All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractApplication<OS extends OperatingSystem> |
AbstractCamSendingApp<OS extends OperatingSystem & AdHocCommunicative> |
Abstract application implementing the ETSI standard.
AbstractCamSendingApp.Data |
AbstractCommunicationModule<ConfigT extends AbstractCommunicationModuleConfiguration> |
AbstractCommunicationModuleConfiguration |
AbstractEnumDefaultValueTypeAdapter<E extends Enum<E>> |
AbstractFederateAmbassador |
Provides basic function of a federate ambassador and declares abstract methods to be implemented.
AbstractFederateAmbassador.InteractionQueue |
AbstractNetworkAmbassador |
The Ambassador for coupling a network simulator to MOSAIC RTI.
AbstractOutputGenerator |
This class needs to be implemented to add a output generator or visualizer to the OutputAmbassador .
AbstractPerceptionModule |
AbstractSimulationUnit |
This class is to be extended by all units that can be equipped with applications.
AbstractSpawningMode |
AbstractSpawningMode.DecreaseExponential |
Decreases the flow of spawning vehicles exponentially from the given target flow
until the given end time as reached.
AbstractSpawningMode.DecreaseLinear |
Decreases the flow of spawning vehicles linearly from the given target flow
until the given end time as reached.
AbstractSpawningMode.IncreaseExponential |
Increases the flow of spawning vehicles exponentially up to the given target flow
until the given end time as reached.
AbstractSpawningMode.IncreaseLinear |
Increases the flow of spawning vehicles linearly up to the given target flow
until the given end time as reached.
AbstractStreamModule |
AbstractSubscriptionResult |
To be implemented by all results of SubscriptionResult used for
traci value retrieval by subscription.
AbstractSubscriptionTraciReader<T extends AbstractSubscriptionResult> |
AbstractSumoAmbassador |
AbstractTimeManagement |
Abstract class providing base functions for initialization, progress printing and finishing of
TimeManagement implementations.
AbstractTimeManagement.PerformanceCalculator |
AbstractTraciCommand<T> |
This class handles the whole construction of a traci command message and reads its responds.
AbstractTraciCommand.TraciCommandResultReaderBuilder |
Provides methods to configure readers in a builder-like manner.
AbstractTraciCommand.TraciCommandWriterBuilder |
AbstractTraciParameterWriter<T> |
AbstractTraciResultReader<T> |
Abstract TraCI result reader.
AbstractTraciResultReader.Matcher<T> |
AbstractVehicleSetSingleDoubleValue |
AbstractVehicleSetSingleIntegerValue |
Class to set set a single integer value via a traci command.
ActivityLoggingMonitor |
AdditionalProcessingApp |
This application is used only as an addition to the InterconnectApp,
showing processing of events that were created and added to EventManager
for this application by InterconnectApp and therefore being able to receive a message from Events resource.
AdditionalReceivingApp |
This application is used only as an additional demonstration of MosaicInteractionHandlingApp's work.
AdHocChannel |
Channel numbers based on IEEE 1604 WAVE standard for US spectrum allocation.
AdHocCommunicationConfiguration |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
exchange information about the configuration of a vehicle's AdHoc communication
AdHocCommunicative |
Interface to mark an OperatingSystem as
an owner of a AdHocModule to enable ad-hoc communication, thus making it communicative via ITS-G5.
AdHocConfiguration |
This class represents the configuration of a vehicles Ad-Hoc interface.
AdHocConfiguration.Builder |
AdHocConfiguration.RadioMode |
This enum describes the number of radios and thus the multi radio mode.
AdHocMessageRoutingBuilder |
AdHocModule |
Represents the module for ad hoc communication of a simulation unit.
AdHocModuleConfiguration |
The configuration class for the AdHoc module.
AdHocModuleConfiguration.AdHocModuleRadioConfiguration |
AdhocTransmissionModel |
Abstract class defining necessary methods for the SNS to do calculations.
AdhocTransmissionModelTypeAdapterFactory |
Adapter factory for JSON to configure the two kinds of "simple" or "sophisticated" transmissionModels more comfortably.
Advice |
Traffic control advice for vehicles to adjust their speeds or acc parameters, or to switch lanes.
Advice.LaneChange |
Advice.ReactionState |
Aggregator |
AllSubscriptionsTraciReader |
AmbassadorParameter |
Application |
All basic applications need to implement this interface, for the
application simulator to properly handle them.
ApplicationAmbassador |
Main class for the application simulator.
ApplicationInteraction |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used in custom applications, it can be
extended for simulation units to react upon different influences and can be used for intercommunication
between applications.
Area<T extends Point<T>> |
AStar<T extends AStar.Node<T,P>,P extends Point<P>> |
Generic implementation of a node-based A* algorithm for routing across Point based road networks.
AStar.Node<T extends AStar.Node<T,P>,P extends Point<P>> |
A* routing network node.
AwarenessData |
AwarenessType |
BandwidthMeasurementManager |
BatteryChargingStart |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a started charging
process at a ChargingSpot to the RTI.
BatteryChargingStop |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a stopped charging
process at a charging station to the RTI.
BatteryData |
This class provides battery information for a vehicle provided by
the electricity or battery simulator.
BatteryData.Builder |
BellmanFordRouting |
Implementation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm which supports negative edge costs.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBoxOcclusion |
Bounds<T extends Point<T>> |
Extends the Rectangle with side representation for defining a bounding box.
Bridge |
Interface of the bridge connection to SUMO (either TraCI or libsumo).
Building |
ByteArrayReader |
ByteArrayTraciWriter |
ByteTraciReader |
ByteTraciWriter |
CAbstractNetworkAmbassador |
Cam |
Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) are status information messages about the traffic flow
that is shared between simulation entities (vehicles, roadside units (RSU) or traffic control centre).
CamBuilder |
A builder class to assemble Cooperative Awareness Messages Cam .
CamContent |
Contains specific CAM data
CamSendingApp |
This is a simple application that shows sending a CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) with an additional information (user tagged value)
by using the CamBuilder.userTaggedValue(byte[]) ) method.
CandidateRoute |
Stores solely a list of connection IDs of the freshly generated route.
CapacityUtility |
Static methods for handling the bandwidth calculation.
CApplicationAmbassador |
Main configuration of the MOSAIC Application simulator.
CApplicationAmbassador.CRoutingByType |
Extends the CRouting configuration with a type parameter
allowing to define the actual Routing
implementation to use.
CartesianArea |
CartesianCircle |
CartesianPoint |
CartesianPointAdapter |
CartesianPolygon |
CartesianRectangle |
CCell |
Storage class for convenient access to the cell configuration (cell_config.json).
CCell.CBandwidthMeasurement |
CCell.CHeaderLengths |
CChargingStation |
Definition of an EV charging station.
CChargingStation.CChargingSpot |
Definition of an EV charging spot.
CellAmbassador |
Ambassador for the Cell network simulator which handles the interaction with Eclipse MOSAIC.
CellCommunicative |
Interface to mark an OperatingSystem as
an owner of a CellModule to enable cellular communication, thus making it communicative via cell.
CellConfiguration |
This class represents the configuration of a vehicles' cellular communication interface.
CellMessageRoutingBuilder |
CellModule |
Represents the module for cellular communication of a simulation unit.
CellModule |
The base module in the cellular simulator.
CellModuleConfiguration |
CellModuleConfiguration cellConfiguration = new CellModuleConfiguration()
.maxDownlinkBitrate(7200 * DATA.MEGABIT)
.maxUplinkBitrate(1400 * DATA.MEGABIT)
.camConfiguration(new CAMConfiguration(DestinationType.CellGeoUnicast, 300));
CellModuleConfiguration.CellCamConfiguration |
Configuration of disseminationMode (multiple unicasts or one multicast)
and information distance to neighbors in the vicinity.
CellModuleMessage |
Base message for internal communication of results between the chained cell modules.
CellModuleMessage.Builder |
A helper class in order to simplify the CellModuleMessage creation.
CellModuleNames |
CellTransmissionType |
Enumeration of destination types used by the Cell.
CellularCommunicationConfiguration |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
configure cell communication of a node, e.g.
CellularHandoverUpdates |
This extension of Interaction is used by the cell ambassador to communicate handovers.
CEmergencyBrakeApp |
CentralNavigationComponent |
CentralPerceptionComponent |
The CentralPerceptionComponent is responsible for keeping a spatial index of all vehicles,
which allows fast querying of nearby vehicles.
CEnvironment |
Environment simulator configuration.
CEtsi |
ETSI specific parameter (delta for each value).
