonts, colors).
Resources | |
Resources |
Resources helper used to messages resources from bundle and SWT
. |
Result | |
ResultAndNavigationPageGraphicsRenderer |
This SWT
Composite display :
on the left region the result page.
on the right region the page links navigation by using GC .
ResultAndNavigationPageGraphicsRendererFactory |
Renderer factory to create instance of
ResultAndNavigationPageGraphicsRenderer . |
ResultAndNavigationPageLinksRenderer |
This SWT
Composite display :
on the left region the result page.
on the right region the page links navigation by using SWT Link .
ResultAndNavigationPageLinksRendererFactory |
Renderer factory to create instance of
ResultAndNavigationPageLinksRenderer . |
ResultsPage | |
RichTextCellEditor |
A cell editor that manages HTML entry fields.
RichTextCellLabelProvider<T> | |
RichTextEditor |
Rich Text Editor control that wraps a
Browser with enabled Javascript that shows a simple
HTML template containing a ckeditor as rich text editor. |
RichTextEditorConfiguration |
Configuration class that is used for general configurations of the CKEditor instance.
RichTextPainter |
RichTextPainter is used to parse and render HTML input to a GC . |
RichTextViewer |
Simple rich text viewer control that uses the
RichTextPainter to render text with HTML
markups on a Canvas . |
ROIFigure | |
RootFigure | |
RotateClockwisePrintPiece | |
RotateIterator | |
RotatePiece | |
RotatePrint |
A decorator print that rotates it's target by increments of 90 degrees.
RoundedCheckbox |
Instances of this class provide a checkbox button.
Please notive that this widget draws only the checkbox (you can not attach a text like regular Button SWT Widget) |
RoundedRectangleBorder | |
RoundedSwitch |
Instances of this class provide a checkbox button displayed as a switch.
Please notive that this widget draws only the checkbox (you can not attach a text like regular Button SWT Widget) |
RoundedSwitchConfiguration |
This class represents the configuration for a given state (enable state+selection state)
RoundedSwitchElement | |
RoundedSwitchElementProvider | |
RoundedSwitchPropertyHandler | |
RoundedToolbar |
Instances of this class support the layout of selectable rounded tool bar
RoundedToolItem |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
represents a button in a rounded tool bar.
RoundScale |
Round scale has the tick labels and tick marks on a circle.
RoundScaledRamp |
A ramp looks like a colorful donut, which is used to indicate the alarm limit, hihi, hi, lo or lolo.
RoundScaledRamp.Threshold |
The alarm thereshold for a PV, includs HIHI, HI, LO or LOLO.
RoundScaledRamp.ThresholdMarker |
Hold the properties for each threshold.
RoundScaleTickLabels |
Round Scale tick labels.
RoundScaleTickMarks |
Round scale tick marks.
RowConstructionListener |
Class RowConstructionListener.
RowFocusAdapter |
An interface for objects that want to listen to and have the
possibility of vetoing row change events on a CompositeTable.
Sample |
An (x,y) sample data with error.
SaveStateCommand |
Abstract base for an undo-able command that saves some state
ScaledSliderExample |
A live Scaled Slider Example.
ScaledSliderFigure |
A Scaled Slider figure
ScaleIterator | |
ScalePiece | |
ScalePrint |
A decorator print that scales it's target larger or smaller.
ScaleWidgetIntrospector |
The introspector for widget inherited from
AbstractScaledWidgetFigure . |
ScalingHelper |
Helper class to handle display scaling.
ScrollBarProxyAdapter |
Adapts a normal scrollbar to the IScrollBar proxy.
ScrollEvent |
An event that is fired whenever the user scrolls a CompositeTable control.
ScrollingSmoother |
Allows to replace the default scrolling behavior by an animation effect.
ScrollingSmoother |
This class replace the default scrolling behavior by an animation effect.
ScrollListener |
An "interface" for objects that need to listen to scrolling events on a
CompositeTable control.
SearchDataUI |
Provides UI for displaying/entering search string
SearchPage |
A {link
Page that allows searching use the OSM Nominatim tool. |
SearchPage.SearchResult | |
SearchServer |
An abstract super class for search servers
SearchServer.Result | |
SectionDeleteCommand |
Represents one GanttSection delete action that can be undone/redone.
