All Classes and Interfaces

This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This class is the parent class for all ImmutableSets.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractImmutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
AbstractLazyIterable provides a base from which deferred iterables such as SelectIterable, RejectIterable and CollectIterable can be derived.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
AbstractMultiReaderMutableCollection is an abstraction that provides thread-safe collection behaviors.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveKeySet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractMutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractPrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a map.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractSynchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file abstractUnmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
Provides static Function2 implementations which can be used by Iterate.injectInto for adding primitives or to a collection
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around an array.
This utility class provides iteration pattern implementations that work with Java arrays.
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections ArrayList instance.
This utility class provides optimized iteration pattern implementations that work with java.util.ArrayList.
ArrayProcedureFJTask<T,BT extends Procedure<? super T>>
ArrayStack is a MutableStack which contains a FastList of data.
Applies a predicate to an object and increments a count if it returns true.
A Bag is a Collection whose elements are unordered and may contain duplicate entries.
This class should be used to create instances of MutableBag and ImmutableBag
This class should be used to create instances of MutableBag and ImmutableBag
API tagged Beta is new API that has not stabilized.
BigDecimalSummaryStatistics can be used to keep a rolling count, sum, min, max and average of BigDecimal values.
BigIntegerSummaryStatistics can be used to keep a rolling count, sum, min, max and average of BigInteger values.
A map that allows users to look up key-value pairs from either direction.
BiMapCollectProcedure uses a Function to calculate the key for an object and puts the object with the key into the specified BiMap.
BooleanArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for boolean primitives.
BooleanArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for boolean primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
BooleanBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanBagFactory and MutableBooleanBagFactory.
BooleanBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanBagFactory and MutableBooleanBagFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A BooleanBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
BooleanComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type boolean and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
BooleanFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Boolean objects in places where primitive booleans could be used.
BooleanFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a BooleanFunction to compare a primitive boolean value retrieved from an object.
BooleanHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for boolean primitives.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
BooleanIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for boolean primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
BooleanIterator is an iterator over a BooleanIterable.
The BooleanIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the BooleanIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
BooleanLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanListFactory and MutableBooleanListFactory.
BooleanLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanListFactory and MutableBooleanListFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A BooleanLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive boolean and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive boolean and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
BooleanPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Boolean objects in places where primitive booleans could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for boolean values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive boolean as the argument.
BooleanQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
BooleanSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanSetFactory and MutableBooleanSetFactory.
BooleanSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanSetFactory and MutableBooleanSetFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(boolean, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A BooleanShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A BooleanShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
BooleanStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanStackFactory and MutableBooleanStackFactory.
BooleanStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableBooleanStackFactory and MutableBooleanStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
ByteArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for byte primitives.
ByteArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for byte primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
ByteBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteBagFactory and MutableByteBagFactory.
ByteBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteBagFactory and MutableByteBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteBooleanMapFactory and MutableByteBooleanMapFactory.
ByteBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteBooleanMapFactory and MutableByteBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A ByteBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteByteMapFactory and MutableByteByteMapFactory.
ByteByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteByteMapFactory and MutableByteByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A ByteByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteCharMapFactory and MutableByteCharMapFactory.
ByteCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteCharMapFactory and MutableByteCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ByteCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
ByteComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type byte and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteDoubleMapFactory and MutableByteDoubleMapFactory.
ByteDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteDoubleMapFactory and MutableByteDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ByteDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteFloatMapFactory and MutableByteFloatMapFactory.
ByteFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteFloatMapFactory and MutableByteFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ByteFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
ByteFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Byte objects in places where primitive bytes could be used.
ByteFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a ByteFunction to compare a primitive byte value retrieved from an object.
ByteHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for byte primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteIntMapFactory and MutableByteIntMapFactory.
ByteIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteIntMapFactory and MutableByteIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ByteIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
ByteIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for byte primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
ByteIterator is an iterator over a ByteIterable.
The ByteIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the ByteIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
ByteLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteListFactory and MutableByteListFactory.
ByteLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteListFactory and MutableByteListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteLongMapFactory and MutableByteLongMapFactory.
ByteLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteLongMapFactory and MutableByteLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ByteLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
ByteObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteObjectMapFactory and MutableByteObjectMapFactory.
ByteObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteObjectMapFactory and MutableByteObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive byte and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive byte and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
BytePredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Byte objects in places where primitive bytes could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for byte values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive byte as the argument.
ByteQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
ByteSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteSetFactory and MutableByteSetFactory.
ByteSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteSetFactory and MutableByteSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ByteShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteShortMapFactory and MutableByteShortMapFactory.
ByteShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteShortMapFactory and MutableByteShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(byte, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ByteShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A ByteShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
ByteStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteStackFactory and MutableByteStackFactory.
ByteStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableByteStackFactory and MutableByteStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
CaseFunction<T extends Comparable<? super T>,V>
CaseProcedure allows developers to create an object form of a case statement, which instead of being based on a single switch value is based on a list of predicate / procedure combinations.
ChainedProcedure allows a developer to chain together procedure to be executed in sequence.
Provides a view into the char[] stored in a String as an ImmutableCharList.
CharArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for char primitives.
CharArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for char primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
CharBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharBagFactory and MutableCharBagFactory.
CharBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharBagFactory and MutableCharBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharBooleanMapFactory and MutableCharBooleanMapFactory.
CharBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharBooleanMapFactory and MutableCharBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A CharBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharByteMapFactory and MutableCharByteMapFactory.
CharByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharByteMapFactory and MutableCharByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A CharByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharCharMapFactory and MutableCharCharMapFactory.
CharCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharCharMapFactory and MutableCharCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A CharCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
CharComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type char and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharDoubleMapFactory and MutableCharDoubleMapFactory.
CharDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharDoubleMapFactory and MutableCharDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A CharDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharFloatMapFactory and MutableCharFloatMapFactory.
CharFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharFloatMapFactory and MutableCharFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A CharFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
CharFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Character objects in places where primitive chars could be used.
since 3.0.
CharFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a CharFunction to compare a primitive char value retrieved from an object.
CharHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for char primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharIntMapFactory and MutableCharIntMapFactory.
CharIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharIntMapFactory and MutableCharIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A CharIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
CharIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for char primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
CharIterator is an iterator over a CharIterable.
The CharIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the CharIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
CharLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharListFactory and MutableCharListFactory.
CharLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharListFactory and MutableCharListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharLongMapFactory and MutableCharLongMapFactory.
CharLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharLongMapFactory and MutableCharLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A CharLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
CharObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharObjectMapFactory and MutableCharObjectMapFactory.
CharObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharObjectMapFactory and MutableCharObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive char and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive char and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
CharPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Character objects in places where primitive chars could be used.
since 3.0.
Provides a set of common predicates for char values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive char as the argument.
since 3.0 use CharProcedure
CharQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
CharSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharSetFactory and MutableCharSetFactory.
CharSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharSetFactory and MutableCharSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
CharShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharShortMapFactory and MutableCharShortMapFactory.
CharShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharShortMapFactory and MutableCharShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(char, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A CharShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A CharShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
CharStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharStackFactory and MutableCharStackFactory.
CharStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableCharStackFactory and MutableCharStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedObjectPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveObjectProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file checkedPrimitivePrimitiveProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A ChunkIterable is an iterable that partitions a source iterable into fixed size chunks as it iterates.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file chunkPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This class will compare the method signatures between two classes.
Calculates and provides the code points stored in a String as an ImmutableIntList.
A CharFunction can be used to convert one character to another.
Calculates and provides the code points stored in a String as an ImmutableIntList.
A Predicate that accepts an int value
A CollectIntIterable is an iterable that transforms a source iterable using an IntFunction as it iterates.
Applies a BooleanFunction to an object and adds the result to a target boolean collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a ByteFunction to an object and adds the result to a target byte collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a CharFunction to an object and adds the result to a target char collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a DoubleFunction to an object and adds the result to a target double collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a FloatFunction to an object and adds the result to a target float collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Combines the results of a Collection of CollectIfBlocks which each hold onto a transformed and filtered (collect, if) collection of results.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a IntFunction to an object and adds the result to a target int collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This class provides a MutableCollection interface wrapper around a JDK Collections Collection interface instance.
CollectionAddProcedure adds elements to the specified collection when one of the block methods are called.
CollectionRemoveProcedure removes element from the specified collection when one of the procedure methods are called.
A CollectIterable is an iterable that transforms a source iterable using a function as it iterates.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a LongFunction to an object and adds the result to a target long collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A set of Collectors for Eclipse Collections types and algorithms.
Applies a function to an object and adds the result to a target collection.
Combines the results of a Collection of CollectBlocks which each hold onto a transformed (collect) collection of results.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a ShortFunction to an object and adds the result to a target short collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file collectPrimitiveToPrimitiveIterable.stg.
CompositeFastList behaves like a list, but is composed of at least one list.
since 2.0
A ConcurrentMutableMap provides an api which combines and supports both MutableMap and ConcurrentMap.
Combines the results of a Collection of CountBlocks which each hold onto a filtered sum (count where) result.
A Counter can be used to increment and return an integer count.
CounterProcedure wraps a specified procedure and keeps track of the number of times it is executed.
Applies a predicate to an object and increments a count if it returns true.
A DistinctIterable is an iterable that eliminates duplicates from a source iterable as it iterates.
DoubleArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for double primitives.
DoubleArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for double primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
DoubleBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleBagFactory and MutableDoubleBagFactory.
DoubleBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleBagFactory and MutableDoubleBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleBooleanMapFactory and MutableDoubleBooleanMapFactory.
DoubleBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleBooleanMapFactory and MutableDoubleBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A DoubleBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleByteMapFactory and MutableDoubleByteMapFactory.
DoubleByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleByteMapFactory and MutableDoubleByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A DoubleByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleCharMapFactory and MutableDoubleCharMapFactory.
DoubleCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleCharMapFactory and MutableDoubleCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A DoubleCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
DoubleComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type double and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleDoubleMapFactory and MutableDoubleDoubleMapFactory.
DoubleDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleDoubleMapFactory and MutableDoubleDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A DoubleDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleFloatMapFactory and MutableDoubleFloatMapFactory.
DoubleFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleFloatMapFactory and MutableDoubleFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A DoubleFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
DoubleFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Double objects in places where primitive doubles could be used.
DoubleFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a DoubleFunction to compare a primitive double value retrieved from an object.
DoubleFunctionImpl is an abstract implementation of the DoubleFunction interface which can be subclassed explicitly or as an anonymous inner class, without needing to override the valueOf method defined in Function.
DoubleHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for double primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleIntMapFactory and MutableDoubleIntMapFactory.
DoubleIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleIntMapFactory and MutableDoubleIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A DoubleIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
DoubleIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for double primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
DoubleIterator is an iterator over a DoubleIterable.
The DoubleIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the DoubleIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
DoubleLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleListFactory and MutableDoubleListFactory.
DoubleLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleListFactory and MutableDoubleListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleLongMapFactory and MutableDoubleLongMapFactory.
DoubleLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleLongMapFactory and MutableDoubleLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A DoubleLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
DoubleObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleObjectMapFactory and MutableDoubleObjectMapFactory.
DoubleObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleObjectMapFactory and MutableDoubleObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive double and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive double and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
DoublePredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Double objects in places where primitive doubles could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for double values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive double as the argument.
DoubleQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
DoubleSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleSetFactory and MutableDoubleSetFactory.
DoubleSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleSetFactory and MutableDoubleSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
DoubleShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleShortMapFactory and MutableDoubleShortMapFactory.
DoubleShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleShortMapFactory and MutableDoubleShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(double, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A DoubleShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A DoubleShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
DoubleSingletonSpliterator is a specialized spliterator of type double.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
DoubleStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleStackFactory and MutableDoubleStackFactory.
DoubleStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableDoubleStackFactory and MutableDoubleStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
Iterates over the elements of the adapted Iterable skipping the first count elements or the full adapted Iterable if the count is non-positive.
in 8.0.
Iterates over the elements of the adapted Iterable skipping the first elements until the predicate returns false.
A Singleton iterator which is empty and can be used by all empty collections.
FastList is an attempt to provide the same functionality as ArrayList without the support for concurrent modification exceptions.
Combines the results of a Collection of FastListCollectIfProcedures which each hold onto a transformed and filtered (collect, if) collection of results.
Applies a function to an object and adds the result to a target fastList.
Combines the results of a Collection of CollectBlocks which each hold onto a transformed (collect) collection of results.
Applies a predicate to an object to determine if it should be added to a target fastList.
Combines the results of a Collection of FastListRejectProcedures which each hold onto a negative filtered (reject) collection of results.
Applies a predicate to an object to determine if it should be added to a target fastList.
Combines the results of a Collection of SelectBlocks which each hold onto a filtered (select) collection of results.