CEvent |
Single event configuration.
CEventLocation |
Event location configuration, which is either a GeoArea (e.g.
CEventTime |
Event time configuration.
CEventType |
CExample |
This is an example of a simple configuration class.
ChainManager |
The ChainManager receives communication dependent interactions from the CellAmbassador
and handles the complete interaction between the cell modules internally
and also interfaces towards MOSAIC to advance the simulation.
ChargingSpot |
ChargingStationApplication |
All applications accessing charging station functionality
are to implement this interface.
ChargingStationCamSendingApp |
ETSI conform application for charging stations.
ChargingStationData |
This class encapsulates the semi-persistent state of a ChargingStation based on the
ETSI TS 101 556-1 definition.
ChargingStationData.Builder |
ChargingStationMapping |
A Charging Station that is equipped with applications.
ChargingStationOperatingSystem |
ChargingStationRegistration |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward an added charging
station to the RTI.
ChargingStationSpawner |
Class responsible for configuring Charging Stations to be added to the simulation.
ChargingStationUnit |
This class represents a charging station for electric vehicles in the application simulator.
ChargingStationUpdate |
ChargingType |
This enum is used to differentiate between the three commonly used types of charging:
CHosts |
Specify the hosts, where the federates should run.
CIpResolver |
Configuration class for the IPResolver.
Circle<T extends Point<T>> |
ClassNameParser |
This utility class parses a String and awaits at least a class reference.
ClassSubsetIterator<T> |
Iterator, which returns only classes, which are a substitute of a
given class.
ClassUtils |
ClientServerChannel |
Abstraction of Ambassador->Federate Byte Protocol
for coupling of a network federate to MOSAIC.
ClientServerChannel.ADDRESSTYPE |
Allowed address types.
ClientServerChannel.CMD |
ClientServerChannel.NodeDataContainer |
ClientServerChannel.ReceiveMessageContainer |
ClientServerChannelProtos |
ClientServerChannelProtos.CommandMessage |
--> Commands
TODO: tag numbers from 1 to 15 take only one byte in protobuf.
ClientServerChannelProtos.CommandMessage.Builder |
--> Commands
TODO: tag numbers from 1 to 15 take only one byte in protobuf.
ClientServerChannelProtos.CommandMessage.CommandType |
Protobuf enum ClientServerChannelSpace.CommandMessage.CommandType
ClientServerChannelProtos.CommandMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration.RadioMode |
Protobuf enum ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfiguration.RadioMode
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioConfigurationOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioNumber |
Protobuf enum ClientServerChannelSpace.ConfigureRadioMessage.RadioNumber
ClientServerChannelProtos.ConfigureRadioMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.InitMessage |
--> Initialization process
ClientServerChannelProtos.InitMessage.Builder |
--> Initialization process
ClientServerChannelProtos.InitMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.PortExchange |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.PortExchange
ClientServerChannelProtos.PortExchange.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.PortExchange
ClientServerChannelProtos.PortExchangeOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.RadioChannel |
--> Communication
ClientServerChannelProtos.ReceiveMessage |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ReceiveMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.ReceiveMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.ReceiveMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.ReceiveMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.AddressCase |
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoCircleAddress |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.GeoCircleAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoCircleAddress.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.GeoCircleAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoCircleAddressOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoRectangleAddress |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.GeoRectangleAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoRectangleAddress.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.GeoRectangleAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.GeoRectangleAddressOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.TopoAddress |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.TopoAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.TopoAddress.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.SendMessageMessage.TopoAddress
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessage.TopoAddressOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.SendMessageMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.TimeMessage |
--> Time advance
ClientServerChannelProtos.TimeMessage.Builder |
--> Time advance
ClientServerChannelProtos.TimeMessageOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode |
--> Update messages
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode.Builder |
--> Update messages
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode.NodeData |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.UpdateNode.NodeData
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode.NodeData.Builder |
Protobuf type ClientServerChannelSpace.UpdateNode.NodeData
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode.NodeDataOrBuilder |
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNode.UpdateType |
Protobuf enum ClientServerChannelSpace.UpdateNode.UpdateType
ClientServerChannelProtos.UpdateNodeOrBuilder |
CLocalHost |
This class describes a host that is to be used to deploy/start/stop/undeploy a federate.
CLocalHost.OperatingSystem |
Enumeration for the operating system types.
CMappingAmbassador |
Basic type carrying the complete configuration for the mapping of one
CMappingConfiguration |
Class that contains options for the parametrization of the Mapping.
CMobileNetworkProperties |
CNetwork |
Storage class for convenient access to the network configuration (network.json).
CNetworkProperties |
CNetworkProperties holds all coverage properties of one region of the radio access network (ran-part).
CNetworkProperties.CDownlink |
The downlink supports two individual paths.
CNetworkProperties.CDownlink.CMulticast |
CNetworkProperties.CDownlink.CUnicast |
CNetworkProperties.CUplink |
The uplink direction only allows point-to-point communication (unicast).
ColorUtils |
CommandChangePoiState |
CommandChangeRouteState |
CommandChangeTrafficLightState |
CommandChangeVehicleValue |
CommandException |
CommandLanePropertyChange |
CommandLengthReader |
CommandLineOption |
Annotation to declare parameters for the command line.
CommandLineParser<T> |
Helper class, which automatically converts a list of arguments from the command line into a parameter object and vice versa.
CommandRegister |
CommandRetrieveInductionLoopState |
CommandRetrieveJunctionValue |
CommandRetrieveLaneAreaState |
CommandRetrieveLaneValue |
CommandRetrieveRouteValue |
CommandRetrieveSimulationValue |
CommandRetrieveTrafficLightValue |
CommandRetrieveVehicleState |
CommandRetrieveVehicleTypeState |
CommandSimulationControl |
CommandVariableSubscriptions |
CommunicationApplication |
All applications that implement some form of V2x communication
are to implement this interface.
CommunicationModule<TConf extends CommunicationModuleConfiguration> |
CommunicationModuleConfiguration |
CommunicationModuleOwner |
Interface to be implemented by classes providing a communication module.
ComponentProvider |
ConfigBuilderFactory |
ConfigHelper |
This class is intended to contain helper methods to read the output generator configuration file.
ConfigurableApplication<ConfigT,OS extends OperatingSystem> |
An extended AbstractApplication , which automatically loads a configuration from a json file,
which is called the same as the implementing class (e.g.
ConfigurationData |
ConfigurationData Singleton that holds references to the cell configurations, which are
- set once by the CellAmbassador and
- needed and used by the Utilities (the actual models).
ConfigurationReader |
This class is used to read the configurations used in the CellAmbassador.
Connection |
This represents an abstraction layer on top of a Way .
ConstantDelay |
Specialized delay model for constant delay, which delivers always the same delay.
ConstantSpawningMode |
The default mode of spawning vehicles with constant time gaps
based on a given target flow.
Consumptions |
Data object providing vehicle consumptions, e.g.
COriginDestinationMatrixMapper |
Mapper to define an Origin-Destination Matrix.
COriginDestinationMatrixMapper.COriginDestinationPoint |
Defines a point that can be referenced from an OD-matrix.
Corner |
This is a simple point that marks the corner of a building.
CParameterDeviations |
CPerception |
Configuration for the perception backend used in the ApplicationSimulator
to determine surrounding vehicles, traffic lights, and buildings.
CPerception.CTrafficLightIndex |
CPerception.CVehicleIndex |
A base class for configuring the VehicleIndex implementation to use during perception.
CPerception.CWallIndex |
CProjection |
Configuration for the Projection of geographic coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
CPrototype |
Defining basic properties for an object in the simulation.
CRegion |
Storage class for the region configuration (regions.json).
CRemoteHost |
This class describes a host that is to be used to deploy/start/stop/undeploy
a federate remotely using SSH.
CRoadSideUnit |
Defining a road side unit (RSU).
CRouting |
Base Class for the navigation configuration.
CRuntime |
CRuntime.CFederate |
CScenario |
CScenario.Simulation |
CServer |
Class defining Servers.
CSns |
SNS configuration.
CSumo |
The SUMO Ambassador configuration class.
CTrafficLight |
Defining a prototype for a traffic light.
CTrafficManagementCenter |
Class defining a Traffic Management Center (TMC).
CTransmission |
CVehicle |
Class defining a vehicle to be spawned in the simulation.
CVehicle.SpawningMode |
Constant data units in MOSAIC.
Database |
This contains all information about the traffic network, as well as possible obstacles affecting
communications and predefined routing information.
Database.Builder |
Builder class for simple generation for a new Database .
