Allow Non-Flow Ports To Switch Sides

Property Value
Type: advanced
Identifier: org.eclipse.elk.layered.allowNonFlowPortsToSwitchSides
Meta Data Provider: options.LayeredMetaDataProvider
Value Type: boolean
Default Value: false (as defined in org.eclipse.elk.layered)
Applies To: ports
Legacy Id: org.eclipse.elk.layered.northOrSouthPort


Specifies whether non-flow ports may switch sides if their node’s port constraints are either FIXED_SIDE or FIXED_ORDER. A non-flow port is a port on a side that is not part of the currently configured layout flow. For instance, given a left-to-right layout direction, north and south ports would be considered non-flow ports. Further note that the underlying criterium whether to switch sides or not solely relies on the minimization of edge crossings. Hence, edge length and other aesthetics criteria are not addressed.