A FixedSizeCollection is a collection that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
A FixedSizeList is a list that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
A FixedSizeMap is a map that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
A FixedSizeSet is a set that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
The FJIterate class contains several parallel algorithms that work with Collections and make use of Java's fork-join framework.
FJListProcedureTask<T,PT extends Procedure<? super T>>
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
Applies a function to an object and adds the result to a target collection.
Combines the results of a Collection of FlatCollectProcedures which each hold onto a transformed (flatten) collection of results.
This file was automatically generated from template file flatCollectPrimitiveToObjectIterable.stg.
FloatArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for float primitives.
FloatArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for float primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
FloatBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatBagFactory and MutableFloatBagFactory.
FloatBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatBagFactory and MutableFloatBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatBooleanMapFactory and MutableFloatBooleanMapFactory.
FloatBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatBooleanMapFactory and MutableFloatBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatByteMapFactory and MutableFloatByteMapFactory.
FloatByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatByteMapFactory and MutableFloatByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatCharMapFactory and MutableFloatCharMapFactory.
FloatCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatCharMapFactory and MutableFloatCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
FloatComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type float and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatDoubleMapFactory and MutableFloatDoubleMapFactory.
FloatDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatDoubleMapFactory and MutableFloatDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatFloatMapFactory and MutableFloatFloatMapFactory.
FloatFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatFloatMapFactory and MutableFloatFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
FloatFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Float objects in places where primitive floats could be used.
FloatFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a FloatFunction to compare a primitive float value retrieved from an object.
FloatHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for float primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatIntMapFactory and MutableFloatIntMapFactory.
FloatIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatIntMapFactory and MutableFloatIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A FloatIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
FloatIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for float primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
FloatIterator is an iterator over a FloatIterable.
The FloatIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the FloatIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
FloatLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatListFactory and MutableFloatListFactory.
FloatLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatListFactory and MutableFloatListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatLongMapFactory and MutableFloatLongMapFactory.
FloatLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatLongMapFactory and MutableFloatLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A FloatLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
FloatObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatObjectMapFactory and MutableFloatObjectMapFactory.
FloatObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatObjectMapFactory and MutableFloatObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive float and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive float and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
FloatPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Float objects in places where primitive floats could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for float values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive float as the argument.
FloatQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
FloatSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatSetFactory and MutableFloatSetFactory.
FloatSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatSetFactory and MutableFloatSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
FloatShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatShortMapFactory and MutableFloatShortMapFactory.
FloatShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatShortMapFactory and MutableFloatShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(float, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A FloatShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A FloatShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
FloatStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatStackFactory and MutableFloatStackFactory.
FloatStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableFloatStackFactory and MutableFloatStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
Function is a one-argument lambda which performs a transformation on the object of type T passed to the valueOf() method.
Function0 is a zero argument lambda.
Function2 is a two argument lambda which takes two arguments and returns a result of a transformation.
Function3 is a three argument Lambda which takes three arguments and returns a result of a transformation.
Simple Comparator that uses a Function to select a value from the underlying object and compare it against a known value to determine ordering.
Contains factory methods for creating Function2 instances.
A HashBag is a MutableBag which uses a Map as its underlying data store.
A MutableBiMap which uses two hash tables as its underlying data store.
Interface for supporting user defined hashing strategies in Sets and Maps
A conditional ObjectIntProcedure that effectively filters which objects should be used
IfProcedure allows developers to evaluate the specified procedure only when either predicate returns true.
A conditional parameterized two argument procedure that effectively filters which objects should be used
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableBag.
The default ImmutableBagMultimap implementation.
A BiMap whose contents cannot be altered after initialization.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanBag.
ImmutableBooleanBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanList.
ImmutableBooleanListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanSet.
ImmutableBooleanSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanStack.
ImmutableBooleanStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableBooleanStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteBag.
ImmutableByteBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteBooleanMap.
ImmutableByteBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteByteMap.
ImmutableByteByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteCharMap.
ImmutableByteCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteDoubleMap.
ImmutableByteDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteFloatMap.
ImmutableByteFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteIntMap.
ImmutableByteIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteList.
ImmutableByteListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteLongMap.
ImmutableByteLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteObjectMap.
ImmutableByteObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteSet.
ImmutableByteSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteShortMap.
ImmutableByteShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableByteStack.
ImmutableByteStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableByteStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharBag.
ImmutableCharBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharBooleanMap.
ImmutableCharBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharByteMap.
ImmutableCharByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharCharMap.
ImmutableCharCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharDoubleMap.
ImmutableCharDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharFloatMap.
ImmutableCharFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharIntMap.
ImmutableCharIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharList.
ImmutableCharListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharLongMap.
ImmutableCharLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharObjectMap.
ImmutableCharObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharSet.
ImmutableCharSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharShortMap.
ImmutableCharShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableCharStack.
ImmutableCharStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableCharStack.
ImmutableCollection is the common interface between ImmutableList, ImmutableSet and ImmutableBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleBag.
ImmutableDoubleBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleBooleanMap.
ImmutableDoubleBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleByteMap.
ImmutableDoubleByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleCharMap.
ImmutableDoubleCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleDoubleMap.
ImmutableDoubleDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleFloatMap.
ImmutableDoubleFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleIntMap.
ImmutableDoubleIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleList.
ImmutableDoubleListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleLongMap.
ImmutableDoubleLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleObjectMap.
ImmutableDoubleObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleSet.
ImmutableDoubleSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleShortMap.
ImmutableDoubleShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleStack.
ImmutableDoubleStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableDoubleStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveImmutableEmptyIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatBag.
ImmutableFloatBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatBooleanMap.
ImmutableFloatBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatByteMap.
ImmutableFloatByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatCharMap.
ImmutableFloatCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatDoubleMap.
ImmutableFloatDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatFloatMap.
ImmutableFloatFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatIntMap.
ImmutableFloatIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatList.
ImmutableFloatListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatLongMap.
ImmutableFloatLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatObjectMap.
ImmutableFloatObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatSet.
ImmutableFloatSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatShortMap.
ImmutableFloatShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatStack.
ImmutableFloatStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableFloatStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntBag.
ImmutableIntBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntBooleanMap.
ImmutableIntBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntByteMap.
ImmutableIntByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntCharMap.
ImmutableIntCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntDoubleMap.
ImmutableIntDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntFloatMap.
ImmutableIntFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntIntMap.
ImmutableIntIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntList.
ImmutableIntListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntLongMap.
ImmutableIntLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntObjectMap.
ImmutableIntObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntSet.
ImmutableIntSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntShortMap.
ImmutableIntShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableIntStack.
ImmutableIntStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableIntStack.
ImmutableList is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableList.
The default ImmutableListMultimap implementation.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongBag.
ImmutableLongBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongBooleanMap.
ImmutableLongBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongByteMap.
ImmutableLongByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongCharMap.
ImmutableLongCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongDoubleMap.
ImmutableLongDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongFloatMap.
ImmutableLongFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongIntMap.
ImmutableLongIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongList.
ImmutableLongListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongLongMap.
ImmutableLongLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongObjectMap.
ImmutableLongObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongSet.
ImmutableLongSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongShortMap.
ImmutableLongShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableLongStack.
ImmutableLongStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableLongStack.
An ImmutableMap is different from a JCF Map because it has no mutating methods.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectBooleanMap.
ImmutableObjectBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectByteMap.
ImmutableObjectByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectCharMap.
ImmutableObjectCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectDoubleMap.
ImmutableObjectDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectFloatMap.
ImmutableObjectFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectIntMap.
ImmutableObjectIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectLongMap.
ImmutableObjectLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectShortMap.
ImmutableObjectShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableObjectShortMap.
ImmutableSet is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableSet.
The default ImmutableBagMultimap implementation.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortBag.
ImmutableShortBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortBooleanMap.
ImmutableShortBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortByteMap.
ImmutableShortByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortCharMap.
ImmutableShortCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortDoubleMap.
ImmutableShortDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortFloatMap.
ImmutableShortFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortIntMap.
ImmutableShortIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortList.
ImmutableShortListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortList.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortLongMap.
ImmutableShortLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortObjectMap.
ImmutableShortObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortSet.
ImmutableShortSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveSetSerializationProxy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortShortMap.
ImmutableShortShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableShortStack.
ImmutableShortStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type ImmutableShortStack.
ImmutableSortedBag is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableSortedBag.
A factory which creates instances of type ImmutableSortedBag.
An ImmutableSortedMap is different from a JCF SortedMap because it has no mutating methods.
ImmutableSortedSet is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to MutableSortedSet.
The default ImmutableSortedSetMultimap implementation.
IntArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for int primitives.
IntArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for int primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
IntBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntBagFactory and MutableIntBagFactory.
IntBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntBagFactory and MutableIntBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntBooleanMapFactory and MutableIntBooleanMapFactory.
IntBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntBooleanMapFactory and MutableIntBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntByteMapFactory and MutableIntByteMapFactory.
IntByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntByteMapFactory and MutableIntByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntCharMapFactory and MutableIntCharMapFactory.
IntCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntCharMapFactory and MutableIntCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
IntComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type int and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntDoubleMapFactory and MutableIntDoubleMapFactory.
IntDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntDoubleMapFactory and MutableIntDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
IntegerFunctionImpl is an abstract implementation of the IntFunction interface which can be subclassed explicitly or as an anonymous inner class, without needing to override the valueOf method defined in Function.
The base interface for all Eclipse Collections.
An Interval is a range of integers that may be iterated over using a step value.
This is a utility class for common behaviors between Interval and IntInterval.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntFloatMapFactory and MutableIntFloatMapFactory.
IntFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntFloatMapFactory and MutableIntFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
IntFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Integer objects in places where primitive ints could be used.
IntFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a IntFunction to compare a primitive int value retrieved from an object.
IntHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for int primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
An IntInterval is a range of ints that may be iterated over using a step value.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntIntMapFactory and MutableIntIntMapFactory.
IntIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntIntMapFactory and MutableIntIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
since 3.0 use IntIntProcedure
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
IntIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for int primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
IntIterator is an iterator over a IntIterable.
The IntIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the IntIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
IntLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntListFactory and MutableIntListFactory.
IntLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntListFactory and MutableIntListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntLongMapFactory and MutableIntLongMapFactory.
IntLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntLongMapFactory and MutableIntLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A IntLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
IntObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntObjectMapFactory and MutableIntObjectMapFactory.
IntObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntObjectMapFactory and MutableIntObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive int and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive int and type T as the arguments.
since 3.0 use IntObjectProcedure
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
IntPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Integer objects in places where primitive ints could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for int values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive int as the argument.
since 3.0 use IntProcedure
since 1.2 use IntIntProcedure
IntQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
IntSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntSetFactory and MutableIntSetFactory.
IntSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntSetFactory and MutableIntSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
IntShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntShortMapFactory and MutableIntShortMapFactory.
IntShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntShortMapFactory and MutableIntShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(int, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A IntShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A IntShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
IntSingletonSpliterator is a specialized spliterator of type int.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
IntStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntStackFactory and MutableIntStackFactory.
IntStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableIntStackFactory and MutableIntStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
The IterableIterate class provides a few of the methods from the Smalltalk Collection Protocol for use with general Collection classes.
A utility class that acts as a router to other utility classes to provide optimized iteration pattern implementations based on the type of Iterable.
The IteratorIterate class implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with java.util.Iterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyBooleanIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" boolean iterables around the specified boolean iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyByteIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" byte iterables around the specified byte iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyCharIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" char iterables around the specified char iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyDoubleIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" double iterables around the specified double iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyFloatIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" float iterables around the specified float iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyIntIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" int iterables around the specified int iterables.
A LazyIterable is RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc.
A LazyIterableAdapter wraps any iterable with the LazyIterable interface.
LazyIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" iterables around the specified iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyLongIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" long iterables around the specified long iterables.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file lazyPrimitiveIterableAdapter.stg.
LazyShortIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" short iterables around the specified short iterables.
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections List interface instance.
An iterable whose items are ordered and may be accessed directly by index.
The ListIterate utility class can be useful for iterating over lists, especially if there is a desire to return a MutableList from any of the iteration methods.
This class should be used to create instances of MutableList, ImmutableList and FixedSizeList
This class should be used to create instances of MutableList, ImmutableList and FixedSizeList
LongArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for long primitives.
LongArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for long primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
LongBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongBagFactory and MutableLongBagFactory.
LongBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongBagFactory and MutableLongBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongBooleanMapFactory and MutableLongBooleanMapFactory.
LongBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongBooleanMapFactory and MutableLongBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongByteMapFactory and MutableLongByteMapFactory.
LongByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongByteMapFactory and MutableLongByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongCharMapFactory and MutableLongCharMapFactory.
LongCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongCharMapFactory and MutableLongCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
LongComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type long and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongDoubleMapFactory and MutableLongDoubleMapFactory.
LongDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongDoubleMapFactory and MutableLongDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongFloatMapFactory and MutableLongFloatMapFactory.
LongFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongFloatMapFactory and MutableLongFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
LongFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Long objects in places where primitive longs could be used.
LongFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a LongFunction to compare a primitive long value retrieved from an object.
LongFunctionImpl is an abstract implementation of the LongFunction interface which can be subclassed explicitly or as an anonymous inner class, without needing to override the valueOf method defined in Function.
LongHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for long primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
An LongInterval is a range of longs that may be iterated over using a step value.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongIntMapFactory and MutableLongIntMapFactory.
LongIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongIntMapFactory and MutableLongIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
LongIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for long primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
LongIterator is an iterator over a LongIterable.
The LongIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the LongIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
LongLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongListFactory and MutableLongListFactory.
LongLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongListFactory and MutableLongListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongLongMapFactory and MutableLongLongMapFactory.
LongLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongLongMapFactory and MutableLongLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
LongObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongObjectMapFactory and MutableLongObjectMapFactory.
LongObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongObjectMapFactory and MutableLongObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive long and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive long and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
LongPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Long objects in places where primitive longs could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for long values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive long as the argument.
LongQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
LongSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongSetFactory and MutableLongSetFactory.
LongSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongSetFactory and MutableLongSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
LongShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongShortMapFactory and MutableLongShortMapFactory.
LongShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongShortMapFactory and MutableLongShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(long, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A LongShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
A LongShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
LongSingletonSpliterator is a specialized spliterator of type long.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
LongStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongStackFactory and MutableLongStackFactory.
LongStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableLongStackFactory and MutableLongStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
This class provides a MutableMap wrapper around a JDK Collections Map interface instance.
MapCollectProcedure uses a Function to calculate the key for an object and puts the object with the key into the specified Map.
MapEntryToProcedure2 translates the result of calling entrySet() on a Map, which results in a collection of Map.Entry objects into corresponding Procedure2s.
A Read-only Map API, with the minor exception inherited from java.lang.Iterable.
The MapIterate class provides a few of the methods from the Smalltalk Collection Protocol.
Transfers keys and values from one map to another
This class should be used to create instances of MutableMap, ImmutableMap and FixedSizeMap
This class should be used to create instances of MutableMap, ImmutableMap and FixedSizeMap
MaxByProcedure<T,V extends Comparable<? super V>>
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the maximum element seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the maximum element seen so far, determined by the Comparator.
MaxFunction contains iterator aware implementations of Max() for integers, doubles, and longs.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the minimum element seen so far, determined by the Function.
MaxSizeFunction compares the size of strings, collections, or maps to determine the max size.
MinByProcedure<T,V extends Comparable<? super V>>
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the minimum element seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the minimum element seen so far, determined by the Comparator
MinFunction contains iterator aware implementations of Min() for integers, doubles, and longs.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the minimum element seen so far, determined by the Function.
MinSizeFunction compares the size of strings, collections, or maps to determine the min size.
This collection is a type of Map that can associate multiple values for keys.
MultimapEachPutProcedure uses a Function to calculate the keys for an object and puts the object with each of the keys into the specified MutableMultimap.
MultimapKeyValuePutAllProcedure uses two Functions to calculate the key and values for an object and puts the key with all values into the specified MutableMultimap.
MultimapKeyValuePutProcedure uses two Functions to calculate the key and value for an object and puts the key and value into the specified MutableMultimap.
MultimapPutProcedure uses a Function to calculate the key for an object and puts the object with the key into the specified MutableMultimap.
A MultiReaderBag provides thread-safe iteration for a bag through methods withReadLockAndDelegate() and withWriteLockAndDelegate().
A factory which creates instances of type MultiReaderBag.
MultiReadFastList provides a thread-safe wrapper around a FastList, using a ReentrantReadWriteLock.
MultiReaderHashBag provides a thread-safe wrapper around a HashBag, using a ReentrantReadWriteLock.
A MultiReaderList provides thread-safe iteration for a list through methods withReadLockAndDelegate() and withWriteLockAndDelegate().
A factory which creates instances of type MultiReaderList.
A MultiReaderSet provides thread-safe iteration for a set through methods withReadLockAndDelegate() and withWriteLockAndDelegate().
A factory which creates instances of type MultiReaderSet.
MultiReadUnifiedSet provides a thread-safe wrapper around a UnifiedSet, using a ReentrantReadWriteLock.
A MutableBag is a Collection whose elements are unordered and may contain duplicate entries.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableBag.
A BiMap whose contents can be altered after initialization.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableBooleanBag.
MutableBooleanBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableBooleanBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableBooleanList.
MutableBooleanListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableBooleanList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableBooleanSet.
MutableBooleanSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableBooleanSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableBooleanStack.
MutableBooleanStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableBooleanStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteBag.
MutableByteBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteBooleanMap.
MutableByteBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteByteMap.
MutableByteByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteCharMap.
MutableByteCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteDoubleMap.
MutableByteDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteFloatMap.
MutableByteFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteIntMap.
MutableByteIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteList.
MutableByteListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteLongMap.
MutableByteLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteObjectMap.
MutableByteObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteSet.
MutableByteSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteShortMap.
MutableByteShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableByteStack.
MutableByteStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableByteStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharBag.
MutableCharBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharBooleanMap.
MutableCharBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharByteMap.
MutableCharByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharCharMap.
MutableCharCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharDoubleMap.
MutableCharDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharFloatMap.
MutableCharFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharIntMap.
MutableCharIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharList.
MutableCharListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharLongMap.
MutableCharLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharObjectMap.
MutableCharObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharSet.
MutableCharSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharShortMap.
MutableCharShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableCharStack.
MutableCharStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableCharStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
MutableCollection is an interface which extends the base java.util.Collection interface and adds several internal iterator methods, from the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleBag.
MutableDoubleBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleBooleanMap.
MutableDoubleBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleByteMap.
MutableDoubleByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleCharMap.
MutableDoubleCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleDoubleMap.
MutableDoubleDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleFloatMap.
MutableDoubleFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleIntMap.
MutableDoubleIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleList.
MutableDoubleListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleLongMap.
MutableDoubleLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleObjectMap.
MutableDoubleObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleSet.
MutableDoubleSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleShortMap.
MutableDoubleShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableDoubleStack.
MutableDoubleStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableDoubleStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatBag.
MutableFloatBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatBooleanMap.
MutableFloatBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatByteMap.
MutableFloatByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatCharMap.
MutableFloatCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatDoubleMap.
MutableFloatDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatFloatMap.
MutableFloatFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatIntMap.
MutableFloatIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatList.
MutableFloatListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatLongMap.
MutableFloatLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatObjectMap.
MutableFloatObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatSet.
MutableFloatSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatShortMap.
MutableFloatShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableFloatStack.
MutableFloatStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableFloatStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntBag.
MutableIntBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntBooleanMap.
MutableIntBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntByteMap.
MutableIntByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntCharMap.
MutableIntCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntDoubleMap.
MutableIntDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntFloatMap.
MutableIntFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntIntMap.
MutableIntIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntList.
MutableIntListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntLongMap.
MutableIntLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntObjectMap.
MutableIntObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntSet.
MutableIntSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntShortMap.
MutableIntShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableIntStack.
MutableIntStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableIntStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
A MutableList is an extension of java.util.List which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongBag.
MutableLongBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongBooleanMap.
MutableLongBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongByteMap.
MutableLongByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongCharMap.
MutableLongCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongDoubleMap.
MutableLongDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongFloatMap.
MutableLongFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongIntMap.
MutableLongIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongList.
MutableLongListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongLongMap.
MutableLongLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongObjectMap.
MutableLongObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongSet.
MutableLongSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongShortMap.
MutableLongShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableLongStack.
MutableLongStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableLongStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
A MutableMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectBooleanMap.
MutableObjectBooleanHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectBooleanMap.
MutableObjectBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectBooleanMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectByteMap.
MutableObjectByteHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectByteMap.
MutableObjectByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectByteMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectCharMap.
MutableObjectCharHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectCharMap.
MutableObjectCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectCharMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectDoubleMap.
MutableObjectDoubleHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectDoubleMap.
MutableObjectDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectDoubleMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectFloatMap.
MutableObjectFloatHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectFloatMap.
MutableObjectFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectFloatMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectIntMap.
MutableObjectIntHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectIntMap.
MutableObjectIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectIntMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectLongMap.
MutableObjectLongHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectLongMap.
MutableObjectLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectLongMap.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectShortMap.
MutableObjectShortHashingStrategyMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableObjectShortMap.
MutableObjectShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableObjectShortMap.
A MutableSet is an extension java.util.Set which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortBag.
MutableShortBagFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortBooleanMap.
MutableShortBooleanMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortBooleanMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortByteMap.
MutableShortByteMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortByteMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortCharMap.
MutableShortCharMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortDoubleMap.
MutableShortDoubleMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortDoubleMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortFloatMap.
MutableShortFloatMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortFloatMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortIntMap.
MutableShortIntMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortIntMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveList.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortList.
MutableShortListFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortList.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortLongMap.
MutableShortLongMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortLongMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortObjectMap.
MutableShortObjectMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortObjectMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveSet.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortSet.
MutableShortSetFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortSet.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortShortMap.
MutableShortShortMapFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortShortMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveStack.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableShortStack.
MutableShortStackFactoryImpl is a factory implementation which creates instances of type MutableShortStack.
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitiveValuesMap.stg.
A factory which creates instances of type MutableSortedBag.
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
A MutableSortedSet is an implementation of a JCF SortedSet which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
This procedure is used to apply an aggregate function like sum on a grouped set of data.
This procedure is used to apply an aggregate function like sum on a grouped set of data.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectBooleanHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectBooleanHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectBooleanHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectBooleanHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectBooleanMapFactory and MutableObjectBooleanMapFactory.
ObjectBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectBooleanMapFactory and MutableObjectBooleanMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive boolean as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive boolean as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectByteHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectByteHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectByteHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectByteHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectByteMapFactory and MutableObjectByteMapFactory.
ObjectByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectByteMapFactory and MutableObjectByteMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive byte as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive byte as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectCharHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectCharHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectCharHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectCharHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectCharMapFactory and MutableObjectCharMapFactory.
ObjectCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectCharMapFactory and MutableObjectCharMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive char as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive char as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectDoubleHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectDoubleHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectDoubleHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectDoubleHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectDoubleMapFactory and MutableObjectDoubleMapFactory.
ObjectDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectDoubleMapFactory and MutableObjectDoubleMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive double as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive double as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectFloatHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectFloatHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectFloatHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectFloatHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectFloatMapFactory and MutableObjectFloatMapFactory.
ObjectFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectFloatMapFactory and MutableObjectFloatMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive float as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive float as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectIntHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectIntHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectIntHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectIntHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectIntMapFactory and MutableObjectIntMapFactory.
ObjectIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectIntMapFactory and MutableObjectIntMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive int as the arguments.
since 3.0 use ObjectIntProcedure instead.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive int as the arguments.
ObjectIntProcedureFactory is used by parallel iterators as a factory for stateful ObjectIntProcedure instances.
Contains factory methods for creating ObjectIntProcedure instances.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectLongHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectLongHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectLongHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectLongHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectLongMapFactory and MutableObjectLongMapFactory.
ObjectLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectLongMapFactory and MutableObjectLongMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive long as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive long as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectObjectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
ObjectShortHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectShortHashingStrategyMapFactory.
ObjectShortHashingStrategyMaps is a static utility for creating MutableObjectShortHashingStrategyMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveMap.stg.
ObjectShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectShortMapFactory and MutableObjectShortMapFactory.
ObjectShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableObjectShortMapFactory and MutableObjectShortMapFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveObjectToObjectFunction.stg.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(Object, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes type T and a primitive short as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive short as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitivePrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file objectPrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
An OrderedIterable is a RichIterable with some meaningful order, such as insertion order, access order, or sorted order.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A map whose keys are ordered but not necessarily sorted, for example a linked hash map.
This file was automatically generated from template file orderedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A Pair is a container that holds two related objects.
The ParallelArrayIterate class contains a parallel forEach algorithm that work with Java arrays.
A ParallelIterable is RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc.
The ParallelIterate class contains several parallel algorithms that work with Collections.
A ParallelIterable is RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc.
The ParallelMapIterate class contains parallel algorithms that work with Maps.
A ParallelIterable is RichIterable which will defer evaluation for certain methods like select, reject, collect, etc.