Database.RouteBuilder |
DatabaseGraphLoader |
Loads the content of a MOSAIC scenario database into a graphhopper graph.
DatabaseRouting |
An implementation of the Routing interface which provides access to routing functions
based on data of the scenario-database.
DatabaseUtils |
This class bundles static utilities to be called on Database and objects
contained in Database s.
DataFieldAdapter |
Adapter for JSON fields which translates values as string representatives to
actual long values representing the number of bits, e.g.
DataFieldAdapter.Bandwidth |
DataFieldAdapter.BandwidthQuiet |
DataFieldAdapter.Size |
DataFieldAdapter.SizeQuiet |
DefaultEventScheduler |
The event scheduler implementation is a sequential implementation of the
event scheduler.
DefaultRandomNumberGenerator |
Delay |
Basic Delay to be extended by specialized delays.
DelayTypeAdapterFactory |
DelayUtility |
Cellular delay utility to calculate the delay from within cell.
Denm |
Decentralized Environment Notification Message.
DenmContent |
DestinationAddressContainer |
A container for any type of destination network address (Topocast or Geocast).
DestinationType |
Enumeration of destination types.
DimensionsModifier |
DistanceFilter |
This implementation of PerceptionModifier is a stochastic filter, that works on the
principle that closer vehicles are more likely to be perceived than further vehicles.
DistanceSensor |
This contains all information gathered by the vehicles distance sensor.
DistributedFederationManagement |
This extension of LocalFederationManagement allows additionally
to the local administration an administration on remote hosts using SSH.
DockerClient |
A simple client which is able to run docker images using the command line tools of docker.
DockerCommandLine |
Binds docker command line options to methods.
DockerContainer |
Wraps information about a running docker container instance.
DockerFederateExecutor |
A federate executor which starts a docker container which contains the federate.
DockerRun |
Provides methods to easily compose a "docker run" command.
DockerRuntimeException |
Extension of RuntimeException , thrown for example if connection to docker process is interrupted.
DoubleTraciReader |
DoubleTraciWriter |
DownstreamModule |
This module simulates the Downlink in the RAN-Part of the cellular network.
DriveDirection |
Represents the direction a vehicle is driving in.
DuplicatableMessage<T extends V2xMessage> |
A message that can duplicate itself.
Edge |
Edge<T extends Vector3d> |
Edge.InRadius<V extends Vector3d,E extends Edge<V>> |
EdgeFinder |
Edge Finder searches for the closest edge to a specified geo location.
EdgeProperties |
Provides properties for edges, such as the speed limit, length, or road type.
EfficientPriorityQueue<T> |
Extends PriorityQueue with an efficient contains method
that avoids to loop through the queue to find an element.
ElectricVehicleApplication |
All applications accessing electric vehicle functionality
are to implement this interface.
ElectricVehicleOperatingSystem |
ElectricVehicleUnit |
This class represents an electric vehicle in the application simulator.
EmergencyBrakeApp |
This class implements an application for vehicles.
Emissions |
Data object providing emission values (e.g.
EncodedPayload |
EnvironmentAmbassador |
Main class for the environment simulator that emits events to vehicles that lie in their
configured time span and the configured event area.
EnvironmentEvent |
EnvironmentEventLocation |
Holds the Environment location.
EnvironmentSensorActivation |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to signal
interest in sensor information for a specific node.
EnvironmentSensorUpdates |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to exchange sensor data.
EqualsFilter |
Filter which accepts object which are equal to the configured value.
ErrorRegister |
The application ambassador has a given error range from
0x01000000 to 0x02000000 .
EtsiPayloadConfiguration |
Event |
Information to be processed at a simulation point is called event.
EventBuilder |
EventInterceptor |
The event interceptor creates intercepted events based on events with other
EventManager |
The event manager stores events and forces further steps that are required to
process the event.
EventNicenessPriorityRegister |
top = highest priority.
EventProcessingApp |
Receiving application that reacts on events passed from another
app running on the same vehicle.
EventProcessor |
The event processor processes a scheduled event.
EventScheduler |
The event scheduler manages the events and processes them.
EventSendingApp |
ExecutableFederateExecutor |
ExtendedMethodSet |
ExternalWatchDog |
This watchdog thread, once started, can be accessed remotely to close the simulation.
FederateAmbassador |
This interface must be implemented by each simulator (federate) that
wants to be included into a federation.
FederateDescriptor |
The federation handle is the description of a federate.
FederateEvent |
An instance of event is created after a federate has requested to advance its
local time.
FederateExecutor |
The FederateExecutor is used to start the federate the ambassador
is associated with.
FederateExecutor.FederateStarterException |
FederatePriority |
Constant values for prioritizing federates.
FederationManagement |
The federation management is responsible for the administration of the
simulators and their ambassadors.
FileOutput |
FileOutputLoader |
FileUtils |
Filter |
FilterFactory |
FixedOrderSelector<T extends Weighted> |
Helper class allowing the random and pseudo-random selection of multiple
GammaDelay |
GammaDelay holds the GammaRandomDelay and the GammaSpeedDelay, which have the same configuration.
GammaRandomDelay |
The GammaRandomDelay to model a more realistic delay distribution, which is in line
with the measurements from the campaign in the smartv2x project.
GammaSpeedDelay |
The GammaSpeedDelay-Type calculates a delay derived from the GammaDistribution
and also including a certain impairment for higher vehicle speeds.
GenericV2xMessage |
This V2xMessage implementation can be used for simple message exchange between entities.
GeoArea |
GeoAreaAdapterFactory |
GeoAreaAdapterFactory.GeoAreaAdapter |
GeoCalculator |
GeocasterModule |
This module is the turning point between Up- and Downlink and is responsible for
message casting and routing according to Topocast, GeoUnicast and GeoBroadcast.
GeocasterResult |
The message that comes out of the Geocaster and is intended for the Downstream module.
GeoCircle |
A GeoCircle represents an immutable pair of a GeoPoint
center position and a radius in meters.
GeoPoint |
GeoPointAdapter |
GeoPolygon |
GeoProjection |
Provides methods to transform geographic coordinates from and to cartesian coordinates.
GeoRectangle |
Represents an immutable pair of two different GeoPoint s.
GeoUtils |
GlobalEnvironmentUpdates |
This extension of Interaction contains a list of current environment events and their locations.
GlobalRandom |
GraphHopperEdgeProperties |
GraphHopperRouting |
GraphhopperToDatabaseMapper |
GraphHopperWeighting |
A dynamic weight calculation.
GreenWaveMsg |
Grid<T> |
Grid represents data structure to efficiently store spatial objects on the 2D X,Z plane using a fixed grid of cells.
GrowAndShrinkSpawningMode |
This implementation of SpawningMode spawns the vehicles in a
way where first the flow is increased, then it stays constant and afterwards
it is decreased.
Handle |
HandoverInfo |
HandoverUtility |
HarvesineGeoCalculator |
Geo calculator based on Harvesine formulas.
HeadingModifier |
HelloWorldApp |
This is a simple Hello World application.
HighwayManagementApp |
HighwaySpecificLaneIndexSelector |
Specific lane index selector which spawns trucks (VehicleClass#HeavyGoodsVehicle) on the
right most lane.
IConnection |
Provides information about a directional road segment.
Identifiable |
IdTransformer<ExternalT,InternalT> |
Provides methods to transform IDs if the identifier scheme of a federate differs to MOSAIC.
IdTransformer.Identity |
Simple default implementation which expects external and internal IDs to be equal.
IllegalRouteException |
IllegalValueException |
An exception that is thrown if an invalid value has been used.
INavigationModule |
Interface to access the central navigation component from vehicle applications.
InductionLoop |
InductionLoop |
This class is used to calculate the traffic flow aggregated
from the last counts of passed vehicles at this detector.
InductionLoopDetectorSubscription |
This extension of Interaction is sent when a unit wants to subscribe for data of a SUMO induction loop.
InductionLoopInfo |
InductionLoopInfo.Builder |
A builder for creating InductionLoopInfo objects without using the monstrous constructor.
InductionLoopSubscribe |
InductionLoopSubscribe |
InductionLoopSubscribe |
InductionLoopSubscriptionResult |
This class summarizes the results of induction loop.
InductionLoopSubscriptionTraciReader |
InductionLoopVehicleData |
Vehicle data saved by an induction loop.
InductionLoopVehicleDataTraciReader |
INode |
Provides information about a node, such as its position.
IntegerTraciReader |
IntegerTraciWriter |
Interactable |
Interaction |
This abstract class MUST be the parent class of all interactions that shall be
exchanged between federates.
