Version 3.5.11 of Eclipse Ditto, released on 10.09.2024
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This is a bugfix release, no new features since 3.5.10 were added.


Compared to the latest release 3.5.10, the following changes and bugfixes were added.


This is a complete list of the merged pull requests.

Updating MongoDB Java driver to latest bugfix

The latest MongoDB Java driver (which Ditto updated to in 3.5.10) contained a bug, JAVA-5516, which lead to termination cursors obtained via the reactive API.

This leads e.g. to the Ditto Background cleanup and Background sync not working in Ditto 3.5.10.

Updating to the MongoDB driver version 5.1.4 (containing the fix done in 5.1.3 as well), resolves seen issues about no longer working background sync and cleanup.

Fixes around Docker base image

Additionally, some fixes were done in the Docker image of Ditto, as the baseimage added users for uid 1000 and gid 1000, which were before used by Ditto.

Various configurations were adjusted in order to e.g. not run containers with “root” permissions.