Segment |
Instances of this object are items manipulated by the Segmented Bar widget.
SegmentedBar |
Instances of this class provide an horizontal bar that represents the segmentation of a total value.
It consists of several segments, each one associated to a value. |
SelectionChangeEvent |
A SelectionChangeEvent for selected Calendarables in a DayEditor.
SelectionChangeEvent |
Instances of this class are sent as a result of
DualList being selected.
SelectionChangeListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the
events that are generated when selection occurs in a control.
SelectionListenerUtil | |
SelectionWithFocusRow |
SequenceEffect |
Run several effects one after another.
SeriesIterator | |
SeriesPrint |
A Print which displays its child prints in series.
SetAlpha | |
SetBounds | |
SetBoundsEffect |
Changes all bounds of a control.
SetColorEffect |
Progressively changes the color of an object.
SetColorEffect.IColoredObject |
Objects on which the SetColorEffect is applied must implements this
Shake |
Shake effect (like login failure on Mac OSX)
ShakeEffect |
Shake a control (like a login failure on Mac OSX)
ShortArrayWrapper |
A wrapper for short[].
ShortFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Short values in a FormattedText . |
SidewaysIterator | |
SidewaysPrint |
A decorator print that rotates it's target by increments of 90 degrees.
SimpleExample |
A very simple example.
SimpleGroupStrategy |
SimpleGroupStrategy adds a seperator to the normal PGroup's image and text.
SimplePageDecoration |
A PageDecoration which displays the same decoration on every page (ignoring
the page number).
SimpleSelectionAdapter |
This class is an adapter for the SelectionListener.
SimpleToolbarArmedXYGraphExample |
A simple XYGraph with toolbar.
SimpleToolItemRenderer | |
SingleSourceHelper | Deprecated. |
SingleSourceHelper2 |
Replacement for
SingleSourceHelper |
SingleSourceHelperImpl | |
SinusDecreaseVariation |
This movement goes from 0 to 0 with intermediate values between -amplitude
and amplitude an decreasing with time.
SinusDecreaseVariation |
This is not an easing equation.
SinusVariation |
This movement goes from 0 to 0 with intermediate values between -amplitude
and amplitude.
SinusVariation |
This is not an easing equation.
SizeLimitedStack<T> |
A stack with limited size.
SlideTransition |
Applies a slide effect.
SortArrowRenderer |
The column header sort arrow renderer.
SortDataType | |
SortingData |
Provides object for storage of sorting data
SortProcessor |
Sort processor used to sort a list.
SortTableColumnSelectionListener |
SelectionListener implementation to sort a table column by using the
attached pagination controller of the SWT Table . |
SortTreeColumnSelectionListener |
SelectionListener implementation to sort a tree column by using the
attached pagination controller of the SWT Tree . |
SpanElement |
Element for tracking nested span tags and the attributes they specify.
SpanElement.SpanType | |
SpanStylePaintInstruction |
PaintInstruction that applies style information to the GC via span tag
attributes. |
SplitButton |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that
issues notification when pressed and released.
StaircaseExample |
JUnit demo of the plot with 'staircase' data, including gaps, as it can be
used for showing historic data.
Star |
Instances of this class represent a star displayed by the StarRating
StarRating |
Instances of this class provide a rating element.
StarRating.SIZE | |
Stepbar |
Instances of this class represent a collection of steps, indicating
progress/status in a linear order.
StringBuilderWriter |
Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder . |
StringFormatter |
Default formatter for the String class.
This formatter is a kind of NullFormatter and do no formatting, allowing the edit of simple String values, without constraints. It is registered in the DefaultFormatterFactory as the default formatter for String values. |
StringLabelProvider |
Generic Artifact Label Provider showing Descriptive Name as text
StringMatcher |
Copied from JDT UI
A string pattern matcher.
StringMatcher.Position | |
StringNameComparator | |
Strings | |
StringStyleProvider |
StyleProvider for a string as formatter...