InteractionDescriptor |
This class provides required information for an interaction subscription.
InteractionFormatter |
InteractionManagement |
The InteractionManagement is responsible for the exchange of
data among federates using instances of Interaction .
InteractionUtils |
InterceptedEvent |
An intercepted event is a typesafe event for interception.
InterconnectApp |
This is a simple application to demonstrate an interconnection between
applications which are running on same units.
InterfaceConfiguration |
Represents the configuration for an interface on the vehicle
If this is not null, the interface exists but may still be configured to only
participate in routing and not receive actual messages via the turnedOn = false flag.
InterfaceConfiguration.Builder |
InterfaceConfiguration.MultiChannelMode |
This is not actively used yet, since we always have single channel radios.
InternalFederateException |
An exception that thrown within the execution of a federate.
IntervalSamplingApp |
This is a simple application to demonstrate a sampling in a specific interval.
InterVehicleMsg |
Class used as message for inter vehicle communication in contrast
to the intra vehicle communication.
IntraVehicleMsg |
Example class used to demonstrate the communication
between applications that run on the same vehicle.
IpResolver |
Class providing a singleton for global IP address management.
IRoadPosition |
Provides detailed information about a position within the road network.
IRoutingModule |
Interface to access the central navigation component from road side units.
ItefLogging |
This extension of Interaction is used to exchange log-tuples for the ITEF (Integrated Testing and Evaluation Framework).
Ivim |
Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message.
IvimContent |
IWay |
Provides way related properties, such as the maximum allowed speed.
JavaFederateExecutor |
Implementation of FederateExecutor which starts the federate in a Java process (e.g.
JavaFederateParameters |
Provides parameter for federate processes which run in a Java virtual machine.
JsonUtils |
JunctionGetPosition |
JunctionGetPosition |
JunctionGetPosition |
KdTree<T> |
KissRandomNumberGenerator |
LaneAreaDetector |
LaneAreaDetectorInfo |
LaneAreaDetectorInfo.Builder |
LaneAreaDetectorSubscription |
This extension of Interaction is sent when a unit wants to subscribe for data of a SUMO lane area detector.
LaneAreaSubscribe |
LaneAreaSubscribe |
LaneAreaSubscribe |
LaneAreaSubscriptionResult |
This class summarizes the results of the lane area.
LaneAreaSubscriptionTraciReader |
LaneAssignment |
Stores allowed vehicle classes for a specific lane.
LaneChangeMode |
LaneGetLength |
LaneGetLength |
LaneGetLength |
LaneGetShape |
This class represents the SUMO command to retrieve the shape of a lane.
LaneGetShape |
LaneGetShape |
LaneIndexSelector |
LanePropertyChange |
This extension of Interaction contains lane properties to be changed.
LaneSetAllow |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the allowed classes to a specific lane.
LaneSetAllow |
LaneSetAllow |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the allowed classes to a specific lane.
LaneSetDisallow |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the disallowed classes to a specific lane.
LaneSetDisallow |
LaneSetDisallow |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the disallowed classes to a specific lane.
LaneSetMaxSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the maximum lane speed.
LaneSetMaxSpeed |
LaneSetMaxSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which sets the maximum lane speed.
LazyGeoProjection |
LazyGeoProjection.ProjectionFactory |
LazyLoadingConnection |
LazyLoadingNode |
LazyLoadingRoadPosition |
Provides information about a road position.
LeadFollowVehicle |
Holds information about the leading or following vehicle.
LibSumoAmbassador |
Implementation of the bridge between MOSAIC and SUMO using the native libsumojni binding provided with SUMO.
LibSumoBridge |
Implementation of the SumoBridge which uses methods provided by SUMO via JNI.
LineString<T extends Vector3d> |
LineString.Vecs |
LineString.Walker<T> |
ListTraciReader<T> |
ListTraciWriter<T> |
LocalFederationManagement |
This implementation of FederationManagement allows local
administration only.
Locatable |
Interface that marks a OperatingSystem as locatable,
meaning that is located somewhere in world and is able to provide its location.
MappingAmbassador |
The Mapping-Ambassador
MathUtils |
Matrix3d |
Matrix4d |
MatrixElementOrder |
MaxFilter |
Filter which accepts object which are lower than the configured value.
MeanErrorAggregator |
MessageRouting |
MessageStreamRouting |
MinFilter |
Filter which accepts object which are greater than the configured value.
Monitor |
MosaicApplication |
Provides MOSAIC specific features.
MosaicClassLoader |
This ClassLoader allows to load classes from a user specified location.
MosaicComponentParameters |
MosaicComponentProvider |
MosaicConformVehicleIdTransformer |
Several components of Eclipse MOSAIC expect the identifier of the vehicles to
match the following expression: ^veh_[0-9]+$.
MosaicInteractionHandlingApp |
This is a simple application to send a MOSAIC-interaction to all simulators.
MosaicParameters |
MosaicRtiAmbassador |
Implementation of RtiAmbassador that forwards all requests to
responsible service bundle.
MosaicSimulation |
MosaicSimulation.ComponentProviderFactory |
MosaicSimulation.SimulationResult |
Provides technical properties of the simulation run, such as the duration
or its success status.
MosaicStarter |
This class contains a main method that configures a Eclipse MOSAIC simulation based
on an XML file.
MosaicStarter.ExecutionException |
MosaicVersion |
This class provides the version of the currently used MOSAIC build.
MultiThreadedEventScheduler |
MultiThreadedTimeManagement |
MultithreadSamplingApp |
This is a simple application to demonstrate a concurrency task.
MutableCartesianPoint |
MutableGeoPoint |
MutableUtmPoint |
MyInteraction |
Example interaction.
Navigable |
NavigationModule |
Implementation of the interface to access the central navigation component.
NegativeAckReason |
Additional details, when a message could not be sent successfully.
NetworkAddress |
Address network node (can be source or destination).
NetworkEntityIdTransformer |
Node |
This represents a node in the network graph.
NodeCapacityUtility |
Static methods for handling the bandwidth calculation.
NodeFinder |
A spatial index which searches for the closest node to a specified geo location.
NodeUtility |
This class contains static methods to make the handling of the configuration of the nodes easier.
NopFederateExecutor |
A FederateExecutor implementation which does nothing when called (no-operation).
NopPerceptionModule |
Extension of AbstractPerceptionModule which gets instantiated if the vehicle index provider wasn't configured
in the application configuration.
NoRouting |
Implementation of Routing if no scenario database
or any other road traffic map is present.
NotProcessingApp |
This application is used only as an addition to the InterconnectApp.
Ns3Ambassador |
Implementation of the ambassador for the ns-3 network simulator.
ObjectInputStreamWithClassLoader |
ObjectInstantiation<T> |
Instantiate Java objects using a file contains a JSON encoded object.
OmnetppAmbassador |
Implementation of the ambassador for the OMNeT++ network simulator.
OnDemandPerRegionBandwidthMeasurements |
OnVehicleUpdatedApp |
This is a simple application to react on a vehicle info update.
OperatingSystem |
This interface describes all necessary functionality for units to be
OperatingSystemAccess<OS extends OperatingSystem> |
This interface is to be used to access the operating system of a
OptionalTurnCostProvider |
OriginDestinationPair |
Class containing the information about an OD-pair (Origin, Destination).
OriginDestinationVehicleFlowGenerator |
OutdatedDatabaseException |
Indicates that the scenario database is outdated and needs to be converted with the
tool scenario-convert.
OutputAmbassador |
Ambassador/federate to generate outputs of the simulation.
OutputGeneratorLoader |
A template class for runtime loadable output generators config classes, also serves as a factory
for creating actual AbstractOutputGenerator instances).
PackageSpecificTypeAdapter<T> |
This TypeAdapterFactory allows to create an object from JSON definition
based on a "type" attribute.
PerceptionApp |
PerceptionModel |
PerceptionModifier |
PerceptionModule<ConfigT extends PerceptionModuleConfiguration> |
PerceptionModuleConfiguration |
PerceptionModuleOwner |
Perceptive |
PerformanceInformation |
Mutable information about the performance of the simulation.
PerformanceMonitor |
PerRegionBandwidthMeasurement |
Measures the bandwidth acquired by vehicles within each simulation time step.
Plane |
PoiAdd |
This class adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiAdd |
This class adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiAdd |
This class adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiFacade |
Point<T extends Point<T>> |
PointBoundingBox |
This bounding box can be used for objects that should be treated to have a single-point position and not span into any dimensions.
PointCloud |
This class represents a point cloud based on the Vector3d coordinate system.
