Version 3.7.1 of Eclipse Ditto, released on 05.03.2025
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This is a bugfix release, no new features since 3.7.0 were added.


Compared to the latest release 3.7.0, the following changes and bugfixes were added.


This is a complete list of the merged pull requests.

Update SSHD version fixing security vulnerabilities

PR #2133 updates the used dependency sshd-core to the latest version, which fixes the known security vulnerabilities in dependencies of sshd-core.

Fix configuration of throttling of search index after policy update

The Helm chart configuration for the Ditto search index throttling contained a typo which was fixed in PR #2134.

Fix migrate thing definition validation issue for dry-runs

PR #2136 fixes an issue where the error message of a “dry-run” migration of a thing’s definition (added in Ditto 3.7.0) was not correctly returned in case of validation errors.

Fix pre-defined extraFields caused missing extra data for thing creation events

The in Ditto 3.7.0 added configuration option to configure pre-defined extraFields caused for creation of things that the extra fields were missing in the created event. This was fixed in PR #2137.

Fix that kamon configuration was not loaded

PR #2140 fixes that the Kamon configuration was not loaded correctly.

Fix that HTTP push connection issues with slow target endpoints

Issue #2138 brought up that Ditto managed HTTP-push connections could drop messages under load and/or slowly responding HTTP target endpoints.
The exiting configuration for scaling the thread pool were wrong, which was fixed in PR #2139.