StringUtil |
This class provides useful String manipulation methods
StyledTextFocusControlListener |
Focus/Control listener for a StyledText widget
StyledTextIterator | |
StyledTextPrint |
A class for printing styled text.
SvgColors | |
SvgContainer |
An SvgElement which is capable of containing other SvgElements.
SvgDocument |
The SvgDocument is the base for all svg graphics.
SvgElement |
An svg document is an xml document.
SvgFill | |
SvgFragment |
An svg document can contain one or more svg fragments, each denoted
by the "svg" tag.
SvgGradient | |
SvgGradientStop | |
SvgGraphic |
A base abstract class for all types of svg elements which can be
applied (painted) to a graphics context.
SvgLoader | |
SvgPaint | |
SvgPaint.PaintType | |
SvgShape |
An SvgShape is a graphical svg element which can be directly applied
to a given graphics context.
Shapes consist of: circle ellipse line polygon polyline rectangle path |
SvgStroke | |
SvgStyle | |
SvgTransform | |
SvgTransform.Type | |
SvgUse |
An SvgUse is an svg graphical element that uses another, previously defined
graphical element to paint to the graphics context with its own set of styles
and transforms.
SwitchButton |
Instances of this class are simple switch button.
SWTConstants |
SWT Constants.
SWTGraphicUtil |
This class is a singleton that provides useful methods
SWTUtil |
Utility methods for dealing with SWT objects
TableCombo |
The TableCombo class represents a selectable user interface object that
combines a label, textfield, and a table and issues notification when an item
is selected from the table.
TableComboElement | |
TableComboElementProvider | |
TableComboPropertyHandler | |
TableComboRenderer |
Renderer used to display the "text" part of the
widget |
TableComboRendererAdapter |
TableComboRenderer adapter
TableComboViewer |
TableComboViewerRow is basically identical to the TableViewer class with a
few modifications to reference the Table within the TableCombo widget instead
of a parent Table widget.
TableComboViewerRow | |
TableCustomizationAction | |
TableCustomizationCustomizeDataAction |
Action to load a specified customize data object
TableCustomizationDropDownAction | |
TableRow |
Class TableRow.
TagProcessingState |
This class is used to keep track of the style setting regarding opened tags.
TagProcessingState.TextAlignment |
Enumeration to specify the text alignment in a paragraph.
TankExample |
A live updated tank Example.
TankFigure |
A tank figure
TankFigure.TankLayout | |
Tester | |
Tester | |
TestLCN | |
TextAssist |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the
user to enter and modify text.
TextAssistContentProvider |
This class is a content provider for the TextAssist widget.
TextFocusControlListener |
Focus/Control listener for a Text widget
TextIterator | |
TextPainterHelper |
Helper class to draw texts with markups within the GanttChart.
TextPaintInstruction |
PaintInstruction to paint text based on the current TagProcessingState . |
TextPiece | |
TextPrint |
A Print for displaying text.
TextPrintPiece | |
TextStyle |
Defines a set of styles that can be applied to text.
TextUtils |
Utility class to provide common operations on strings not supported by the
base java API.
TextUtils |
Utility class to provide common operations on strings not supported by the
base java API.
ThermometerExample |
A live updated Thermometer Example.
ThermometerFigure |
A Thermometer figure
ThermometerFigure.TemperatureUnit |
Temperature Unit Enum
ThermometerFigure.ThermoLayout | |
Tick |
Tick object used in alternative tick mark generator
LinearScaleTicks2 |
TickFactory |
Tick factory produces the different axis ticks.
TickFactory.TickFormatting |
tick formatting modes
Tile<T> |
A rendered tile
TileAnimationSettings |
This class encapsulates settings for the animation
TileLayout |
A layout for the tiles
TileLayoutDynamic |
A dynamic layout
TileLayoutStatic | |
TileRef |
A single tile in the map.
Tiles<T> | |
TileServer |
This class encapsulates a tileserver, which has the concept of a baseurl and
a distinct range of zoom levels.