PointCloud.Point |
A PointCloud.Point of the point cloud consists of its coordinates, an identifier
of the type of object the point has hit, and the distance to the point cloud origin.
PointCloud.PointReference |
PointCloudSerialization |
PoiRemove |
This removes adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiRemove |
This removes adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiRemove |
This removes adds a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetAngle |
This rotates a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetAngle |
This rotates a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetAngle |
This rotates a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetHeight |
This class sets the height of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetHeight |
This class sets the height of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetHeight |
This class sets the height of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetImage |
This class sets the image path of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetImage |
This class sets the image path of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetImage |
This class sets the image path of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetWidth |
This class sets the width of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetWidth |
This class sets the width of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoiSetWidth |
This class sets the width of a PoI object in the SUMO-GUI.
PoissonSpawningMode |
The poisson mode of spawning vehicles with exponential time gaps
based on a given target flow.
Polygon<T extends Point<T>> |
PolygonTraciReader |
PolymorphismTypeAdapterFactory |
De/Serializes objects by adding a "__class" field to the JSON output.
PolymorphismTypeAdapterFactory.PolymorphismTypeAdapter<R> |
Position |
Type, which should be used to define the position of an entity.
Position2dTraciReader |
Position3dTraciReader |
PositionModifier |
ProcessLoggingThread |
ProtobufConversion<ProtobufT> |
ProtobufConversion.Builder<ProtobufT> |
ProtocolType |
Enumeration of transport protocol types.
PublicTransportData |
PublicTransportData.Builder |
PublicTransportData.StoppingPlace |
Class representing a vehicle stopping place.
PublicTransportData.StoppingPlace.Builder |
QuadTree<T> |
Implements a spatial index for 2-dimensional objects (on the X,Z plane) based on Quad-Tree implementation.
QuickHull2d |
This class implements the QuickHull algorithm to compute the convex hull from a set of points.
RadarSensor |
Provided the vehicle has a radar this wraps up all information that could be read
from it.
RandomNumberGenerator |
RandomSamplingIntervalApp |
This is a simple application to demonstrate a sampling in a random interval.
Ray |
RealtimeSynchronisation |
Synchronizes the simulation time with the real time according to a given realtime factor.
ReceivedAcknowledgement |
ReceivedV2xMessage |
Rectangle<T extends Point<T>> |
A Rectangle represents an immutable pair of two different points.
ReferenceEllipsoid |
RegexFilter |
Filter which accepts object which match the configured regular expression.
RegionCapacityUtility |
Static methods for handling the bandwidth calculation.
RegionsIndex |
Provides a spatial index for regions.
RegionsNamingStrategy |
RegionUtility |
This class contains static methods to make the region handling easier.
RegistrationSubscriptionTypes |
This Class is used to identify initialization interaction types.
RemoveVehicles |
This class is to be used as an Event resource,
it contains a list of vehicle names to be removed.
ReRouteSpecificConnectionsCostFunction |
A route cost function which uses driving time on roads for the costs.
Restriction |
This represents a turn restriction.
Restriction.Type |
RetransmissionLossUtility |
Cellular Pr/Pl utility to determine packet retransmission and loss in regions.
RingBuffer<T> |
Ring buffer implementation.
RoadPositionFactory |
RoadSideUnit |
This class represents a Road Side Unit in the application simulator.
RoadSideUnitApp |
Road Side Unit Application used for MOSAIC Tiergarten Tutorial.
RoadSideUnitCamSendingApp |
ETSI conform application for road side units.
RoadSideUnitOperatingSystem |
RoadSideUnitSpawner |
Class responsible for configuring Road Side Units to be added to the simulation.
RotationMatrix |
Roundabout |
This represents a roundabout.
RoundRobinLaneIndexSelector |
Look up
Routable |
Route |
This is a complete route that can be driven by a vehicle.
RouteAdd |
This class represents the SUMO command which adds a route to the scenario.
RouteAdd |
RouteAdd |
This class represents the SUMO command which adds a route to the scenario.
RouteFacade |
RouteFixer |
Provides methods to fix routes, e.g.
RouteGetEdges |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the edge Id's of a route.
RouteGetEdges |
RouteGetEdges |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the edge Id's of a route.
RouteGetIds |
RouteGetIds |
RouteGetIds |
RoutelessVehicleRegistration |
RouteManager |
Provides some helper methods which makes route handling easier.
Routing |
Interface providing a routing API for applications.
RoutingAlgorithmFactory |
Factory to instantiate the routing algorithm to be used.
RoutingCostFunction |
Interface to calculate a cost function for the edges in order to find the best route.
RoutingParameters |
Class containing parameters for route calculation.
RoutingPosition |
Class containing parameters for determining the routing position.
RoutingRequest |
Class containing information for a routing request.
RoutingResponse |
Class containing the response for a routing request.
RsuAwarenessData |
RsuMapping |
A Road Side Unit (RSU) that is equipped with applications.
RsuRegistration |
This extension of Interaction informs that a new Road Side Unit (RSU) has been added to the simulation.
RsuType |
Enumeration of rsu types.
RtiAmbassador |
This interface is offered to each FederateAmbassador to allow
communication to the RTI.
SansonFlamsteedCalculator |
ScenarioTrafficLightRegistration |
The TrafficLight Interaction contains the phases and their duration of each traffic light in the simulation.
ScenarioVehicleRegistration |
This extension of Interaction is sent by any simulator, which launches vehicles by
itself (e.g., SUMO by using predefined scenarios).
Segment |
Contains segment information and vehicle control advices for each segment.
SegmentPosition |
Start or end position of a Segment.
SensorType |
Enumeration of sensor types that are available in a vehicle.
SensorValue |
SensorValue.SensorStatus |
SequentialTimeManagement |
This class is a sequential implementation of the TimeManagement
SerializationUtils<T> |
Default Java serialization for objects.
ServerMapping |
A Server simulation unit that is equipped with applications.
ServerOperatingSystem |
Note: This interface is empty for now and currently only functions as a marker-interface.
ServerRegistration |
This extension of Interaction informs that a new Server has been added to the simulation.
ServerSpawner |
Class responsible for configuring Servers to be added to the simulation.
ServerUnit |
This class represents a Server in the application simulator.
SimpleAdhocTransmissionModel |
SimpleCommuterApp |
This application simulates the behaviour of a commuting vehicle.
SimpleGeoCalculator |
SimpleOcclusion |
SimplePerceptionConfiguration |
SimplePerceptionConfiguration.Builder |
SimplePerceptionModule |
A perception module which detects all vehicles within the defined field of view.
SimpleRandomDelay |
SimpleRandomDelay delivers number-of-steps different uniformly distributed delays
in the interval defined by min and max.
SimpleRoadPosition |
Default implementation io IRoadPosition which
holds the raw data from the traffic simulation.
SimulationClose |
This class represents the SUMO command which closes the simulation.
SimulationClose |
SimulationClose |
This class represents the SUMO command which closes the simulation.
SimulationData |
SimulationData Singleton that manages all dynamic simulation data from MOSAIC.
SimulationFacade |
SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id's of the vehicles departed the simulation.
SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds |
SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id's of the vehicles departed the simulation.
SimulationGetTrafficLightIds |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id's of the traffic light groups.
SimulationGetTrafficLightIds |
SimulationGetTrafficLightIds |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id's of the traffic light groups.
SimulationGetVersion |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the version of the Traci API.
SimulationGetVersion |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the version of the Traci API.
SimulationGetVersion.CurrentVersion |
SimulationKernel |
SimulationNode |
Aspects of an active simulation entity in SNS (position, communication radius).
SimulationSimulateStep |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the simulation step.
SimulationSimulateStep |
SimulationSimulateStep |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the simulation step.
SimulationTraciRequest |
Implementation for a byte array message from the simulation.
SimulationTraciRequest |
Implementation for a byte array message from the simulation.
SlowDownApp |
This application shall induce vehicles to slow down in hazardous environments.
SnsAmbassador |
Implementation of the Simple Network Simulator (SNS).
SocketUtils |
SophisticatedAdhocTransmissionModel |
SourceAddressContainer |
A container for a source network address.
SpatialItemAdapter<T> |
SpatialItemAdapter.AreaAdapter<T extends Area<?>> |
SpatialItemAdapter.EdgeAdapter<T extends Edge<?>> |
SpatialItemAdapter.PointAdapter<T extends Vector3d> |
SpatialObject<T extends SpatialObject<T>> |
SpatialObjectAdapter<T extends SpatialObject> |
SpatialObjectBoundingBox |
This interface shall be implemented by all classes representing the bounding box of a SpatialObject .
