Imports and libraries

Using imports, it is possible to make libraries that can be used by multiple CIF specifications. For instance, consider the following CIF specification in file math.cif:

// math.cif

func int inc(int x):
  return x + 1;

This CIF specification declares a single function inc that takes an integer number and returns that number incremented by one. Now also consider the following CIF specification in file counter.cif:

// counter.cif

import "math.cif";

automaton counter:
  disc int count = 0;

    edge tau do count := inc(count);

By importing the math.cif file, the counter automaton can use the inc function. Other CIF files could similarly import the math.cif file, essentially turning math.cif into a library.

It is possible to make a function library, consisting of commonly used functions, a constant library, with commonly used constants, or an automaton definition library, with automaton definitions. As libraries are just CIF files, they can contain anything as long as they are valid CIF files. Essentially, every CIF file that is imported in more than one other CIF file can be considered a library.

The import as used above, only works if both CIF files are in the same directory. Library files however, are often placed in a different directory. Consider the same two CIF files, but organized into directories (or folders) as follows:

library dir tree

Directory system contains a sub-directories named libraries, which contains the math.cif library. The system directory also contains the counter.cif file. The import in the counter.cif file needs to be adapted to refer to the math.cif file in the libraries directory:

// counter.cif

import "libraries/math.cif";

automaton counter:
  disc int count = 0;

    edge tau do count := inc(count);