Version 3.4.3 of Eclipse Ditto, released on 05.12.2023
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This is a bugfix release, no new features since 3.4.2 were added.


Compared to the latest release 3.4.2, the following changes and bugfixes were added.



This is a complete list of the merged pull requests.

Update logback 1.2 to mitigate CVE

PR #1835 updates logback to patch version 1.2.13 in order to mitigate the logback CVE CVE-2023-6481.

Helm Chart

The Ditto Helm Chart contained some configuration bugs and enhancements which are also addressed with this bugfix release.

Removed X-Original-URI from NGINX ingress

Bug #1833 about a regression in the Ingress-Nginx configuration of the Ditto helm chart, was resolved via #1834.