SpatialTree<T> |
SpatialTreeTraverser<T> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.CenterDistanceBased<T> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.InCartesianPolygon<T extends CartesianPolygon> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.InGeoPolygon<T extends GeoPolygon> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.InPolygon<P extends Point<P>,T extends Polygon<P>> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.InRadius<T> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.KNearest<T> |
SpatialTreeTraverser.Nearest<T> |
Spatm |
Signal Phase and Timing Message
SpatmContent |
Signal Phase and Timing Message
Spawner |
SpawningFramework |
Framework doing the actual work.
SpawningMode |
SpecificEventProcessingApp |
This is a simple application that shows that we can process events in different methods
thereby creating different types of events.
SpeedLimit |
Tells the speed limit for a specific lane.
SpeedMode |
SpeedUtils |
SQLiteReader |
This reads all objects from an SQLite database into the given object database.
SQLiteTypeDetector |
This is a detector for files of version 3.
SQLiteWriter |
This stores all objects from the given object database to a persistent SQLite database.
StartApplications |
Status |
Class representing the status of a request sent to TraCI.
StatusReader |
StochasticSelector<T extends Weighted> |
Helper class allowing the random and pseudo-random selection of multiple
StoppingPlaceReader |
StreamListener |
StreamListener.StreamParticipant |
Helper class which describes a stream participant includes :
- Region of the participant.
StreamListener.StreamProperties |
Helper class describes a stream that includes the properties :
- application class.
StreamProcessor |
Encapsulates the processing of a message transmission within both up- and downstream modules.
StreamResult |
Generic message for stream modules (can be either Up or Down).
StringTraciReader |
StringTraciWriter |
SumoAmbassador |
SumoGuiAmbassador |
Extension of the SumoAmbassador starting the GUI
of SUMO instead of the CLI.
SumoIndex |
SumoLaneChangeMode |
Class to set the LaneChangeMode via TraCI.
SumoPerceptionModule |
SumoSpeedMode |
SumoTraciInteractionApp |
This application shows how to interact with SUMO through the interface
provided by MOSAIC which allows sending messages to TraCI and reacting on received TraCI response.
SumoTraciRequest |
This extension of Interaction is used to send a byte array to SUMO TraCI.
SumoTraciResponse |
SumoTraciResult |
Provides information for the result of a previously called SUMO command.
SumoTrafficLightLogic |
This class represents a traffic light program based on SUMO definition
as described on
SumoTrafficLightLogic.Phase |
A helper class represents the switch phases of the traffic light.
SumoVar |
SumoVar.WithIntParam |
SumoVar.WithParam |
SumoVehicleClassMapping |
SumoVehicleTypesWriter |
This class creates a new SUMO additional file containing vehicle types added from RTI e.g.
SumoVersion |
SurroundingVehicle |
A container class holding basic information about a surrounding or detected vehicle object.
Constant time units in MOSAIC.
TimeCache<T extends Identifiable> |
This cache is a time based cache.
TimeFieldAdapter<N extends Number> |
Adapter for JSON fields which translates values as string representatives to
actual long values (nanoseconds), e.g.
TimeFieldAdapter.DoubleSeconds |
TimeFieldAdapter.DoubleSecondsNullable |
TimeFieldAdapter.DoubleSecondsQuiet |
TimeFieldAdapter.DoubleSecondsQuietNullable |
TimeFieldAdapter.LegacyMilliSeconds |
TimeFieldAdapter.LegacyMilliSecondsQuiet |
TimeFieldAdapter.LegacySeconds |
TimeFieldAdapter.LegacySecondsQuiet |
TimeFieldAdapter.NanoSeconds |
TimeFieldAdapter.NanoSecondsQuiet |
TimeManagement |
The time management is responsible for continuing the simulation process and
synchronizing participating simulators.
TmcMapping |
A Traffic Management Center (TMC) simulation unit that is equipped with applications.
TmcRegistration |
This extension of Interaction informs about a new Traffic Management Center (TMC) added to the simulation.
ToDataOutput |
TraciClientBridge |
Implementation of the bridge between MOSAIC and SUMO using an own TraCI client implementation.
TraciDatatypes |
TraciSimulationStepResult |
TraciVersion |
TrafficDetectorUpdates |
This extension of Interaction combines updates of lane area and induction loop detectors.
TrafficLight |
Represents a traffic light (signal) within a traffic light group.
TrafficLightAddProgram |
Adds a complete definition of a traffic light program.
TrafficLightAddProgram |
TrafficLightAddProgram |
Adds a complete definition of a traffic light program.
TrafficLightApp |
TrafficLightApplication |
All applications accessing traffic light functionality
are to implement this interface.
TrafficLightAwarenessData |
TrafficLightCamSendingApp |
ETSI conform application for traffic lights.
TrafficLightControlApp |
Simple Traffic Light example Application.
TrafficLightFacade |
TrafficLightGetControlledJunctions |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the list of controlled junctions by traffic light apps.
TrafficLightGetControlledJunctions |
TrafficLightGetControlledJunctions |
TrafficLightGetControlledLanes |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the controlled lanes by traffic light apps.
TrafficLightGetControlledLanes |
TrafficLightGetControlledLanes |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the controlled lanes by traffic light apps.
TrafficLightGetControlledLinks |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the links controlled by a traffic light.
TrafficLightGetControlledLinks |
TrafficLightGetControlledLinks |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the links controlled by a traffic light.
TrafficLightGetControlledLinks.TrafficLightControlledLink |
TrafficLightGetCurrentPhase |
TrafficLightGetCurrentPhase |
TrafficLightGetCurrentPhase |
TrafficLightGetCurrentProgram |
This class retrieves the current traffic light program.
TrafficLightGetCurrentProgram |
TrafficLightGetCurrentProgram |
This class retrieves the current traffic light program.
TrafficLightGetPrograms |
Retrieves complete definitions of all traffic light programs.
TrafficLightGetPrograms |
TrafficLightGetPrograms |
Retrieves complete definitions of all traffic light programs.
TrafficLightGetState |
This class retrieves the current state of the traffic light application.
TrafficLightGetState |
TrafficLightGetState |
This class retrieves the current state of the traffic light application.
TrafficLightGetTimeOfNextSwitch |
TrafficLightGetTimeOfNextSwitch |
TrafficLightGetTimeOfNextSwitch |
TrafficLightGroup |
Class represents a group of traffic lights that together control a junction.
TrafficLightGroupInfo |
This class is a container for traffic light update.
TrafficLightGroupUnit |
Simulation unit that represents a traffic light group.
TrafficLightIndex |
TrafficLightMapping |
A traffic light simulation unit that is equipped with applications.
TrafficLightNode |
TrafficLightObject |
TrafficLightOperatingSystem |
Important: when using the methods of this OS be aware that the method
that will be called after receiving traffic light subscription results from SUMO,
has higher priority (see EventNicenessPriorityRegister )
than processing of a not specific event in an application which doesn't happen inside of Application.onStartup() method
and therefore is called *before* the event is processed in an application using this OS.
TrafficLightPhaseWriter |
TrafficLightProgram |
Represents a program for a traffic light group.
TrafficLightProgramPhase |
This class represents a traffic light phase within a traffic light program,
characterized by its duration and certain states of traffic lights.
TrafficLightProgramTraciReader |
TrafficLightRegistration |
This extension of Interaction contains
the reference to a TrafficLightGroup object that describes the traffic lights forming the group and all available programs
and collection of lanes that are controlled by this group.
TrafficLightSetPhaseIndex |
TrafficLightSetPhaseIndex |
TrafficLightSetPhaseIndex |
TrafficLightSetProgram |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the traffic light program.
TrafficLightSetProgram |
TrafficLightSetProgram |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the traffic light program.
TrafficLightSetRemainingPhaseDuration |
TrafficLightSetRemainingPhaseDuration |
TrafficLightSetRemainingPhaseDuration |
TrafficLightSetState |
TrafficLightSetState |
TrafficLightSetState |
TrafficLightSpawner |
Class responsible for configuring Traffic Lights to be added to the simulation.
TrafficLightState |
Represents a state of a traffic light.
TrafficLightStateChange |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
forward a request to change the state of a simulated traffic light.
TrafficLightStateChange.ParamType |
Identifies which kind of parameter type is used in this TrafficLightStateChange.
TrafficLightStateDecoder |
TrafficLightSubscribe |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the traffic light to the application.
TrafficLightSubscribe |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the traffic light to the application.
TrafficLightSubscribe |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the traffic light to the application.