TimeAxisFigure | |
TimeBaseConverter | |
TimeFormatter |
This class provides formatting of
Date values in a
FormattedText , restricting the edit and display to the time part. |
TimelineComposite | |
TimelineDataBinding |
Data binding that automatically updates the viewer on model updates.
TimelineScaler | |
TimelineViewer | |
TimeSlice |
Represents a time slice that is the same time but may span several days.
TimeSlot |
Represents a particular range in time in a single day.
Timing | |
TipOfTheDay |
Instances of this class are a "Tip of Day" box, which is composed of
TipOfTheDay.TipStyle |
Types of opal dialog
TitleControl |
An owner-drawn title label type of swt-control.
TitledSeparator |
Instances of this class provide a separator with a title and/or an image.
ToggleRenderer |
The renderer for tree item plus/minus expand/collapse toggle.
ToolbarArmedXYGraph |
An graph which consists of a toolbar and an XYGraph.
ToolbarButton |
Representation of a toolbar button that should be added to the toolbar of the underlying
ToolbarComposite | |
ToolbarConfiguration | Deprecated.
Use the more general
RichTextEditorConfiguration |
Trace |
The trace figure.
Trace.BaseLine | |
Trace.ErrorBarType | |
Trace.PointStyle | |
Trace.TraceType |
The way how the trace will be drawn.
TraceConfigPage |
This will help to create the necessary widgets to configure an axis's
TraceMemento |
The memento to save the properties of a trace.
TrackBorder | |
TrackFigure | |
TracksFigure | |
TracksLayer | |
Transition |
An abstract class handling the basic actions required for whatever transition effect.
Transitionable |
Object implementing this interface enables the
to carry out transition effects either on it or on the object it's delegate for.A "transitionable" widget is a widget that can provide a set of methods to a TransitionManager
either through direct implementation of this interface or through
delegation by providing a delegate object implementing this interface.A "transitionable" widget is supposed to have a list of Control objects of at
least one Control object. |
TransitionListener |
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that handle the transition finished event.
After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to a transition manager using the TransitionManager.addTransitionListener(TransitionListener)
method and removed using the TransitionManager.removeTransitionListener(TransitionListener)
method. |
TransitionManager |
Transition manager applies the required transition on a
Transitionable object. |
TreeMapper<M,L,R> |
A TreeMapper is a composite viewer the creates 2
TreeViewer (left and right)
and an area to display mappings between tree nodes. |
TreeMapperUIConfigProvider | |
TreeNodeToggleRenderer |
This toggle strategy mimics a Windows tree node.
TwisteToggleRenderer |
This toggle strategy appears as a triangle pointing to the right when
collapsed and pointing downwards when expanded.
UndoRedoListenerAdapter |
Basic implementation of
IUndoRedoListener . |
URLService |
Abstract super class for URL-based services with parameters
Util |
General use convenience methods: null checking, equality
Utils | |
ValueAndAssociatedWidgets |
This POJO contains a value a list of widgets that depends on a given property
VButton |
Control to mimic a button.
VButtonImageBak | |
VButtonPainter |
Class to paint a button.
VCanvas | |
VControl |
A VControl is a class wich wraps an SWT Button to create a widget that acts
as much like a native Button as possible while adding the following features:
The appearance of Label when the mouse is not over it and it does not
have the focus or selection (if style is SWT.TOGGLE).
Can fit seemlessly into a larger visual piece - simple set the image to
that of its background and adjust the image's offset if necessary.
Can draw polygons and ovals.
Can center or otherwise align its visual display (text, image, polygon
or oval).
VControl.Type | |
VControlPainter | |
VerticalDragDropManager |
Convenience class for keeping track of vertical DND items
VerticalDragModes | |
VGridLayout | |
ViewLoadingReportAction | |
ViewPortHandler | |
ViewSelectedCellDataAction | |
ViewSelectedCellDataAction.Option | |
ViewTableReportAction | |
VLabel | |
VLabelPainter |
Painter for a Vlabel object
VLayout | |
VNative<T extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control> | |
VPanel | |
VPanelPainter | |
VSimpleLayout | |
VSpacer | |
VStackLayout | |
VTracker | |
Week | |
WeekHeader | |
Win7ColumnGroupHeaderRenderer |
Column group renderer which emulates a default Win7 L&F
Win7ColumnHeaderUtil |
Utility to perform the common drawing functions for all Win7 grid columns
Win7EmptyColumnHeaderRenderer |
Empty column header renderer which emulates a default Win7 L&F.
