Simulation end time and maximum delay

The maximum length of a time transition is determined by several factors:

The current simulation time is the value of variable time. Each time transition starts at the current time.

Using the Simulation end time option (Simulator category), the end time of the simulation can be configured. By setting a simulation end time, you ensure that when the value of variable time reaches that value, the simulation terminates. Settings a simulation end time also limits the maximum length of a time transition, since from the current time, a limited amount of time can pass before the end time is reached. By default the simulation end time is set to 'infinite', which means that simulation termination, and the maximum length of a time transition, are not limited by a simulation end time.

Using the Maximum delay option (Simulator category), the maximum delay amount for a single time transition can be set. If set, no time transitions longer than the specified value may be calculated. This limits the maximum length of time transitions to that value. Essentially, this cuts time transitions into parts with a maximum length specified by this option. By default, the maximum delay is set to 'infinite', which means that the maximum length of a time transition is not limited by this option. Setting a finite maximum delay is mandatory when using the simulator’s execution mode. In other situations, restricting the maximum delay amount for a time transition should generally be avoided. For debugging purposes however, it may be useful to disable passage of time altogether. This can be achieved by using a maximum delay of 0.

If both a simulation end time and a maximum allowed delay amount are specified, the most restrictive of them determines the maximum length of the time transition. If neither is specified, the simulator will attempt to calculate a time transition of length 100.0.