TrafficLightSubscription |
TrafficLightSubscriptionReader |
Converts a TraCI response to a subscribed traffic light into a traffic light subscription result.
TrafficLightSubscriptionResult |
Information received from SUMO about a traffic light that we have subscribed to.
TrafficLightTree |
TrafficLightUpdates |
An interaction that contains updated traffic light groups information,
which was received based on subscriptions through TraciSimulationFacade#simulateUntil(time).
TrafficManagementCenterApplication |
All applications accessing traffic management center functionality
are to implement this interface.
TrafficManagementCenterOperatingSystem |
TrafficManagementCenterOperatingSystem.ChangeLaneState |
TrafficManagementCenterSpawner |
Class responsible for configuring Traffic Management Centers to be added to the simulation.
TrafficManagementCenterUnit |
This class represents a Traffic Management Center in the application simulator.
TrafficObjectIndex |
TrafficObjectIndex.Builder |
TrafficSign<T> |
The basics of any traffic sign.
TrafficSignAwareApplication |
TrafficSignLaneAssignment |
Represents a traffic sign that assigns VehicleClass es to lanes.
TrafficSignLaneAssignmentChange |
This interaction can be sent to TrafficSignAmbassador in order to change a variable lane assignment sign.
TrafficSignManager |
TrafficSignRegistration |
This extension of Interaction informs about a new traffic sign added to the simulation.
TrafficSignSpeed |
Represents a traffic speed sign.
TrafficSignSpeedLimitChange |
This interaction can be sent to TrafficSignAmbassador in order to change a variable speed sign.
TransformationMatrix |
An special version of the Matrix4d providing further methods to
describe scaling, rotation, and translation in the 3-dimensional space.
TransmissionMode |
TransmissionModel |
Logic of the loss probability model to simulate packet transmission.
TransmissionParameter |
Class holding all necessary information for the calculation of a transmission.
TransmissionResult |
Result from Pr/Pl Model for determination of packet retransmission and loss.
TransmissionSimulator |
Tuple<A,B> |
TurnCostAnalyzer |
Calculates costs for all turns of a traffic network.
TypeBasedInteractionManagement |
TypeBasedTraciReader |
TypeFieldTypeAdapter<T> |
A type adapter which creates an object of a specific type based on a hidden "type" field.
UnitData |
General unit data container for e.g.
UnitFieldAdapter |
Adapter for JSON fields which translates values as string representatives to
actual double values, e.g.
UnitFieldAdapter.CapacityAmpereHour |
UnitFieldAdapter.CapacityAmpereHourQuiet |
UnitFieldAdapter.CurrentAmpere |
UnitFieldAdapter.CurrentAmpereQuiet |
UnitFieldAdapter.DistanceMeters |
UnitFieldAdapter.DistanceMetersQuiet |
UnitFieldAdapter.SpeedMS |
UnitFieldAdapter.SpeedMSQuiet |
UnitFieldAdapter.VoltageVolt |
UnitFieldAdapter.VoltageVoltQuiet |
UnitFieldAdapter.WeightKiloGrams |
UnitFieldAdapter.WeightKiloGramsQuiet |
UnitLogger |
Log facade for units and their applications, provides various convenience functions on top of the general Logger interface.
UnitLoggerImpl |
UnitMapping |
A simulation unit which may be equipped with applications.
UnitNameComparator |
Comparator to sort simulation units the derived objects as
vehicles, rsu and so on by alphanumeric order (natural order).
UnitNameGenerator |
Helper class to generate unique names for the objects in the simulation.
UnitSimulator |
The UnitSimulator is a singleton responsible for registering/removing AbstractSimulationUnit s to/from the
simulation, enabling the units' sensors and loading the units' applications.
UnitType |
UpstreamModule |
This module simulates the Uplink in the RAN-part (radio access network) of the cellular network.
UserTaggedValueReadingApp |
This is a simple application that reads received V2X messages and logs either the user tagged value if the received message was a CAM
or the message type and source name if it wasn't a CAM.
UtmGeoCalculator |
UtmPoint |
UtmPointAdapter |
UtmZone |
This class provide a zone for the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate
V2xFullMessageReception |
This extension of V2xMessageReception is intended to be used to
exchange information about a received V2X message, which is generated
out of the application simulator and not added to the according cache.
V2xMessage |
Base class for any V2X message to be exchanged among simulation entities.
V2xMessage.Empty |
Empty message for communication testing purposes.
V2xMessageAcknowledgement |
This extension of Interaction is used by a communication simulator to inform about success or failure
of a packet transmission.
V2xMessageReception |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
exchange information about a received V2X message.
V2xMessageRemoval |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
exchange information about to delete V2X messages.
V2xMessageTransmission |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
exchange information about a sent V2X message.
V2xReceiverInformation |
Contains the receive signal strength of a V2X communication.
Vector3d |
VectorUtils |
VehicleAdd |
VehicleAdd |
VehicleAdd |
VehicleApplication |
All applications on vehicles that should be informed about the vehicles movements should implement this interface.
VehicleAwarenessData |
This contains the AwarenessData for a CAM in the context of a vehicle acting as a sender.
VehicleBatteryUpdates |
This extension of Interaction is used to inform the applications of simulation units about
changed BatteryData .
VehicleBoundingBox |
An object representing a vehicles' 2D bounding box.
VehicleCamSendingApp |
ETSI conform application for vehicles.
VehicleChargingDenial |
This extension of Interaction is sent out by the Charging Station Ambassador to inform the
Application Simulator (the vehicles) when a charging station is already in use.
VehicleChargingStartRequest |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a request from a vehicle
to start charging its battery at a ChargingStationData to the RTI.
VehicleChargingStopRequest |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a request from a vehicle
to stop charging its battery at a ChargingStationData to the RTI.
VehicleClass |
Enumeration of vehicle types.
VehicleConfigurationApp |
This is a simple application to demonstrate a configurable application.
VehicleConsumptions |
Provides consumptions of a vehicle.
VehicleContextSubscriptionResult |
This class summarizes the results of the vehicle subscription.
VehicleContextSubscriptionTraciReader |
VehicleData |
This class is used as a container for any vehicle data.
VehicleData.Builder |
A builder for creating VehicleData objects without using the monstrous constructor.
VehicleDeparture |
VehicleDeparture.Builder |
VehicleDeparture.DepartureSpeedMode |
VehicleDeparture.LaneSelectionMode |
VehicleEmissions |
Provide emissions of a vehicle.
VehicleEncoding |
Collection of all EncodedValue implementations
required for a vehicle to function within the GraphHopper context.
VehicleEncodingManager |
In GraphHopper, any data for edges, nodes, and turns, are stored with as low overhead
as possible.
VehicleFacade |
VehicleFederateAssignment |
This extension of Interaction is intended for the
Phabmacs + SUMO Controlling Ambassador (PhaSCA) to notify SUMO and
Phabmacs of any vehicles that are simulated externally.
VehicleFlowGenerator |
Class for traffic stream generation.
VehicleGetParameter |
This class reads a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleGetParameter |
This class reads a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleGetParameter |
This class reads a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleGetRouteId |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id of the vehicle route.
VehicleGetRouteId |
VehicleGetRouteId |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id of the vehicle route.
VehicleGetTeleportingList |
VehicleGetTeleportingList |
VehicleGetTeleportingList |
VehicleGetVehicleTypeId |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id of the vehicle type.
VehicleGetVehicleTypeId |
VehicleGetVehicleTypeId |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to get the Id of the vehicle type.
VehicleGrid |
VehicleIdTraciReader |
This class reads a vehicle ID from the TraCI connection during
command execution.
VehicleIdTraciWriter |
This class writes a vehicle ID to the TraCI connection during
command execution.
VehicleIndex |
VehicleLaneChange |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
forward a request to change the lane of a simulated vehicle.
VehicleLaneChange.VehicleLaneChangeMode |
This mode tells what is the target lane from the current lane of the vehicle.
VehicleMapping |
A vehicle simulation unit that is equipped with applications.
VehicleObject |
VehicleOperatingSystem |
VehicleParameter |
VehicleParameter.VehicleParameterType |
VehicleParameters |
VehicleParameters.VehicleParametersChangeRequest |
VehicleParametersChange |
VehicleReferenceUtils |
Utility class collecting methods to work with vehicle positions, such
as converting the reference point from center to front bumper and vice versa.
VehicleRegistration |
This extension of Interaction is sent by the mapping ambassador to inform every component
about a newly registered vehicle.
VehicleResume |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a request to resume a
stopped vehicle to the RTI.