A PartitionBag is the result of splitting a bag into two Bags based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableBag is the result of splitting an immutable bag into two immutable bags based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableBagIterable is the result of splitting a mutable bag into two ImmutableBagIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableCollection is the result of splitting an immutable collection into two immutable collections based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableList is the result of splitting an immutable list into two immutable lists based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableSet is the result of splitting an immutable set into two immutable sets based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableSetIterable is the result of splitting a ImmutableSetIterable into two ImmutableSetIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableSortedBag is the result of splitting an immutable sorted bag into two immutable sorted bags based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableSortedSet is the result of splitting an immutable sorted set into two immutable sorted sets based on a Predicate.
A PartitionImmutableStack is the result of splitting an immutable stack into two immutable stacks based on a Predicate.
A PartitionIterable is the result of splitting an iterable into two iterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionList is the result of splitting a ListIterable into two ListIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableBag is the result of splitting a mutable bag into two mutable bags based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableBagIterable is the result of splitting a mutable bag into two MutableBagIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableCollection is the result of splitting a mutable collection into two mutable collections based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableList is the result of splitting a mutable list into two mutable lists based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableSet is the result of splitting a mutable set into two mutable sets based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableSetIterable is the result of splitting a MutableSetIterable into two MutableSetIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableSortedSet is the result of splitting a mutable sorted set into two mutable sorted sets based on a Predicate.
A PartitionMutableStack is the result of splitting a mutable stack into two mutable stacks on a Predicate.
A PartitionOrderedIterable is the result of splitting a OrderedIterable into two OrderedIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionReversibleIterable is the result of splitting a ReversibleIterable into two ReversibleIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionSet is the result of splitting a SetIterable into two SetIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionSortedIterable is the result of splitting a SortedIterable into two SortedIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionSortedSet is the result of splitting a SortedSetIterable into two SortedSetIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionStack is the result of splitting a StackIterable into two StackIterables based on a Predicate.
A PartitionUnsortedSet is the result of splitting two UnsortedSetIterable on a Predicate.
A PassThruCombiner doesn't do anything.
A passthru Function0 which returns the value specified.
This class acts as a no op factory for a ObjectIntProcedure which gets passed in and returned out.
A Predicate is a lambda or closure with a boolean result.
A Predicate2 is primarily used in methods like selectWith, detectWith, rejectWith.
The Predicates class can be used to build common Predicates for use in methods such as detect, select and reject which are found on Iterate, MapIterate, and ArrayIterate classes.
Predicates2 is a static version of Predicates.
PrimitiveIterable includes API that is common to all primitive collections.
This class provides interop between primitive streams and primitive collections.
This class should be used to create instances of object/primitive, primitive/primitive and primitive/object pairs.
A Procedure is a single argument lambda which has no return argument.
A Procedure2 is used by forEachWith() methods and for MapIterate.forEachKeyValue().
ProcedureFJTask<T,BT extends Procedure<? super T>>
Factory class for commonly used procedures.
Contains factory methods for creating Procedure2 instances.
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections List interface instance.
The ListIterate class provides a few of the methods from the Smalltalk Collection Protocol for use with ArrayLists.
A utility/helper class for working with Classes and Reflection.
A RejectIterable is an iterable that filters a source iterable on a negative condition as it iterates.
Applies a predicate to an object to determine if it should be added to a target collection.
Combines the results of a Collection of SelectBlocks which each hold onto a negative filtered (reject) collection of results.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
A ReverseIterable is an iterable that wraps another iterable and iterates in reverse order.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
A ReversibleIterable is an ordered iterable that you can iterate over forwards or backwards.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file reversiblePrimitiveIterable.stg.
RichIterable is an interface which extends the InternalIterable interface with several internal iterator methods, from the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
A Batch that must be at the root of the chain, not wrapped in other Batches.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A SelectIterable is an iterable that filters a source iterable for instances of a Class as it iterates.
Calls Class.isInstance(Object) on an object to determine if it should be added to a target collection.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A SelectIterable is an iterable that filters a source iterable on a condition as it iterates.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
Applies a predicate to an object to determine if it should be added to a target collection.
Combines the results of a Collection of SelectBlocks which each hold onto a filtered (select) collection of results.
This file was automatically generated from template file selectPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This class provides a minimal set of SerializableComparator methods for use in the API module.
This class provides a MutableSet wrapper around a JDK Collections Set interface instance.
A Read-only Set api, with the minor exception inherited from java.lang.Iterable (iterable.iterator().remove()).
Set algebra operations.
This class should be used to create instances of MutableSet, ImmutableSet and FixedSizeSet
Set algebra operations are available in this class as static utility.
ShortArrayList is similar to FastList, and is memory-optimized for short primitives.
ShortArrayStack is similar to ArrayStack, and is memory-optimized for short primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBag.stg.
ShortBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortBagFactory and MutableShortBagFactory.
ShortBags is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortBagFactory and MutableShortBagFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveBooleanHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortBooleanMapFactory and MutableShortBooleanMapFactory.
ShortBooleanMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortBooleanMapFactory and MutableShortBooleanMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, boolean).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortBooleanToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortByteMapFactory and MutableShortByteMapFactory.
ShortByteMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortByteMapFactory and MutableShortByteMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, byte).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortByteToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveCaseProcedure.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortCharMapFactory and MutableShortCharMapFactory.
ShortCharMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortCharMapFactory and MutableShortCharMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, char).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortCharToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive char as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
ShortComparator is a primitive Comparator that takes two arguments of type short and otherwise follows the contract of java.util.Comparator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortDoubleMapFactory and MutableShortDoubleMapFactory.
ShortDoubleMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortDoubleMapFactory and MutableShortDoubleMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, double).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortDoubleToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive double as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortFloatMapFactory and MutableShortFloatMapFactory.
ShortFloatMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortFloatMapFactory and MutableShortFloatMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, float).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortFloatToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive float as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
ShortFunction is a primitive Function which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Short objects in places where primitive shorts could be used.
ShortFunction0 is a zero argument lambda.
A Comparator which takes a ShortFunction to compare a primitive short value retrieved from an object.
ShortHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for short primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortIntMapFactory and MutableShortIntMapFactory.
ShortIntMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortIntMapFactory and MutableShortIntMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, int).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortIntToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive int as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
ShortIterable is an interface which is memory-optimized for short primitives.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveIterableIterate.stg.
ShortIterator is an iterator over a ShortIterable.
The ShortIteratorIterate class provides implementations of the various iteration patterns for use with the ShortIterator.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveKeysMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveList.stg.
ShortLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortListFactory and MutableShortListFactory.
