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What's new in version 0.47.0

The following new features and notable changes since version 0.46.0 are included in this release:

Features and changes

Binaries and supported environments

Eclipse OpenJ9™ release 0.47.0 supports OpenJDK 23.

To learn more about support for OpenJ9 releases, including OpenJDK levels and platform support, see Supported environments.

-Xshareclasses option automatically enables -XX:+ShareOrphans

The -XX:+ShareOrphans option automatically enables the -Xshareclasses option. From release 0.47.0 onwards, if the -Xshareclasses option is specified in the command line, it automatically enables the -XX:+ShareOrphans option.

For more information, see -XX:[+|-]ShareOrphans.

Restrictions in the -XX:[+|-]ShareOrphans option fixed

The -XX:[+|-]ShareOrphans option had the following restrictions:

  • The class comparison might not detect the removal of method access modifiers. For example, a change of a method from public to package-private.
  • java.lang.StackTraceElement.getClassLoaderName() might return null for classes that are stored in the shared cache.

These restrictions are no longer applicable from this release onwards.

Known problems and full release information

To see known problems and a complete list of changes between Eclipse OpenJ9 v0.46.0 and v0.47.0 releases, see the Release notes.