Win7GridColumnHeaderRenderer |
Column header renderer which emulates a default Win7 L&F.
Win7PaletteProvider |
Palette provider to provide/maintain a set of palettes
specifically used for Win7 looknfeel
Win7RendererSupport |
Support class for adding Win7 column header rendering to a given grid.
WrappableToolbarLayout |
Arrange children in multiple rows if necessary.
XCheckedFilteredTree | |
XCheckFilteredTreeDialog | |
XFilteredTree |
A simple control that provides a text widget and a tree viewer.
XmlUtil | |
XPromptChange | |
XPromptChange.Option | |
XSubMenuManager | |
XViewer | |
XViewerAlign | |
XViewerCells | |
XViewerColumn | |
XViewerColumnLabelProvider | |
XViewerColumnSorter | |
XViewerComputedColumn | |
XViewerControlFactory |
interface to create the controls
XViewerConverter |
interface to manage the input
XViewerCustDialogDragDrop | |
XViewerCustomizations |
Default implementation of IViewerCustomizations interface
XViewerCustomizeDialog |
Provides dialog for table customization
XViewerCustomMenu |
Allow for the customization of the xViewer's right-click menus.
XViewerDaysTillTodayColumn | |
XViewerDiffsBetweenColumnsColumn |
Show if cells from two columns (selected and one to right) are different.
XViewerDisplay | |
XViewerEditAdapter |
Adapter to edit cells in the XViewer
To edit your columns the columns must be ExtendedViewerColumns. |
XViewerException | |
XViewerFactory | |
XViewerFilteredTree | |
XViewerGradient | |
XViewerHtmlReport |
Either call with html and open() or extend to provide getHtml().
XViewerImageCache | |
XViewerLabelProvider | |
XViewerLib | |
XViewerLoadingReport | |
XViewerLog | |
XViewerMenuDetectListener | |
XViewerMouseListener | |
XViewerMultiEditAdapter |
simple multi edit adapter
- Converter.getInput() gives you the current selection in the selObject (first object is the clicked one) |
XViewerPatternFilter | |
XViewerPreComputedColumnAdapter | |
XViewerSorter |
XTreeSorter is equipped to: 1) Sort columns forward and backward by re-selecting the column 2) Sort by multiple
XViewerStyledTextLabelProvider | |
XViewerText | |
XViewerTextFilter | |
XViewerTextWidget |
Generic label and text field object for use by single entry artifact attributes
XViewerTreeReport | |
XViewerUIJob |
The UIJob is a Job that runs within the UI Thread via an asyncExec.
XViewerUtil | |
XViewerValueColumn |
This class provides XViewerColumns another mechanism to providing text, background color and foreground color instead
of through the XViewerLabelProvider.
XViewerWidget |
Abstract class for all widgets used in Wizards and Editors
XViewerWidgetModifiedListener | |
XViewerWorkbenchJob |
WorkbenchJob is a type of job that implements a done listener and does the shutdown checks before scheduling.
XYGraph |
This class is the main figure for the plotting.
XYGraphConfigCommand |
The command for graph configuration.
XYGraphConfigDialog |
The dialog for configuring XYGraph properties.
XYGraphFlags |
Bits for flags that the XYGraph package uses
XYGraphMediaFactory |
A factory, which provides convenience methods for the creation of Images and
XYGraphMemento |
The memento to hold the properties of an XYGraph, so to make the operation on
XYGraph undoable.
XYGraphMementoUtil |
Utility to manage XYGraphMemento create, save and restore functions These
functions are used by XYGraphConfigCommand and XYGraphConfigDialog
XYGraphTest2 | |
XYGraphToolbar |
The toolbar for an xy-graph.
ZoomCommand |
The command for graph zooming and panning.
ZoomType |
The type of zoom on XYGraph.