ShortLists is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortListFactory and MutableShortListFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortLongMapFactory and MutableShortLongMapFactory.
ShortLongMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortLongMapFactory and MutableShortLongMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, long).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitive2Function.stg.
A ShortLongToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive long as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
ShortObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortObjectMapFactory and MutableShortObjectMapFactory.
ShortObjectMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortObjectMapFactory and MutableShortObjectMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, Object).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectPairImpl.stg
A two argument Predicate that takes a primitive short and type T as the arguments.
A two argument procedure that takes a primitive short and type T as the arguments.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
ShortPredicate is a primitive Predicate which may be used to reduce the overhead of autoboxing Short objects in places where primitive shorts could be used.
Provides a set of common predicates for short values.
A one argument procedure that takes a primitive short as the argument.
ShortQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveSet.stg.
ShortSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortSetFactory and MutableShortSetFactory.
ShortSets is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortSetFactory and MutableShortSetFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
ShortShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortShortMapFactory and MutableShortShortMapFactory.
ShortShortMaps is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortShortMapFactory and MutableShortShortMapFactory.
An instance of this interface can be created by calling PrimitiveTuples.pair(short, short).
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePairImpl.stg
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitivePredicate.stg.
A ShortShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.
A ShortShortToObjectFunction is a two argument lambda or closure which takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive short as the second argument and returns an Object as the result.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveStack.stg.
ShortStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortStackFactory and MutableShortStackFactory.
ShortStacks is a static utility for creating ImmutableShortStackFactory and MutableShortStackFactory.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToObjectFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveToPrimitiveFunction.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveValuesMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file singletonPrimitiveIterator.stg.
An Iterable whose elements are sorted by some comparator or their natural ordering and may contain duplicate entries.
A SortedIterable is an ordered iterable where the elements are stored in sorted order defined by a non-strict partial order relation.
This class provides a MutableSortedMap wrapper around a JDK Collections SortedMap interface instance.
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
This class provides a MutableSortedSet wrapper around a JDK Collections SortedSet interface instance.
An iterable whose items are unique and sorted by some comparator or their natural ordering.
SortedSet algebra operations.
StackIterable is a last-in-first-out data structure.
A string is essentially an array of characters.
The StringPredicates class is a factory that produces Predicates that work with Strings.
The StringPredicates2 class is a factory that produces Predicate2 instances that work with Strings.
This class can be used to create instances of CharAdapter and CodePointAdapter.
Provides static Function2 implementations which can be used by Iterate.injectInto for adding primitives or to a collection.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
Implementation of Procedure that holds on to the summation of elements seen so far, determined by the Function.
A synchronized view of a MutableBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableBooleanBag.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a BooleanIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableBooleanList.
A synchronized view of a MutableBooleanSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableBooleanStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteIntMap.
A synchronized view of a ByteIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteList.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableByteStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharIntMap.
A synchronized view of a CharIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharList.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableCharStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleIntMap.
A synchronized view of a DoubleIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleList.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableDoubleStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatIntMap.
A synchronized view of a FloatIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatList.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableFloatStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntIntMap.
A synchronized view of a IntIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntList.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableIntStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongIntMap.
A synchronized view of a LongIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongList.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableLongStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableCollection.
A synchronized view of a MutableList.
A synchronized view of a MutableMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectCharMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectIntMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableObjectShortMap.
A Multimap that is optimized for parallel writes, but is not protected for concurrent reads.
A Multimap that is optimized for parallel writes, but is not protected for concurrent reads.
A Multimap that is optimized for parallel writes, but is not protected for concurrent reads.
A Multimap that is optimized for parallel writes, but is not protected for concurrent reads.
A synchronized view of a RichIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortBag.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortBooleanMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortByteMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortCharMap.
This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveCollection.stg.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortDoubleMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortFloatMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortIntMap.
A synchronized view of a ShortIterable.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortList.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortLongMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortObjectMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortShortMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableShortStack.
A synchronized view of a MutableSortedBag.
A synchronized view of a SortedMap.
A synchronized view of a MutableSortedSet.
A synchronized view of a MutableStack.
Iterates over the first count elements of the adapted Iterable or the full size of the adapted iterable if the count is greater than the length of the receiver.
Iterates over the first count elements of the iterator or the full size of the iterator if the count is greater than the length of the receiver.
Iterates over the elements of the adapted Iterable until the predicate returns false.
Iterates over the elements of the iterator until predicate returns false.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A TapIterable is an iterable that executes a procedure for each element before each iteration.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file tapPrimitiveIterable.stg.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A functional interface that can be represented by a Lambda that can throw a CheckedException.
A TreeBag is a MutableSortedBag which uses a SortedMap as its underlying data store.
in 7.0.
in 5.0.
A Pair is a container that holds two related objects.
A Twin is a Pair where both elements have the same type.
UnifiedMap stores key/value pairs in a single array, where alternate slots are keys and values.
UnifiedMapWithHashingStrategy stores key/value pairs in a single array, where alternate slots are keys and values.
An unmodifiable view of a bag.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
UnmodifiableBooleanIterator is a wrapper around BooleanIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableByteIterator is a wrapper around ByteIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableCharIterator is a wrapper around CharIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableDoubleIterator is a wrapper around DoubleIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableFloatIterator is a wrapper around FloatIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableIntIterator is a wrapper around IntIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
An iterator that adapts another iterator and throws unsupported operation exceptions when calls to the remove method are made.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableLongIterator is a wrapper around LongIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
An unmodifiable view of a Map.
An unmodifiable view of a collection.
An unmodifiable view of a list.
An unmodifiable view of a map.
An unmodifiable view of a map.
An unmodifiable view of a list.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiableObjectPrimitiveMap.stg.
An unmodifiable view of a RichIterable.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveBag.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveCollection.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
UnmodifiableShortIterator is a wrapper around ShortIterator which is unmodifiable and doesn't support remove.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveList.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveObjectMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveSet.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
This file was automatically generated from template file unmodifiablePrimitiveStack.stg.
An unmodifiable view of a SortedBag.
An unmodifiable view of a SortedMap.
An unmodifiable view of a SortedSet.
An unmodifiable view of a map.
An iterable Map whose elements are unsorted.
An iterable whose items are unique.
An extension of the Assert class, which adds useful additional "assert" methods.
A ZipIterable is an iterable that transforms a source iterable on a condition as it iterates.
A CollectIterable is an iterable that transforms a source iterable on a condition as it iterates.
Creates a PairImpl of objects and their indexes and adds the result to a target collection.