VehicleRoute |
This is a complete route that can be driven by a vehicle.
VehicleRouteChange |
This extension of Interaction changes the vehicles route.
VehicleRouteRegistration |
Extension of Interaction that propagates information about an added route.
VehicleRoutesInitialization |
This extension of Interaction is sent by navigation ambassador, after vehicle route generation.
VehicleSeenTrafficSignsUpdate |
This extension of Interaction stores a map of all traffic signs which are in sight
distance of a specific vehicle and a map of all traffic signs which became invalid for that vehicle.
VehicleSensorActivation |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to activate vehicle sensors.
VehicleSensorActivation.SensorType |
VehicleSensors |
Contains all information from sensors this vehicle has.
VehicleSetChangeLane |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a lane for the vehicle for a specific time.
VehicleSetChangeLane |
VehicleSetChangeLane |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a lane for the vehicle for a specific time.
VehicleSetColor |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the color of a vehicle.
VehicleSetColor |
VehicleSetColor |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the color of a vehicle.
VehicleSetHighlight |
This class highlights a specific vehicle in the SUMO-GUI.
VehicleSetHighlight |
This class highlights a specific vehicle in the SUMO-GUI.
VehicleSetHighlight |
This class highlights a specific vehicle in the SUMO-GUI.
VehicleSetImperfection |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set an imperfection value for the driver.
VehicleSetImperfection |
VehicleSetImperfection |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set an imperfection value for the driver.
VehicleSetLaneChangeMode |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the lane-change-mode as following.
VehicleSetLaneChangeMode |
VehicleSetLaneChangeMode |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the lane-change-mode as following.
VehicleSetMaxAcceleration |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum acceleration for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMaxAcceleration |
VehicleSetMaxAcceleration |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum acceleration for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMaxDeceleration |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum deceleration for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMaxDeceleration |
VehicleSetMaxDeceleration |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum deceleration for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMaxSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum speed for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMaxSpeed |
VehicleSetMaxSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a maximum speed for the vehicle.
VehicleSetMinGap |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a minimum gap between the vehicles in "traffic congestion".
VehicleSetMinGap |
VehicleSetMinGap |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set a minimum gap between the vehicles in "traffic congestion".
VehicleSetMoveToXY |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle move to explicit position.
VehicleSetMoveToXY |
VehicleSetMoveToXY |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle move to explicit position.
VehicleSetMoveToXY.Mode |
Enum class that represents the different mode.
VehicleSetParameter |
This class writes a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleSetParameter |
This class writes a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleSetParameter |
This class writes a parameter value for specific a vehicle.
VehicleSetReactionTime |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle headway in "traffic flow".
VehicleSetReactionTime |
VehicleSetReactionTime |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle headway in "traffic flow".
VehicleSetRemove |
VehicleSetRemove |
VehicleSetRemove |
VehicleSetRemove.Reason |
Enum class that represents the different remove type.
VehicleSetResume |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle value in order to resume the previous properties.
VehicleSetResume |
VehicleSetResume |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the vehicle value in order to resume the previous properties.
VehicleSetRouteById |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to change the vehicles route to the route with the given id.
VehicleSetRouteById |
VehicleSetRouteById |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to change the vehicles route to the route with the given id.
VehicleSetSlowDown |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the new speed value for the vehicle for a specific time.
VehicleSetSlowDown |
VehicleSetSlowDown |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the new speed value for the vehicle for a specific time.
VehicleSetSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed for the vehicle for.
VehicleSetSpeed |
VehicleSetSpeed |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed for the vehicle for.
VehicleSetSpeedFactor |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed factor for the vehicle.
VehicleSetSpeedFactor |
VehicleSetSpeedFactor |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed factor for the vehicle.
VehicleSetSpeedMode |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed mode for the vehicle.
VehicleSetSpeedMode |
VehicleSetSpeedMode |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the speed mode for the vehicle.
VehicleSetStop |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the stop type for the vehicle
VehicleSetStop |
VehicleSetStop |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the stop type for the vehicle
VehicleSetUpdateBestLanes |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the updates of the internal data structures for best lane choice.
VehicleSetUpdateBestLanes |
VehicleSetUpdateBestLanes |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to set the updates of the internal data structures for best lane choice.
VehicleSetVehicleLength |
VehicleSetVehicleLength |
VehicleSetVehicleLength |
VehicleSightDistanceConfiguration |
This extension of Interaction informs about a vehicles' sight distance.
VehicleSignals |
This class provides information about currently active signals visible to the driver.
VehicleSlowDown |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to
forward a request to reduce the speed of a simulated vehicle.
VehicleSpeedChange |
This represents a 'change of speed' instruction to the used traffic simulator.
VehicleSpeedChange.VehicleSpeedChangeType |
These are all available types of speed changes currently supported.
VehicleStop |
This extension of Interaction is intended to be used to forward a request to stop a
vehicle to the RTI.
VehicleStopMode |
Describes how to stop the vehicle / how the vehicle is stopped.
VehicleSubscribe |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
VehicleSubscribe |
VehicleSubscribe |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
VehicleSubscribeSurroundingVehicle |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
VehicleSubscribeSurroundingVehicle |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
VehicleSubscribeSurroundingVehicle |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
VehicleSubscriptionResult |
This class summarizes the results of the vehicle subscription.
VehicleSubscriptionSetFieldOfVision |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to filter a previously created context subscription to
collect all vehicles surrounding a specific vehicle.
VehicleSubscriptionSetFieldOfVision |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to filter a previously created context subscription to
collect all vehicles surrounding a specific vehicle.
VehicleSubscriptionSetFieldOfVision |
This class represents the SUMO command which allows to filter a previously created context subscription to
collect all vehicles surrounding a specific vehicle.
VehicleSubscriptionTraciReader |
VehicleToTrafficLightApp |
VehicleTree |
VehicleType |
This class was created to represent a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetAccel |
This class reads the acceleration value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetAccel |
VehicleTypeGetAccel |
VehicleTypeGetDecel |
This class reads the deceleration value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetDecel |
VehicleTypeGetDecel |
VehicleTypeGetHeight |
This class reads the height value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetHeight |
VehicleTypeGetHeight |
VehicleTypeGetLength |
This class reads the length value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetLength |
VehicleTypeGetLength |
VehicleTypeGetMaxSpeed |
This class reads the max speed value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetMaxSpeed |
VehicleTypeGetMaxSpeed |
VehicleTypeGetMinGap |
This class reads the min gap value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetMinGap |
VehicleTypeGetMinGap |
VehicleTypeGetSigma |
This class reads the sigma value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetSigma |
VehicleTypeGetSigma |
VehicleTypeGetSpeedFactor |
This class reads the speed factor value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetSpeedFactor |
VehicleTypeGetSpeedFactor |
VehicleTypeGetTau |
This class reads the tau value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetTau |
VehicleTypeGetTau |
VehicleTypeGetVClass |
This class reads the vclass value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetVClass |
VehicleTypeGetVClass |
VehicleTypeGetWidth |
This class reads the width value for specific a vehicle type.
VehicleTypeGetWidth |
VehicleTypeGetWidth |
VehicleTypesInitialization |
This is the first Interaction sent in every simulation, it contains predefined
vehicle types.
VehicleTypeSpawner |
This class defines how a vehicle type can be spawned using
information provided by the json configuration.
VehicleUnit |
This class represents a vehicle in the application simulator.
VehicleUpdates |
This extension of Interaction is used to update the position of some or all vehicles
of the simulation.
Wall |
This is a wrapper object for the outline of a Building .
WallIndex |
WallOcclusion |
A simple perception modifier which removes all vehicles behind walls.
WallTree |
WatchDog |
WatchDogThread |
This thread is used to monitor a federate.
Way |
This represents a number of edges in the network graph.
WayTypeEncoder |
Stores additional properties on an edge to describe the way-type of an edge.
WeatherServerApp |
This class acts as an omniscient application for a server that warns vehicles
about certain hazards on the road.
WeatherWarningApp |
Class implementing the application interface and fulfilling a re-routing
based on changing weather conditions.
WeatherWarningAppCell |
WebsocketVisualizer |
WebsocketVisualizerLoader |
WebsocketVisualizerServer |
Weighted |
This interface is used to implement objects with a weight.
WeightedSelector<T extends Weighted> |
Wgs84Projection |
Converts WGS84 based coordinates (lat,lon) to cartesian coordinates (x,y)
using a WGS84 to UTM conversion algorithm.
Write |
WriteByFile |
WriteByFileCompress |
Write into gzip compressed file.
WriteByLog |
XmlUtils |